We know from comments and emails that a lot of people are confused about how Labour’s proposed new PIP scoring system works.  So we’ve created an online test to allow you to try the scoring system for yourself.

You can try the test as many times as you want either anonymously or, if you prefer, provide you email address and get the results sent to your inbox as well as appearing onscreen.

Under the proposed new test the mobility component remains exactly the same.

However, for the daily living component, whilst you must still score:

  • 8 points for standard rate
  • 12 points for enhanced rate

 at least one of the descriptors you select must score 4 points or more.  

So, if you select 4 descriptors scoring two points each, that will be 8 points but it will not qualify for an award.

But if you select one descriptor scoring 4 points and two descriptors scoring 2 points, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.

The changes, if they ever happen, will not apply before November 2026.

Please bear in mind that we have only just created this form, so please contact us if you spot any glitches.

And, even more importantly, remember this is just a proposal and may never become law.

 You can try the proposed new PIP test here.

You can also:

keep up with what’s changing and when

find out what you can do if you are unhappy about Labour’s plans

follow the latest news about PIP and UC changes.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 days ago
    I'm waiting on the results of my phone call assessment , my conditions have not gotten any better just  slightly worse with age . It's terrifying ,I hope they are not bringing in the changes on the quiet . At 61 no one would employ me with my conditions 
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    · 6 days ago
    Just emailed my MP(Jonathon Reynolds), and told him in no uncertain terms my thoughts on the new direction of travel of the Labour Party regarding benefits. Shocking and outrageous were just two of the adjectives used. I urge EVERYONE to do the same. It will take 5 mins of your day to do this and if enough people bother it may possibly lead to a rethink by Labour. It’s almost unbelievable that a Labour government would implement these drastic policies on those at the very bottom of society. And all this after Rachel Reeves quote “ Listened to the Non-Dom community “ and backtracked on tax measures for those at the very top. Shameful.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 days ago
      @Hugo Part of my email, though some applicable only to myself.... it took me a week to write! 

      I am in despair that this is the line of the current Labour Government now, and as a disabled person I am being made to feel less than human. I am a life-long Labour supporter (and member when I could afford it, but I don't feel your party are looking after the communities that they used to. Liz Kendall appears to have no empathy and understanding of how disability affects people and the threats to remove much-needed benefits is incredibly frightening.

      I fear that I will not have enough to live on, when already myself, and most of the rest of the disabled community are living BELOW the poverty line. My heating only comes on in one room only during if it falls below 10 degrees C, in this room, the rest go unheated. The winters feel very long and hard, and I cannot wait for the Spring and Summer to arrive. I am good at budgeting and eat simply but cannot cook due to illness. Losing or lowering my modest income will not help me to get into work, by being beaten by a stick in this way. I wish so much I could work, but it exacerbates my conditions when I do anything physical or mental, and there is no routine to the good hours or days I do get if I am lucky. No job will allow for so few hours and complete flexibility. I would be off sick for many weeks at a time, my health will deteriorate to being bedbound again very quickly. DLA or PIP does not affect work, as you must know, in fact those who can, need this to cover access e.g. taxis when public transport is impossible, that is what it is for, to make up the gaps that you and able-bodied people take for granted. For someone not able to work it helps to pay bills to charge my electric wheelchair, for taxis to get to the supermarket, to buy higher-cost pre-prepared food etc. I wish it was enough to cover 1:1 support, but it doesnt anymore. We need money to care for ourselves, as best we can. Therefore to frame the threatened cuts as enabling disabled people to get into work is ridiculous, it does the opposite.

      I can understand the Labour stance on farmers/Inheritance Tax and even the Winter Fuel Allowance for wealthier pensioners being removed, when there is little money to go round and the books need to be balanced. I do not understand the logic of these cuts and the effects they will have on disabled people. There is no sense to it, it is cruel.

      Mr Reynolds, please can you justify why this is OK? There is next to zero Benefit Fraud in this group, people simply need this money to survive on. Cuts will not make people suddenly cured and healthy and able to work. What about those who have money, with several millionaires speaking out to say they would happily pay more tax? What about the tax-avoidant ultra-wealthy? The billions lost to Tory contracts in the pandemic? Expenses for MPs who already have a high salary? The royal family have successful businesses and don't need benefit handouts from us.

      Why target the poorest, make them even poorer. We have the 3rd lowest welfare support in Europe, and the most difficult system to navigate. It needs to be made easier not harder to qualify. You might target those with mental health or neurodivergent conditions, thinking the 'most vulnerable' awill qualify, but this has never been the case since assessments go to companies like Atos who work to targets and write lies about applicants. I fear my reassessments. Besides do you know how crippling ND and MH conditons are, meaning people can't go out alone etc?

