It is being widely reported that the on-again, off-again Green Paper on changes to welfare benefits will finally be published tomorrow, Tuesday 18 March..

Publication of the consultation document has been expected for weeks, but fears of a revolt forced Downing Street to delay the move in order to try to placate Labour MPs.

Meanwhile, the press has been awash with claims about what secretary of state for work and pensions Liz Kendall will announce, but there has been no official confirmation of any specific changes.

Benefits and Work will cover the provisions of the Green Paper, and what they may mean for our readers, once it has been released and we have had time to study its contents.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    The labour party will, if it serves ONE term of office, never serve another.. They were elected on a promise that they would rake in tax from the rich that decline to pay and also to recover the huge sums paid to tory fraudsters involved with the PPE thing. They have done none of this and the very first thing they did was to hit pensioners. We all know that this was to generate a very large smokescreen while they punished the most severely disabled that LIVE ALONE. The severe disability premium [which has been removed] was just over £80 a week. Makes the pensioners £200 a YEAR look like nothing..

    Next election, it is the liberals for me.
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    · 1 days ago
    I wonder how they will deal with legacy benefits? I'm on ESA (CB) support group. Not due to transfer over to UC.
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      · 10 hours ago
      @YogiBear Everyone is transitioning to uc bye April next year ,you will soon get a letter threw .
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    · 1 days ago
    So if they tighten the requirements for pip what will happen if you’re on pip already? Will they stop it straight away or wait untill they re asses you again after date is up. 
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      · 8 hours ago
      @slb Touche
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      · 8 hours ago
      @Ordinary bloke Exactly sir
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      · 9 hours ago
      @slb IDS confirmed changes to PIP, only, would be a long drawn out process.

      Any changes to UC, whether eligibility (LCWRA) OR payment reduction can be implemented immediately. There is no requirement for a commons vote, either.
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      · 11 hours ago
      @Ordinary bloke Yes and there will be a massive backlash both from the public and mps , I sense a u turn
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      · 11 hours ago
      @David I'm on an indefinite fit note, what about that type of situation? Sorry for going on so much but I can't be helped being terrified right now.
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    · 1 days ago
    None of this makes sense, I’ve worked for the past 15 years and pip allows me to stay in work and not have to put myself through more pain than I am already in if I had to take on more hours than already doing. Work have been good and we have things in place for me to make my job more suitable and easier, if pip stops it will push me to leave work rather than stay in work. Pip is a lifeline for so many either working or not. People have to understand that many of us with disabilities want to be in work, we didn’t ask to be born with these conditions or be diagnosed with them over the years. I’m sick of hearing about people saying we don’t pay into the system so why should we get pip, they’re wrong.. I am paying into the system and the pip I get is helping me stay in work. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Peter From my experience, most MPs don’t understand what PIP actually is. That includes Labour MPs. They didn’t understand what (old style) DLA was either. Basically because they’re all too rich to ever need it.
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    · 1 days ago
    Theses politicians need to think about when they become sick also vulnerable. 
    Good health is not always with us.
    I'm in remission of head and neck cancer. 
    The late side affects I live with each day also for the rest of my life will not allow me to consume food orally in my mouth. 
    My vision as well been seriously affected,  also my thyroid. 

    I live with pain in my ear and jaw every single day.  

    So you Mr Starmer you just hope that you don't get diagnosed with cancer at some point in your life.

    Also any part of your cabinet. 

    You seriously cause onward stress also anxiety to every living soul that lives with an disability. 
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      · 23 hours ago
      @Dexterbunny Hopefully it was just a mistake! That's a tiny thing on a screen to hit correctly if for example you have CP or visual issues! 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Donna I’m so sorry someone thought it was ok to down your post. You have had and are having a very tough time. I pray you continue to receive the benefits you deserve and need
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      · 1 days ago
      @Donna I cannot see the point of the NHS existing to treat our health needs if the welfare system doesn’t also protect our income needs. It seems back to front that we’re meant to see the NHS as sacred for treating use regardless of wealth/income, yet the part of the welfare stare which allows us to stay fed, clothed and housed can go to the junk yard.
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    · 1 days ago
    This is causing so much anxiety. 
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    · 1 days ago
    Well they you have it, out of Timms mouth this afternoon “we are dealing with incentives for inactivity” so I’ve taken that as the payment you get for being on LCWRA is an incentive to get into that group .. extra money! And one can only assume by cutting it, it will be less of an incentive to be placed onto that group if looking for work gives a higher payment. 
    Dumbfounded. Who the hell in their right mind would want to be ill enough to have to be reliant of welfare????
    The LCWRA payment isn’t an INCENTIVE! 
    It’s a means for survival because we CAN’T work. I am so upset, scared and furious. 
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      · 23 hours ago
      @Anon N Quite agree! People don't for example choose uncontrolled epilepsy, being born with profound or complex disabilities or to develop serious mental health issues or a killer disease like Motor Neurone Disease or any of the many things that make full time work nigh impossible. It's disgusting and immoral behaving as if WE chose this! I was left disabled by a very evil person who got away with it it wasn't a choice! 
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      · 23 hours ago
      @MJ MJ fully agree with everything you said. All being labelled as fraudsters and scroungers! They’ll expect people to look for work to boost their income but reality is many can’t and this is pushing people into poverty. It’s dehumanising and degrading. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Anon N Yes so by saying it is an incentive for being sick or disabled, which actually implies people are pretending, they think by reducing it, it will push people into work by making them struggle financially, that's the reality behind the euphemism of de-incentivising  benefits, it is actually making people so desperate they are forced to look for work even though they can't or they will struggle.

