It is being widely reported that the on-again, off-again Green Paper on changes to welfare benefits will finally be published tomorrow, Tuesday 18 March..

Publication of the consultation document has been expected for weeks, but fears of a revolt forced Downing Street to delay the move in order to try to placate Labour MPs.

Meanwhile, the press has been awash with claims about what secretary of state for work and pensions Liz Kendall will announce, but there has been no official confirmation of any specific changes.

Benefits and Work will cover the provisions of the Green Paper, and what they may mean for our readers, once it has been released and we have had time to study its contents.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    We have to engage with the coming consultation, stay united and reject their shameful plans to make PIP harder to qualify. 

    The ball is in our court now.

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    · 1 days ago
    Looks like if you get any less than 4 points on any one activity for pip then you will lose your award.  I just get standard (which I dont agree with how its been allocated for years but too tired to bother arguing) and 2 points for 4 activities to reach my 8 points so looks like Ill be losing my award for care if the awful media are to be believed.  Never believed all this revolt stuff mps will just fall into line. Most of them awful in all the parties.
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      · 15 hours ago
      @Nas But there is also the help that you need that you don’t have part. Because not everyone can get this help or cognitively accept it. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Michael To get 4 points you need to have help from someone. I get PIP because I struggle with some activities but I don't score 4 points . PIP is a lifeline to me as I can only work 2 days and now I will loose it but can't manage any more hours as I am on agony. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Chocolady I have been glued to every news article regurgitating the same leaked stuff.... I am absolutely terrified about all of this. I don't score 4 in any single activity and currently recieve higher rate. I've looked at the current form and in my opinion to score at least 4 in any of those activities would mean only people with extreme difficulties would qualify for pip and again on my opinion you probably wouldn't be well enough to work so how can they still call it an in work benefit? 
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      · 1 days ago
      @T No, only for one, to qualify for PIP in the 1st place. Then you will need the remaining points from from the other activities 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Cameron Reports suggest they will increase the points needed with a min of 4 in one discriptor. No review as they can just use the points from each discriptor 
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    · 1 days ago
    Iain Duncan-smith is on Politics Live and said almost everything supposedly being announced tomorrow would need to go through the Commons, Lords, and Committee.  He also said he would vote against changing eligibility rules for PIP.  
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      · 1 days ago
      @DJMH15 Quite! I don't forget. I lost friends and colleagues to his policies! 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Michael But that reduction is the last of people's worries if they get shut out of PIP due to eligibility issues.  And I ask you AGAIN, name one change in money on UC thar has applied to current claimants  
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      · 1 days ago
      @slb Just trying to redeem himself for the carnage he left, lest we forget 
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      · 1 days ago
      @slb The UC changes can be done instantly - it's the changes to PIP that will require primary legislation - so will take some time to go through the Commons, Lords etc.
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      · 1 days ago
      @slb Not in changing payments relating to LCWRA, they don't even need a commons vote.

      I wish people would listen as this is important. No vote is required to deduct a % of anybody currently claiming LCWRA. They can just do it. Whether it will only be for new claiments is something we will have to wait and see.
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    · 1 days ago
    I couldn't sleep last night, even with two zopiclone, I am so worried. I am on benefits entirely for physical disability but I keep having thoughts that death would be easier. As a Catholic I won't do anything silly but it is worrying how all this is affecting me. 
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      · 1 days ago
      Not worth it PB. I am 77 now on the old style D.L.A. I do not mix with too many people because even people of my age all think that I should do some voluntary work.  Had an ankle fusion in 2023 and am still hobbling about on crutches.  It's a full time job trying to look after myself.
      Takes me ages to get in and out of the shower, then I nearly fall over.  Getting dressed takes another eon. 
      Thinking of you PB.
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    · 1 days ago
    I think something will happen and  stop reforms  people say labour have a big majority to pass the reforms  that's not going to be enough compared to the ones who don't agree like some MPs some  cabinet ministers unions charities and disabled people I believe disability news service I think they will get the reforms dropped think high court will be looking at this .
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      · 1 days ago
      @Lill I really hope so, this is such a cruel world and certainly not one of those making these decision has ever had to worry about food and heating. 
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    · 1 days ago
    Some things I’ve noticed in recent days…Liz Kendall backtracking on some of the reforms ( fearing for her job perhaps?). Starmer and his tough words for putin( putin must be crapping himself) and finally, george Osborne putting it forward that he cared about people on welfare whilst he was in office, by not making certain changes to payments back then…what a shower of shite
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      · 1 days ago
      @Rik I think your 100% right, it's all the media are talking about now. The goodness of the government. Also I read that this is one of the things that Mps were most against and whilst the government has a majority to do basically whatever they want, this particular vote would show party divisions. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @s Best wishes to you also. Starmer and co, lecturing the population(us) about having to do “the moral right thing”, claiming that dignity and fairness are the new watchwords, whilst trying to push cuts onto the poorest  “have nots”  in society; and at the same time trousering every freebie going, and giving tax breaks to your wealthy friends .  Two tier Keir, THIS is the real immorality of Britain currently.  Diane Abbott, speak up more, please.
      Take care s, and everyone else on here.
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      · 1 days ago
      @(No) hope (No Hope) succinct.. eloquent and spot on young man ..
      Your pal ..... s ....
      P.S. very best wishes to you and your good lady .
      P.S. and I mean that xx 
      Yours faithfully ..  s ..
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      · 1 days ago
      @(No) hope Awesome post 
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      · 1 days ago
      @(No) hope The only thing they are 'backtracking' on is the freeze to PIP, this was the mildest of the proposals, and looks like it was deliberately added, to be removed to show the govt is listening. Real backtracking would be leaving the UC LCWRA alone and not changing the criteria for PIP.
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    · 1 days ago
    I am my Partner's carer. She has borderline personality disorder, with all of the mood swings that come with it. She suffers greatly with anxiety, panic attacks and has a history of self harm and suicidal thoughts and actions. She has disc space narrowing at L5S1, retrolisthesis at L4 and L3, scoliosis, IBS and severe diverticulitis, plus liver disease, which requires daily medication. 

