We know from comments and emails that a lot of people are confused about how Labour’s proposed new PIP scoring system works.  So we’ve created an online test to allow you to try the scoring system for yourself.

You can try the test as many times as you want either anonymously or, if you prefer, provide you email address and get the results sent to your inbox as well as appearing onscreen.

Under the proposed new test the mobility component remains exactly the same.

However, for the daily living component, whilst you must still score:

  • 8 points for standard rate
  • 12 points for enhanced rate

 at least one of the descriptors you select must score 4 points or more.  

So, if you select 4 descriptors scoring two points each, that will be 8 points but it will not qualify for an award.

But if you select one descriptor scoring 4 points and two descriptors scoring 2 points, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.

The changes, if they ever happen, will not apply before November 2026.

Please bear in mind that we have only just created this form, so please contact us if you spot any glitches.

And, even more importantly, remember this is just a proposal and may never become law.

 You can try the proposed new PIP test here.

You can also:

keep up with what’s changing and when

find out what you can do if you are unhappy about Labour’s plans

follow the latest news about PIP and UC changes.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 hours ago
    Again, please flood the MP's inboxes. We MUST apply pressure and not make this easy for them to vote into being.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 hours ago
    Points reduced?
    What experience do people have of the points on a descriptor being reduced when they are reviewed for chronic conditions?
    Will reviews still happen or will everybody be "reassessed" again?
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 7 hours ago
    How can we trust that they won't deliberately mark us down from past questions/scores , what's stopping them giving us a 2 when we'd normally get 4. It's not like they're the most honest of people.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 hours ago
      @T You can't trust that they won't deliberately mark you down, but you can trust the appeals process. If you want a successful PIP claim, and believe that you are entitled to 4 points, then you must be prepared to go through a MR, get refused, and take it further to a tribunal.

      The chances of getting a fair decision at a tribunal are very high. 

      It's wrong that this seems to be the expected journey now for an accurate outcome, of course. However, there is a good chance of getting a correct award through a tribunal.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 8 hours ago
    From the ME association website:

    '''The MEA calls for the government to reconsider proposed welfare reforms, as they could push individuals with ME/CFS into poverty and debt, and urges consultation with medical charities before implementing changes.'''

    '''Many people with diverse and complex needs receive PIP as they gain a few points across the activities assessed in PIP Daily Living, which then add up to the current 8 or more points needed to qualify. This new restriction means that only people with significant needs in at least one activity will be able to continue to meet the eligibility criteria.'''

    Patients with Long Covid share over 50% of the same symptoms as ME patients, (as do a couple of other rarer diseases)

    I have no way of proving this, but I am beginning to suspect that someone at the DWP has crunched the numbers and concluded that these proposed changes, (replacing ESA, UC and PIP with one umbrella point scoring system, scoring 4 points in one specific PIP descriptor) will reject most of the Long Covid claimants, who flooded the system post pandemic......? 

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 8 hours ago
    So much confusion about Contribution-based ESA and the new Unemployment Insurance any new information on this B&W? Paragraph 54 of the green paper seems to point towards it just being time limited for new claimants. Appreciate all that you're doing for us.  
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 hours ago
    I’ve got an award until 2028, so due to me not getting any 4 points does this mean I’ll lose my PIP in Nov 2026?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 hours ago
      @Bud When your reassessment comes around again, it will be under the new system.  I don't see them reassessing people in bulk as soon as the new rules come in.  Firstly, there are too many.  Secondly, they are already experiencing delays of ten months.  Thirdly, what do they do about people who were only just assessed?   Hopefully the people who have sent forms in prior to November 2026 will be assessed under the old system.  I should get a form around August 2026, so keeping fingers crossed that I might be lucky and get a couple of extra years on the old system!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 hours ago
      @Bud Yes. I am in the same situation.
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      · 6 hours ago
      @Bud You'll be reassessed under the new scoring system 
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    · 9 hours ago
    For me this is another question answering honestly i would get more on pip than i currently do on dla so do i wait to be "invited" to apply or just jump in and claim pip now risk losing my dla 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 10 hours ago
    Email sent to my MP today: 

    Having read this week's Green Paper on welfare benefits, I am appalled and alarmed that disabled people such as my husband are being treated with such brutality by this government. I would implore and urge you to stand up for disabled people such as my husband.

    The proposed changes would be financially devastating for us. My husband, and hundreds of thousands of people like him, suffers a range of symptoms due to his neurological disorder, but would not qualify for PIP due to the proposed requirement to score 4 points in one category. The proposals would also exclude him from the UC health element. I would lose the carers element of UC.

    My husband’s difficulties affect him so significantly that he would be unable to manage employment, however much support is offered. His significant fatigue, to mention just one symptom, will not be ameliorated no matter how understanding the employer or how much advice and support is offered by a work coach.

    Disability is expensive. Disability is not a life choice! What future for us as a family with two young children? How will we keep a roof over our heads and food on the table, as we pay for the extra medication, transport and heating that my husband needs? I do my best to provide through my own low-paid NHS employment, but we would face an uphill battle without welfare support. And what if I were to become sick? He would still not qualify for PIP or UC health.

    Disabled people face barriers at every turn. They have not chosen disability. Our health and social care system is a mess. Relatives acting as carers will be expected to pick up the pieces of these changes, with the financial rug pulled out from under them. In the context of the Assisted Dying proposals, the government should be absolutely ashamed to be treating disabled people with such cruelty. Many will feel there is nothing left for them, that they are a burden on society, and they will be prey to those who would coerce them towards an early end.

