We know from comments and emails that a lot of people are confused about how Labour’s proposed new PIP scoring system works.  So we’ve created an online test to allow you to try the scoring system for yourself.

You can try the test as many times as you want either anonymously or, if you prefer, provide you email address and get the results sent to your inbox as well as appearing onscreen.

Under the proposed new test the mobility component remains exactly the same.

However, for the daily living component, whilst you must still score:

  • 8 points for standard rate
  • 12 points for enhanced rate

 at least one of the descriptors you select must score 4 points or more.  

So, if you select 4 descriptors scoring two points each, that will be 8 points but it will not qualify for an award.

But if you select one descriptor scoring 4 points and two descriptors scoring 2 points, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.

The changes, if they ever happen, will not apply before November 2026.

Please bear in mind that we have only just created this form, so please contact us if you spot any glitches.

And, even more importantly, remember this is just a proposal and may never become law.

 You can try the proposed new PIP test here.

You can also:

keep up with what’s changing and when

find out what you can do if you are unhappy about Labour’s plans

follow the latest news about PIP and UC changes.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    This is the latest bulletin from Turn2Us, about the benefits rates from April this year:

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    · 1 days ago
    These proposals are deliberately designed to make it virtually impossible to "pass the test" to claim any type of disability or long term sickness. If someone is "lucky enough" to "pass the test" they will only be able to get help so minimal that they will need to be supported by other financial means. This government has chosen to not only discriminate against the disabled and sick and vulnerable but to force them into poverty and even homelessness. This is a country that attacks the weakest and most vulnerable without conscience, give themselves a raise, and a pat on the back for doing so. They will end up from what it sounds like, push this through. They are not at all concerned in the least about helping disabled vulnerable people. They may have written it in very large letters in the sky. 
    It is sickening to think they are going to get away with it too. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago
    I get around 30points on care will I be OK and around 25 on motabiliy does anyone know please 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Doreen If you get 4 points on one question in the care component then yes your ok 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Doreen Hi Doreen from my understanding you are probably safe in the new test. You must make sure you score a 4 in at least one category for the enhanced rate. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 days ago
    The horrific reality of these cruel changes are even if you score 3 points on each of the 10 daily living elements = 30 points but you STILL will lose the daily living element if you don’t score 4 on one of those. In effect they are dismissing us!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 days ago
    Where can I do the mock test 
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    · 2 days ago
    This is a disgusting, cynical proposal aimed at calculating disabled people into oblivion. Someone scoring at a low level across a variety of tasks is going to experience cumulative difficulty with living daily life. People don’t get dressed one day, then have a rest and prepare a meal the next, then attend to hygiene issues on a third. Perhaps it’s time that policies affecting us should be written by us.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 2 days ago
    These are not proposals the Labour Government have the MP's to ensure the changes are passed unopposed ASAP. As we have witnessed with Labour they will bull doze their way without respect or regard to those in society affected. A totally imoral  and shameful government. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @S P Blakeney. Yes and so many do not realise this. They have gotten around the human rights by doing this,  they being clever lawyers and all. Goes to show that they KNEW they were breaking human rights laws and DID NOT CARE. They lied and lied to get people to vote for them and then bailed on their voters. What a sickening choice we have to vote from. They are all rotten eggs the lot of them 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 days ago
    I am confused the government are as usual making the most venerable poeple suffer even more by robbing money off us while handing money out to other area of society. Now that the ni contributions for companies have gone up lot more poeple being made unemployed.
    Where are all the so called jobs we're all supposed to apply for. Where are all the companies willing to take on us disabled poeple. Mine for one could not wait to lay me off when I became ill.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 3 days ago
    Mobility is not affected by any changes so if your award stays the same on review you won't lose mobility. However the daily care component you need to score four or higher on one descriptor and make up the rest with 2s or 3s up to an 8 or up to 12 to get An award. If you don't get daily care at any level you will lose the Universal credit top up for lcwra some time after November 2026 when the pip assessment criteria changes from what has been said or  when you have a review on your claim after that date

    Hopefully they will decide on giving some transitional protection to current claims. I get daily care standard no mobility but I don't score four on any descriptor so am basically screwed  it's all wrong what they are doing. I cannot work I am genuinely unable due to my mental health.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 18 hours ago
      @John However, for existing claimants, the reduction in UC helth component is being kept at current levels.
      Reducing the rate of the Universal Credit health element: this will be cut by £47 per week, from £97 per week in 2025/26 to £50 per week in 2026/27 for new claimants, with it frozen at the current level for existing recipients.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 23 hours ago
      @Mark The linking of the Universal credit health related benefit with the Daily Living element of PIP, is very underhand:

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 days ago
    I really don’t understand I get 10 points for mobility will I still get pip on the new rules 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Deborah Andrews
      Deborah, Do not worry yourself. Mobility is NOT affected. 