      And where are the jobs, there aren't that many out there, certainly not enough or suitable. You can't just push square pegs into round holes. None of this has really been thought through or if it has it is more damn it, we'll do it anyway and hope for the best. That is gambling with lives. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Anon N When Timms spoke of “dealing with incentives for inactivity”, well, going by his line of thinking, ending the free NHS and switching to American style insurance would end “incentives for inactivity [he means ill health and disablement]”: this Labour Party are much more right-wing than Thatcher dared to be!
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      · 1 days ago
      @Anon N They are being disingenuous on purpose, disabled people are locked out work due to their disability because they can't work, they can't function in a work environment due to their disability. Labour need a work capability assessment because they're not fit for work!!!
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    · 1 days ago
    Someone I was talking to who is disabled and a part of a group to do with such issues said everyone there agreed that PIP could or should have more tiers dealing with specific mental illnesses, separating them from the physical disabilities. Using psychiatrists as assessors within the mental illness field.

    It's all pie in the sky but depression/anxiety isn't a joke, my constant example is Graham Thorpe, a man who had everything, a family, a loving wife, money in the bank, a successful career in Cricket and still he struggled, what about Gary Speed? He had everything too, Welsh manager, looks, beautiful wife and kids. Depression isn't a joke and I'm tired of the media who think it is.
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      · 23 hours ago
      @Dave Dee Not one bit of numerous past traumas was considered for my pip. They barely give a hoot about my now 14 physical conditions. Never mind my MH ,My anixiety, depression, panic attacks etc,
       I could imagine the assessor thinking "Here we go again"
       well... If I was to rhyme off the at least 24 incidents in my past I'm sure at least 10 of them would knock most ppl sick. But I won't because it's not fair to burden others. 
      But let's just say they stay in your head for life. These are things I did not put myself inthe position to be part of. More a victim of circumstances way beyond my control. I'd wish none of it on anyone.  The struggles real, even I this government like to pretend we don't suffer physically or mentally. They are damn good at adding to our mental problems,I'll give them that. 
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      · 23 hours ago
      @lesley So sorry to hear that. We lost someone as a direct result of welfare reforms... He was still at college so it should never have been handled like it was, there are supposed to be rules for assessing severely mentally ill young people.  His stepfather who had a heart condition found him. My partner who is my carer was able bodied and mentally well til it happened... But you are not the same after. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Dave Dee
      I agree Dave Dee. I have posted before that I lost a 23 year old daughter to suicide in 2000.  Don't know how anyone can be "normal" after that. Still have recurrent nightmares about having to indentify her body!!
      All of those people who think depression/aniety is not an illness are only one step away from having a break down themselves.
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      · 1 days ago
      @Dave Dee Mental illness seems to be the sacrificial lamb with alot of the disabled community right now and it's awful.
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    · 1 days ago
    I'm still on income related ESA, in the wrag group although I have never been called in.
    I'm also on PIP.
    Is it normal that I still haven't received my migration letter yet ?
    Many thanks.
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      · 8 hours ago
      @KC001 I'm in the same group and I just got my letter
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      · 11 hours ago
      @john Have they done Merseyside yet do u know?
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      · 23 hours ago
      @KC001 They are migrating ESA last. If you aren't getting Housing Benefit or Income Support you may just  be in the last group to be migrated. I'm CB and mine arrived last month because my partner/ carer gets income support
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      · 1 days ago
      @KC001 I haven't either   plus I did a Esa 50 review, haven't heard back  yet, they say there get in touch if necessary. That was last January 24
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      · 1 days ago
      @KC001 KC001 I haven't had my migration letter yet. But i know it's coming.... soon.
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    · 1 days ago
    If someone has a carer recieving carers allowance and they loose pip then the carers allowance also goes. Result the carer has to go to work and presumably the council will provide the care needed by the disabled person. Reevesenomics 
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      · 12 hours ago
      @robboio They have a legal obligation to assess people. Many pensioners don't get pip or DLA but get care in the home. It's all about the needs of the person. 
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      · 22 hours ago
      @Scouseneil sorry to say but the council might not class you as disabled if you cant get pip
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    · 1 days ago
    My mental health has crumbled since hearing about this. I've literally just got out of the hospital because I thought I was having a complete mental breakdown. Life is hard enough struggling with mental health issues without the people appointed to protect you trying to break you. 
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    · 1 days ago
    The months of anxiety trying to guess what is going to be put forward by Labour is finally going to be over thankfully. The not knowing has been the worst part for me, I like to know my enemy and put plans in place . This whole thing has been handled disgracefully by this Labour government. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @DJMH15 too right!
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      · 1 days ago
      @Jollies Reeves and Co. answering questions in Parliament... lots of Labour MPs boot licking, with the occasional Serious Concern batted away. I don't hold much hope for Labour MPs in great numbers acyually standing up to the Government. (After all they will have their eyes on their personal bigger picture eg: A cushy job as a future Minister!)
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      · 1 days ago
      @Jollies Let’s remember come election time, forever more.
      Lib Dem’s or Greens for me from now on.
      Never voting labour again
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    · 1 days ago
    Starmer urged to introduce wealth tax instead of cutting disability benefits.
    Diane Abbott says a wealth tax of 2% on people with assets over £10m would raise £24bn a year.
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      · 23 hours ago
      @DJMH15 I want to know when you get talk about the benefits bill what proportion is wasted on pointless  admin, reassessments, reshuffles, reinventing the wheel and wages for DWP assessors. Anyone would think we were getting the money! 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Neal Abso-ruddy-lutely
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      · 1 days ago
      @Neal So even if they said 1% it would be more than double wat they would get from us. Plus, it will cost to sort the changes out, add to bureaucracy,and cause more strain on NHS, police courts, education…no savings, false economy.
      Tone deaf I hope the labour mps grow a backbone, those that are left.
      It’s like watching invasion of the body snatchers 
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    · 1 days ago
    I really thought that this government was meant to be working with disabled charities and disabled people from I can work out is all 3 groups are fighting each other. So what obviously the government has Not listened to charities and disabled people. Just let the disabled people try out work if they can longs if doesn’t make their health worse and leave their benefits alone. Suroy this would be a human thing to do otherwise I’m sure the government is digging their own grave with these policies 
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    · 1 days ago