      As for the increase in numbers of disabled in recent times: this is possibly due to the little issue of a pandemic we had. Not people choosing to be ill and disabled, or choose a work-less existence. The pandemic has disabled many people either with long covid/ME or the fall-out of isolation during the pandemic on their mental health. Not to mention the erosion of health, social and community services through austerity cuts over the years, which leave people in permanent ill health. Poverty causes ill health too, and the cost of living crisis is still real. But you know all of this. The root causes of poverty and ill health need to be addressed for the long term, starting with young children (Surestart was an example of this). Youth services, education, health and community centres all need investment, so that people have the best chance in life. That needs to come first before changes to the benefits system.

      I hope you can reply with any justification you have for raising a relatively paltry amount of money in this cruel way, but this is an essential lifeline to may vulnerable people. I hope too that you will vote against any such changes and support those in your local community who need this support. I hope you will speak up for us when in your cabinet meetings. Benefits are already impossibly stressful and difficult to get, and making this even harder will leave people like me having to live on nothing. This is what leads people to suicide and you will have blood on your hands if this goes ahead. It could be your 'Poll Tax' moment and the end of any support for your party.
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      · 2 days ago
      @David Hi David Jonny R is mine too and I emailed him last week, along very similar lines to you... lets hope he takes notice. I havent heard back yet.
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      · 2 days ago
      @David A template would be good for us who struggle to make our point clear and to use the correct terminology thank you 🙏 
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    · 6 days ago
    The stubbornness,The ill thought out nonsensical idea that stripping those in need of their benefits will suddenly cure all and we will magically seek work astounds me. 
    As if we aren't punished enough. 
    If I was down to a tenner a week a live on that still wouldn't push me into work.. why? Because I'm fighting a daily battle to control pain,  fatigue, breathing problems, palpations, Extreme ibs , and all my other health conditions like the rest of you on here. I dont want this life, so If "liebour " could take it all away that would be a dream ,but until that time you can push us all you like it ain't happening. We won't work because we can't work,it's not a question of when. What's so damn hard for them to understand. If they keep moving the goalposts it does nothing to help. I'm so fed up being a target for whoever runs the run at any given time. Their lack of understanding, empathy, and deliberate masking of the facts ,throwing untruths out to the media Astounds me,they can't be allowed to get away with it. 
    I'm to migrate to UC sometime this yr, then I've a pip review prob next yr. The stress is already killing me ,it's making my conditions worse. But hey kill us off or leave us to starve ,the cleansing is begun. 
    Or did it ever really stop!
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      · 4 days ago
      @The Dogmother @James h Should say Recieveing end*
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      · 5 days ago
      @James h @james h yeah it did start with dla etc ,I was on the revieving end. I'm not new to this s**t that's for sure.