    I haven't told her anything, for the reasons above. I wait with bated breath for the publication of the green paper. But regardless of its contents, what does the DWP actually think she, or people like her can do? Diane Abbott was right in her comment this morning.  
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      · 1 days ago
      @Phil Totally agree! From the time my mum in law was diagnosed to her death was 2 years. Dead by 62 These days she'd be told to look for work. She couldn't  feed herself, shower or use the toilet within 3 months of diagnosis FFS. What planet are they on?! 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Phil Love Diane Abbott, woman of authenticity and principle. Strong. I hope more labour mps will have the backbone and morals to DO THE RIGHT THING
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    · 1 days ago
    I love the fact that they say, they have ' a moral responsibility ' to change pip. What about the moral responsibility to actually look after those in society that can't work.
    I don't choose not to work, I can't work. I've just been diagnosed with lung cancer in the last two weeks, really need all this too. 
    They really don't give a damn !
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      · 1 days ago
      @Pj I'm so sorry. Honestly, if I were you I'd try to focus on the diagnosis though that's the last thing you want to do I am sure. We will fight. We have fought before. Classic example of why what they are doing is completely unconscionable. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @gossamer What is all this nonsense of these ' self imposed fiscal rules'..... why would you announce such ridiculousness in the first place. In the last 6months it's almost as if the same writers they brought in for the 'Liz Truss saga ' are back but they're trying to see how many episodes they can squeeze in before the crash the economy again....🤔

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      · 1 days ago
      @Pj "moral responsibility" is labour speak for saving money because rachel from accounts disastrous fiscal rules she imposed on herself has flushed growth and the economy down the toilet
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    · 1 days ago
    I've been trying to remain positive, but it is very difficult in the face of all this speculation - at present, that seems to be all it is - by ill-informed journalists who don't seem to have any idea what they are talking about.  They don't seem to realise that PIP is not a benefit claimed exclusively by those who cannot work and it helps many disabled people to continue working, so how would its withdrawal help disabled people back into work?  Unfortunately, most employers don't want to employ people with disabilities because they are not remunerated by the government for any sick pay they might have to find and they tend to bully those with learning disabilities, who are easy targets in the workplace.  Unless this is done very carefully, I can foresee any changes pushing up the benefits bill, rather than achieving the savings which seem to be this government's priority.  
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      · 1 days ago
      @Wendy Woo Rather like when they scrapped the Remploy factories! I was born with cerebral palsy and now in my mid 40s can't even use the loo unassisted and need carers, incontinence care, care alarms a liquid diet. I know of only two businesses places locally that even have a toilet I could use independently! I don't drive and I can't see myself working in Ikea with blackouts and falls a daily reality! 
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      · 1 days ago
      @DJMH15 Where are they getting all these jobs from? If anything were shedding jobs faster than new positions are being created. Labours increases in employers national insurance etc has slowed the job market to no end. 

      Let's face it even though an employer is supposed to be fair if I tick the disabled box and I'm equally qualified to the next person the other person is getting the job. Except possibly in the very rare occasions. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @DJMH15 Not me...
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      · 1 days ago
      @Wendy Woo Who exactly is going to vote for labour at the next election?? Not small businesses, not big businesses, not farmers, not pensioners, not disabled people, or people on any benefit…oh, and not waspis…or their families and friends 

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    · 1 days ago
    I think Kendall is a bit myopic and obsessive about her pet project - welfare reform; it’s her baby and she’ll do what’s necessary to see it through.