    The moral wrongs of reducing welfare provisions for the most vulnerable members of society are made even more glaring when we recall that in when the UK government poured substantial sums of public money into rescuing banks that had contributed to the very crisis that caused widespread hardship. While banks were given a financial lifeline, vulnerable individuals in need of social support now face the hardship of austerity measures. This disparity not only reflects an unjust allocation of resources but also sends a damaging message about the priorities of our society.

    It is especially troubling when we consider the success of social welfare models in other countries. One system that stands out is Sweden's welfare state, which offers comprehensive social services and financial protection to its citizens, while promoting fairness and equality. Sweden’s approach focuses on reducing economic inequality, providing universal healthcare, education, and robust unemployment benefits. Unlike the UK’s austerity-driven approach, Sweden’s system underscores the value of solidarity, where all members of society, regardless of their income, have access to essential services and are supported during times of need.

    In light of this, I strongly believe the UK should take inspiration from Sweden’s social welfare model, ensuring that welfare cuts are reversed and resources are redirected to support our most vulnerable citizens. It is crucial that we do not continue to prioritise corporate interests, as seen in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash, but instead build a welfare system that prioritises the needs of people 

    The UK must advocate for policies that reject austerity and instead work toward creating a fairer, more compassionate society, similar to the Swedish model, which demonstrates the long-term benefits of investing in welfare and the well-being of all citizens.
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    · 1 days ago
    My husband is 76 & has received PIP (mobility allowance previously) for many years & it is indefinite
    he is obviously retired now & he has a mobility car.  He has higher rates for both categories . We have no other benefits. Will he still be entitled to PIP?
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      · 1 days ago
      @Linz Thanks DJMH15 the worry never ends, no winter fuel payment because of no other benefits you cannot win! Having said that we know that everyone is feeling the pinch now from our caring Govtx
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      · 1 days ago
      @Linz In my opinion, for what it’s worth, yes he should be ok
      Tomorrow will make it all clear
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      · 1 days ago
      @Linz Probably Linz, try not to worry. I don’t think that your situation will change now. Don’t spend any precious time worrying over it x
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    · 1 days ago
    No one seems to have addressed how this will impact on those of us who face transfer from esa to universal credit this year. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @CJ Theres 600,000 still left 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Babes Then you missed the talk of cuts to UC for those not able to work. Some people are still on ESA and were promised transitional payments when moved to UC so they didn't lose out. PIPs is just one part of the equation.
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      · 1 days ago
      @PB Absolutely correct on this. All the talk is of Universal Credit. There are at least 400,000 still on ESA. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @PB Pip not linked to uc or esa so won’t be affected.
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    · 1 days ago
    Why don't the government target the rich and privileged, same old same old, the message is that disabled people don't matter and this has gone on too long, its a national disgrace 

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      · 1 days ago
      @lorraine looker
      "Why don't the government target the rich and privileged"

      Because the rich and privileged have the power and wealth to push back. They also bankroll the main parties.
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    · 1 days ago
    I have epilepsy and cerebral palsy and multiple special needs. I’ve been super worried for months as I can’t work and I get pip . And it’s keeps saying if you can’t work they we cut your money so am very worried/ scared 
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    · 1 days ago
    Me too. How is my son expected to pay for his carer arranged by the local authority if his money is reduced or taken away from him. It is not his fault he was seriously ill when he was 23 months old . He is now 45years old. Do the government not realise there are people out there that have genuine problems that prevent working. Perhaps they would like to spend the day caring for him.

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