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      · 5 days ago
      @The Dogmother @The dogmother I think the cleansing all started from the dla to pip and the incapacity benefit to esa saga Im nearing the end of my uc migration and that’s sent me to the edge It’s been a “challenge” put it that way and I will probably have a another wca before 2028 when it all ends and the pip I don’t get it and won’t qualify after 2026 with mild autism and at 52 this year so nowhere near retirement I will probably be one of the ones that’s forced into part time work I agree with what you say I feel the same but their will be plenty of high court cases so see what happens 
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    · 6 days ago
    surely its morally wrong to start and change the rules once you have already qualified for the benefit, to make amends for new claims that would be acceptable, if the dwp get away with this just where will this all end, all they are doing is changing the outcome of a claimants award, that cannot be right
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      · 5 days ago
      @James Cutting is caring!
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      · 5 days ago
      @Sam I'd make sure to flood my journal messages (and take screenshots as evidence, in case they delete them), write to my MP, in a journal, and anywhere else that can be used as evidence, that if I were to be unalived, THEY are the reason for it.
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      · 6 days ago
      @Sam A case of double speak right out of 1984 where what they say means precisely the opposite
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      · 6 days ago
      @alan Yeah I don't think morals and doing what's right is high on kendalls priorities. They come up with cost cutting measures then do mental gymnastics to justify it as 'for our own good' and if someone of us end ourselves well we know the line... 'suicide is a complex issue, it would be wrong to say it has only one cause'
      We've been here before
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    · 6 days ago
    These are all Reform policies, stated in their most recent manifesto 
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    · 6 days ago
    Sorry, I'm a bit confused. So if you don't get over four points on the Daily Living, and don't get that, you can still get the mobility component if you pass that? Brains turned to mush with that Green Paper!!
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    · 6 days ago
    Hi all ,I've taken the pip test here and scored 23 points for daily living, and 16 for mobility. Yet after a face to face assessment with the same answers on my pip form I scored 12 points for daily living and 12 points for mobility. The best descriptor scored on daily living by the health professional was 3 points for washing and bathing. I suffer from Avascular Necrosis (death of the bones) I have had 1 hip and full shoulder replaced and need the other hip and shoulder replaced, chronic pain 24/7 , 40mgs morphine daily plus other pain relief, so I'll fail a review? There's no cure for my decease, I'm 69 this year. I've had chronic schizophrenia since my teens ,so if I was 65 I'd be fit to work, now I'll lose my pip.My reward for working and for service to Her Majesty queen Elizabeth 2nd. 
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      · 6 days ago
      @Alison @Alison my last pip telephone interrogation was recorded, made no difference,  she still twisted everything I said. I told her three times how far I had to walk to my sisters car, 8 feet.. she kept saying 8 meters, I said No not meters,Feet.!!! I told her my sister measured it for pip purposes, again she said so thats 8 meters...again i replied 8 feet!!!!!!!  
      She was a very junior nurse ,and hell bent on denying me a fair assessment,  I could hardly breathe whole way along. She wrote I'd a "dry cough" trying to lessen my chest problems, really? Well guess what? GERD gives you a dry cough so she shot herself in the foot. Good luck on her getting puo for her shot foot then.😆
      The link she sent to retrieve the recording was faulty, another tactic they use, so my sis phoned not me a CD copy. Plus it was recorded on an old mobile by my sister too. She said my sister never really spoke, she was busy scribbling notes and writing me prompts,  my brain fog was mad that day.so if she'd spoken she'd have been told to shut up, as others have I've been told,Dammed if you do dammed if you don't. Anyhoo.... the report like the two before was basically a nonsense,  I did an MR and won it back. Wish that'd just left me on
       indefinite dla. And now we've to face this upcoming storm. It's diabolical. 
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      · 6 days ago
      @Gordy They never believe you and try to catch you out or simply lie unfortunately, one good thing they said is interviews will be recorded.  About time 
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    · 6 days ago
    Talk about cheek.  The Labour party wrote to me today via email asking for £3 to help carry out "delivering the change for Britain."  How they didn't get an expletive-laden email back is anyone's guess!
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      · 6 days ago
      @SLB Same here. I've cancelled my membership and they will never get my vote again. I went without, and gave them money out of my disability payments, during the election to fight the tories and for their false promises. I doubt they'll get back in, but not to worry, they will all have nice, comfortable, stress-free retirements.
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    · 6 days ago
    Just reading up on a post on the forum by micksville et al & it seems that I’ll keep my award until 2028 after all.  That’s if I’m understanding it correctly.  I got it begin with, then the  overthinking kicks in & I talk myself into believing the opposite 🙄
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    · 6 days ago
    Incidentally the DWP has just published figures showing the total cost to the UK economy of disabled people who cannot work. As many have pointed out this is literally something that you would see in Nazi propaganda posters from the 1930s.

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    · 6 days ago
     I've heard the fight back against cuts is huge I pray many people will be safe at the end don't know when the end of this s*** is but people got to remember this been going on years so scary but as some has said it's not set to go through they will try  labour have a big majority but their falling in polls and some councillors have resigned charities ,MPs unions and activists are together in fighting cuts don't waste time emailing certain MPs that don't care write to DWP complain about the cuts and reply to consultation on green paper put what your not happy with.
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    · 6 days ago
    It is clear to see that anyone who uses any aids is the target for the dwp. This means that no matter the severity of your illness or disabilities you will be excluded and this just does not seem to have thought out well. I think there should be a 3rd group for the care component and they should all be tied to the UC component when the WCA is dropped in favour of a PIP care score. 

    People suffering from cancer, thrombosis, hypertension, diabetes, heart conditions, kidney disease, liver disease, breathing problems will all be affected otherwise and not receiving help early on will only lead to a worsening of their conditions very rapidly.

    We must ask the MPs and other's who oppose these cuts to get these amended in both parliament and the Lords so that these variations are made as well as if these tasks can be done repeatedly and safely without making their health worse.