    She won’t listen to the all the evidence questioning the approach and once said it’s her dream job.
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    · 1 days ago
    I'm terrified myself I don't look too bad but I'm anything but, my GP surgery said my situation isn't likely to improve any time soon so I hope that'll help in some way
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    · 1 days ago
    Many people who work receive benefits such as UC and PIP, many people on sickness benefits which isn't easy to receive go through hoops, many claimants with mental illness could be a danger in the workplace to themselves and others, the government haven't thought this out.
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    · 1 days ago
    shame they don't post the same spotlight on the huge wealth inequality, they just pick the easy target the most vulnerable and poorest of our society and use them for the excuse the reason the country is broke.
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    · 1 days ago
    Yes tomorrow I find out how much those millionaire politicians are taking off my £810 a month universal credit and LCWRA. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @CJA Nothing what so ever over nite, it could take years for it to be law? There are 12 stages to go through, before a royal assent is signed off
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    · 1 days ago
    A Treasury minister this morning is saying her colleagues in the party should wait for the details being published tomorrow before jumping to conclusions. The Guardian suggests 'the final proposals might not be as draconian as some of the pre-briefing has implied.'

    I don't know what to think at this point. The media reported some really upsetting rumours about changes to PIP at the weekend. 
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    · 1 days ago
    Where and at what time is the announcement tomorrow? 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Angela Probably at around noon. Politics Live on BBC2 will likely cover it, or it'll be on the BBC Parliament channel on 232 Freeview. Praying it's not going to be as terrifying as anticipated. 🤞🤞🤞
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    · 1 days ago
    We are at a pivotal point in the history of our society. It is not about white papers or green papers, but rather the cruelty of the plans targeting, for the first time, the most vulnerable groups in society. This means that we are in a system that is ringing alarm bells, and we have reached rock bottom. I remember an old American TV series called "Charlie's Three Angels." They would fight the bad guys among the people and shoot them when necessary. Today, that series is being shown, but "Charlie's Angels" are eliminating the elderly, the retired, the sick, the disabled, and families with more than two children instead of the bad guys, with the slogan "You don't work, so you're evil... Ladies and gentlemen, we are at the bottom of the crisis." Otherwise, the question is: Is our society made up only of this segment of the retired, the elderly, and the disabled, such that these extremely harsh and degrading cuts are imposed on them alone? We should, we must, thank the real Labour MPs for standing up against these degrading measures against the most vulnerable groups among the people. They deserve our votes, not just one for fake Labour members.
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    · 1 days ago
    Kier starmers government completely betraying their electorate here. While some changes to the welfare system are justified and would be welcome, the focus here is simply broad brush cutting, hitting the most vulnerable, in order to plug a fiscal hole.

    They pretend they have no alternative but there are a vast array of levers available to them to balance the books. As advocated by the likes of Richard Murphy, focus should be on ending unfair tax breaks to the most wealthy in society that has allowed wealth to flow from the working and middle classes to the most wealthy, and inequality to soar, since the 80's including measures such as:
    * Bring income tax derived from assets in line with NI and income tax rates
    * Capping ISA allowances
    * Applying one off taxes on assets held over a certain value to mitigate the soaring rate of wealth inequality

    All of these would be compatible with labour's election pledges to not raise taxes for working people, and would not violate fiscal rules. By not even looking at these kind of measures they are proving their loyalty lies with the extremely wealthy rather than the working and vulnerable.
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      · 1 days ago
      @Mark A less Byzantine welfare system with thousands of private contracts would be far cheaper! When they say what welfare benefits cost they never admit how much of that goes to private contractors like Atos!
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      · 1 days ago
      @DJMH15 Sadly moving further to the right won't work either!
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      · 1 days ago
      @Mark KS said that the wealthy are ‘not a bottomless pit’…and of course, the old, poor, and sick are…if you are a cruel,heart, disingenuous, hypocrite 
      Very angry with this gover 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Mark Keir Starmers has stated on many occasions Labour is for the Workers
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    · 1 days ago
    People forget that many people who work claim benefits such as UC and PIP, these benefits people need to jump through hoops to receive these benefits.
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    · 1 days ago
    I've barely slept and my anxiety is through the roof. I won't go quietly I'll tell you that much. They want to remove whole swathes of the population from their statistics and expect no-one to notice? Good luck with that.
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      · 1 days ago
      @Neal I really hope so. It's unconscionable. When I was in hospital in early 2022 for my gastro issues that were caused by COVID cough on top of existing bowel damage, the bed opposite had a lady younger than me who had been there since before Xmas. She had a stoma, could barely sit up long enough to have her bed made and couldn't walk but couldn't be sent home. She had been like that since she came off life support! Do they really think they can act like people who have LCWRA don't exist?!
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      · 1 days ago
      @Alex mine too, do they not understand mental illness. i ran my own business for years and suddenly it crept up on me and changed me forever, 20 years on i'm a mess, my aim every day is just to get through it. left on massive dose of meds with no help. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Cameron And we all need to respond to the green paper and all so contact our MP to tell them what we think .I'm luck hopefully as my MP is chair of the work and pensions committee 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Cameron No legislation or HIC vote required for changes to LCWRA.
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      · 1 days ago
      @Cameron It can take years for a green paper to ever become written in law... just proposals and nothing mre 

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