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 days ago
      @Deborah Andrews I think it only affects the daily living part 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 days ago
      @Deborah Andrews Yes.
      The mobility section isn't affected.
      Even if it was the new rule is to score 4 on at least one descriptor to get an award.
      So a score of 4+ on any section with overall 8 or more would give an award.
      Your fine
      Don't worry
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Deborah Andrews If you get less than 4 points in any one of the non mobility category parts then most likely not. Sorry for the downer I'm not exactly enjoying this either
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 days ago
    I feel there's a closet case dwp member on here. Otherwise, there are some who think the government is doing a great job... wonder which it is? Awful lot of good sensible comments of logic being down voted.  And I'm not referring to any of mine. But others who have a real grip on the situation. Starting to make me want to contribute less. Spy inthe camp perhaps. Tell me I'm wrong please. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 3 days ago
      @WorkshyLayabout WorkshyLayabout you could be right. They ate definitely keeping an eye on our comments. It's so obvious. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Anon Thought something smelt odd
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @The Dogmother Notice that someone will post pro-DWP, anti-benefits comments, swiftly disappear, only to be replace with a new pro-DWP, anti-benefits commenter. And so it goes on. I'm sure it's the same person. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @Anon @Anon, thank you.
      That made me laugh.
      I don't bring much to the table. I ask more tbh than I help. But if any experience I've had in the past might help another in any way, then  I'm happy. 
      Well, hopefully if we are
       "Infiltrated " they will see we are genuinely unwell in many forms and aren't the scroungers and fakers some would believe we are. 
      Also, they'll see how badly we are worried ,no terrified of these proposals. Though I doubt they'd really care. 😕 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 days ago
      @The Dogmother Sorry, made an error in my last message. I meant don't let that put you off from contributing more!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 days ago
    I’m pension age. I get pip for fibromyalgia chronic fatigue syndrome colitis, vertigo arthritis and chronic back pain. Will the new rules affect me? 
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      · 1 days ago
      I have been a Labour Party member for - ever - based on their principles of 'fairness and decency' - and supporting Public Services and the working people.  No party is perfect however, and I struggled with my conscience when the winter fuel payment was cut for the elderly (this does not affect me).  Then came our international effort for Ukraine and I felt proud agin: but this . . .  I have worked for 42yrs, burned out and in receipt of PIP for the past few years - now retired.  Forgive me, but, when the government wrap this cruel and short sighted policy up as 'getting people back into work' - 'to reach their potential' - how does this affect retirees such as myself?  And while I agree that the welfare state needs reform, I could never support this.  I would like to see our young people supported with their anxieties - since Covid.  I detest seeing young people side-lined, marginalised rotting away on benefits of any kind.  But to attack the most vulnerable is disgraceful.  Just vile.  And to lump the 1.3million inactive young people up with other vulnerbilites and illness is plain wrong.  My own needs aside, this was a 'red line' for me.  I recinded my membership at the weekend; cut up my beloved card;  cancelled my DD and other monthly payments I gave to the Party.  I have written to the Minister involved - Liz Kendal and Alison McGovern the Employment Minister - no reply as yet.
      This policy, if it ever becomes such, is all stick and no carrot.  It will NOT save money, but will make matters much worse for the individuals affected, Primary Care and the NHS.  Employers are in flux and are struggling also, many of them do not wish to have disabled or sick people working for them (if we could ever do it) when those people may need time off, have bad days, have caring responsibilities etc, etc.  This is a complete nonsense and will solve nothing. 
      It is unethical, immoral and a stain on the Labour Party.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @John Also how a HP carries out an assessment. You could get 10 who will award you PIP and 1 who doesn’t. It’s too subjective and open to corruption. I’ve recorded assessments and the HP has contradicted my statement… even though they are aware they are being recorded. Is the HP suspended, reprimanded, fired…… NO
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @John So are oap still getting a light touch review every ten years

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      · 2 days ago
      @Lynn @Lynn, 

      I am pension age too and have most of the medical conditions you have as well. PIP is not based upon what medical conditions you have but how they affect your ability to do things.
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    · 4 days ago
    One thing that the damn government is not thinking about is that many people would lose their jobs as carer, particularly single mothers, who are working part time as carers. Once sick and disabled people lose their award, their carers too would lose their jobs; hence more unemployed people.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @Scorpion Perhaps this is their evil intention. I recall hearing on the radio some MP saying that too many people are loosing out on work caring for disabled people. I honestly feel as if they simply do not care and see disabled as scroungers and their carers time wasted upon them. It is shameful to say the least  
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 days ago
    It's insane to all of a sudden cut benefits to someone who has been ill for years and who has been surviving on LCWRA and expect them to go get a job and be working!