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      · 5 days ago
      @James I have terminal cancer. I spend most of my days laid down, swapping positions because pain won't let me stay in one for longer than 10 minutes. I don't get much sleep because of the pain
       I'm on alot of meds including morphine. I also suffer with bad fatigue so I can't function. I can barely do the basics for myself. I can't see anyone employing me with days of for illness, appointments & sleeping on the job I would be (not) a great asset.
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      · 6 days ago
      @SLB I have filled in the so called consultations and found that one can talk about lack of consultation with disabled and sick persons is an issue for a lot of things and a lack of empathy and the lack of incentives to help people actually be independent and use aids to do so as well as a lack of consultation with the actual disabled and sick people themselves and that the exercise will end up being a false economy
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      · 6 days ago
      @SLB I agree with what you are saying. The approach towards severely ill and disabled persons is a bit of a scatter gun approach! It does not look like any of it has been thought out well and it more importantly if it denies people the basic help then it will only become worse and that in turn will mean people will claim for more help so I do not see any savings in that for the long run
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      · 6 days ago
      @James I can’t see them bringing in a 3rd group as it will give more people a chance to claim.  They’re just looking at ways to end people’s benefit.  
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      · 6 days ago
      @James Yes, they're aiming their media comments at wanting to get the young back to work, and to get less people claiming PIP for milder mental health issues, and yet the people this is going to affect are not those groups in the main.   But, they could still help themselves by saying any element of PIP would grant access to the UC health element.  Otherwise, people who can't walk (at all!) are going to be forced to look for work, even if they can't use a wheelchair.  The whole thing is bonkers.  And they seem to know that by the consultation questions, which basically ask "we've made these decisions, but help us work out how to make it work."   The positive at this stage is that the forthcoming bills that go through parliament will need to go through the Commons, committee, and the Lords - and an amendment such as the one I suggest could conceivably be added at that point.
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    · 6 days ago
    Just filled in the consultation and wrote a letter to my MP, I think it would be a good idea to contact Baroness Tanni Grey Thompson she sits in the house of lords and if anyone knows what it's like to suffer disability discrimination it's her. 
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    · 6 days ago
    I still qualify.  I won't hold my breath, but if l have to go to tribunal,  I have no doubt in my mind that I won't win ... 
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    · 6 days ago
    Are there not three specific groups protected by case law already by the Supreme Court, is the Government is willing to fight this again?

    Know one is subject on how it effects you if it causes damage to critical parts of your very existence, without medication. 
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    · 6 days ago
    Let's hope the Government are dragged through the High Courts repeatedly on these proposals.
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    · 6 days ago
    If the high court ruled the Conservatives changes to the work capability assessment were unlawful then shouldn't Starmer, Reeves and Kendall already be starting their jail sentences! Surely these changes can't just go through without being challenged. Something as just got to be done.
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    · 7 days ago
    I do not know what I would do without the immense support from this website. Commendations should be given to the people who work behind the scenes to make this website so informative, helpful and for given such excellent support in trying to protect and uphold the rights of all disabled citizens in the UK. I disagree with the proposed changes to the contributions based benefit system for people like myself who paid into it for so many years and to be looked after by the state as Im too ill to work. Though all disabled people are entitled to be treated with fairness and respect and have a  decent income to live on. The fraudulent statistics are very low for most  benefits. 
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      · 6 days ago
      @Anon Thanks, Anon, well said.
      Like some others, I am now retired but, often read the site's news and forums to keep up, as I know quite a few people who get benefits that are discussed on B&W. And I'm very worried for those I know will be impacted, if the legislation is passed. I always pass on the site address and encourage people to use a reputable, truthful site for information.
      B&W has helped me for over a decade to qualify for the benefits. I still get old style DLA. I haven't noted any specific reference to DLA in govuk, though suspect that it too will be changed in time, though for now the words 'working-age benefits' are used -which it is. I might apply for AA and, with the guides here, might succeed. 
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      · 6 days ago
      @Dave Dee I concur they've all been good enough on here to put up with my constant moans about being scared stiff. It proves that 'We are not alone'
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      · 6 days ago
      @Anon I don't know what I would do without the rational voices from these comment sections, I'm not disabled nor claiming incapacity but I care for someone who does and I really worry for him.
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    · 7 days ago
    It occurs to me that the 4 point requirement for should be for a middle group and the current 8 points left for the standard group as it is. This should be part of the consultation and be brought up with MPs and others to vary the green paper and the bill when it goes forward

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      · 6 days ago
      @James Absolutely no to both yours and SLB's ideas.

      They should tax the rich and leave disabled people the f*** alone.

      They do not need to cut benefits. They are choosing to do this.
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      · 6 days ago
      @James The straightforward way they could do it and save money is by introducing a third tier for those getting the 8 points but not getting 4 in one question.  Yes, it would be less money than people get now, but it wouldn't be a cliff edge as its going to be if they go forward. 

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