    This must be a perfect example of pure intentional indifference and cruelty.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 3 days ago
      @Scorpion Part time carers are not paid for their part time care, anyway. However, you're right related to the full-time carers.
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    · 4 days ago
    It's insan

    This must be a perfect example of pure intentional indifference and cruelty.
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    · 5 days ago
    I have serious depression also this affects me physically fatigue no motivation and I get extremely irritable and am not good with people. I genuinely am unable to work have been signed off for the last 19 years receiving pip standard for the last ten years. I don't score four on any descriptor and am going to be taken off this in the future.

     I'm under no illusion these cuts are going to happen. There should at least be some sort of top up on universal credit a for people who score 8 standard or 12 full without a four even if it's smaller than what there cutting. How can someone who is still disabled lose pip and also have no health top up at all. I feel I will commit suicide or end up homeless as i cannot work not I dont want to work I unable and can't.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      Thank you for saying it how it is.
      You are, very sadly I fear - correct.
      My very best wishes to you.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @DJMH15 Very well put. That is exactly what is happening and will happen which is also very sad. 
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      · 4 days ago
      @DJMH15 good point
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      · 5 days ago
      @M There is going to be a 'squeezed middle' of people who are two sick to work, but not sick enough to get any help.

      Combined with those who are too sick to work who will now get a minimal level of help - not enough to cover their outgoings - who are now also overloaded with conditionality (harrassed) by non medical work coaches (who hate), and who will sanction us as much as possible.  

      We will be pushed into ever greater levels of sickness and the hostility towards us will mount exponentially. 

      The result will be more deaths, more homelessness, more crime, more theft, more foodbanks, more starvation, and more visible mental illness on the streets as people are sicker and there are no hospital beds any more.

      Clearly this is democide...the state killing us via it's policies and legislation. 

      With no realistic hope of political representation, at some point the Equality Act will be repealed, and we will be taken out of the ECHR.

      It doesn't matter who are in...Labour, Tories, Reform...they are simply passing the baton to one another.  Every one of the cabinet, every Reform MP, and the majority of tories are multi millionaires.  THEY DONT CARE.  THEY HAVE SOLD THEIR SOULS, THOSE THAT HAD THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE, and they are taking us round the track in the same direction, and to the same end point.  An uncivilised society, where ignoring human suffering and stifling human potential is the norm.

      Take heart...those that have the nothing leave with their souls intact, and that will ALWAYS BE greater than any amount of wealth and wielded power


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    · 5 days ago
    The government will lose on this one when it goes to court its discrimination against the disabled.
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      · 3 days ago
      @freddy Yes I agree I get pip been on it for 10 years I have a bad shoulder, in pain with back all the time have to use stair lift all the time , I don’t go out unless I have Appointments , no energy  at all , have 1bs , and my digestive system doesn’t work properly either  so scars km going to lose mine as I use my money for dentist , taxi, glasses etc 

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      · 4 days ago
      @freddy I agree it is discrimination and so dam cruel 
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    · 5 days ago
    Not all disabled people need to be PROMPTED to do things! We can know we need to do things but need HELP to be able to do it! No one involved in these changes has ever been disabled! 
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      · 1 days ago
      That, my dear, is a theory that does not bear our in practice. 
      Which dept do work for?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 2 days ago
      @SC those who are mentally ill do need to be prompted and mentall illness can be as much of a disability as physical. Some will be horrified by that statement, but severe mental illness goes to a point where the person struggles to live each day. Fights the idea of suicide every day, cannot get up, get dressed, function like a normal person every day as it is ike fighting with their mind.  Mental ill health has been classified as a disability under the Equal RIghts Act 2010 and Scope recognise mental ill health as a disability.
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      · 2 days ago
      @SC If you need help to do any of the activities, you will score 4 points on that activity. 
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    · 5 days ago
    All they care about is number 1. 
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    · 5 days ago
    I have chronic paranoid schizophrenia which I was first diagnosed with in 1988 and I was institutionalised for life . I spent 20 years in psychiatric care and was discharged to live on the streets . I have a physical disability , sleep apnoea , I've suffered multiple strokes and I have a serious heart condition . I score 0 points on each of my pip claims and the benefits system is already horrendously difficult for me to claim successfully, despite submitting volumes of supporting medical evidence , the dwp and the assessors do not seem to care. 
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      · 2 days ago
      @bert Cheers, Bert.
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      · 4 days ago
      @Scorpion 11 points on the daily living standard rate off hand cant remember if I have four points in anyone category though.
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      · 5 days ago
      @bert May I ask you how many points you've got?
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      · 5 days ago
      @John Your Schizophrenia sounds worse than mine which is controlled but I receive Pip daily living Standard rate plus Universal Credit so their is something wrong their and you should be receiving at least what I get as a minimum.

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