    The consultation questions offer no opportunity to oppose these plans, and therefore the consultation does not offer a voice for the concerns of disabled people at all. The government has chosen not even to consult on many important elements of their plans.

    This is an urgent matter, as I have no doubt that moves towards legislation will happen very soon. As our MP, please take a stand against this. We voted for you as a Liberal Democrat, as we believed the party had the interests of disabled people and their carers at heart. We have no power and we rely on you to represent us. 
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      · 5 hours ago
      @ginger Excellent. I find it hard to send things like this so if you don’t m8 d I may copy some of it to send? Thank you.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 10 hours ago
    Have just written to my mp again and my GP. I thought it wise to ensure my notes were up to date. I've updated them in the details of my disabilities. Diagnosis are one thing. The symptoms and side effects they aren't always aware of. I thought I'd let them know and asked for it to be added to my notes. 
    Maybe it's an idea for other people. Just in case. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 10 hours ago
    Gives me a minimum of six 4 pointers and several above. 
    My reassessment is sometimes in 2027 I believe, as my award goes to 2028. 
    I'm on enhanced both currently so if it gets given roughly the same I should be ok. 
    My ESA Contributions Support Group I'm worried about. Is this likely to be removed or time limited? 

    My son I'm more worried about.
    He is on New Style ESA and UC LCWRA. 
    With PIP enhanced and standard. 
    I can't remember what his points were and he is afraid if we ask it'll rock the boat. 
    I think he's due to be reassessed for his PIP next year. 
    He's just this month migrated to New Style ESA and UC LCWRA etc with no issues. 
    Having done the test on here he seems as though if assessed again he may be ok but I'm worried. 

    This is so cruel. As if we don't have to deal with enough. 

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 11 hours ago
    This would be devastating for us. My husband would lose PIP daily living, and so the UC health element. I would lose the carer element of UC. Our children would suffer because we would barely afford to live. My husband's prospects of employment would not change one iota. And this is in the context of legislation being debated on Assisted Dying. So many thousands of disabled people will hear our society's message loud and clear, that disabled people are a burden. This will make them vulnerable to coercion towards assisted dying. I will email my MP, who will likely ignore me as she has most other communications, and will engage with any other efforts to fight this brutality. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 12 hours ago
    Looking at my most recent assessment and the points I scored, I would be eligible under the new PIP test. This reassures me that I will continue to qualify. My current claim is valid until 2028, and my last assessment was in 2022, where I was awarded Enhanced Daily Living and Enhanced Mobility for six years. Honestly, I was surprised I wasn't awarded 10 years with a light-touch review, but perhaps that will change in the future.
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      · 6 hours ago
      @Henry Harvey-Henry
      I am 77 and still on the old style D.L.A. only get low mobility though and middle care rate.
      My understanding is that I have it indefinetely.  Let them reassess me.  I shall tell them how it really is!  I cannot walk without crutches, takes me hours to do anything.  All morning just to get out of bed and make it to the bathroom.  Oh yeah, let them try!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 7 hours ago
      @Pious "It must have been five years since I was supposed to lose it by the time I was finally forced to migrate to PIP, such was the backlog they had."

      I say 'supposed to lose it', I meant lose DLA due to it being phased out.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 7 hours ago
      @Pious Pious, I'm sure you are aware but six years is a very long PIP award. 

      Very few people get awards that long. I actually thought 10 years was unheard of too. When it gets to that point with PIP they tend to give people indefinite awards.

      It's a travesty they insist on reassessing people so often given how long DLA awards were for. The thing is there was abuse of DLA, no doubt about it. Of course most claims were valid but the length of the award was what made the fraud worse at the time as peoples circumstances would change for the better and they wouldn't inform the DWP.

      I still don't think they should have got rid of DLA though. Maybe made the awards a little shorter but to get rid of DLA entirely was trying to use a sledgehammer to crack a walnut.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 12 hours ago
    The government will save more than 5 billion if alot of people get pip stopped and UC health element
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 13 hours ago
    Thank you for this it is helpful. I have two PIP application to complete for my sons for different problems. It is the mobility element they are going to lose. They can both walk but trying to get one of them out of the house with out his carer is a nightmare He rarely leaves the house but as usual the questions don't really suit his problems. Who is going to conduct all these face to face assessments and when? How long will we be waiting for an appeal? What money is it really going to save. See the letters page of the daily mail today the people who spoil it for the genuine. Best of luck to the genuine
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 11 hours ago
      @Carole He should get mobility, as he would score 12 points if he can only go out with his carer:

      "Cannot follow the route of a familiar journey without another person, an assistance dog or an orientation aid. (12 points)"
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 14 hours ago
    While this is a good practice exercise and I do score 4 points on a couple of descriptors, that's only my opinion (oh, and my consultant's), which as we all should know by now counts for nothing in the face of lying assessors and the whims of target-driven Decision Makers. It's nice to have this of course, but please don't start pinning any hopes on it.

    We also don't yet know for certain how or if the descriptors will be changed in future to fit NeuLabour's now transparently despicable 'survival of the useful' agenda (I don't believe Starmer or Kendall's worthless assurances of 'fairness', and I certainly won't take any moral lectures from a man who proudly ponces all his clothes, specs and Taylor Swift tickets from billionaire donors).

    But it's also equally important to remember, as the article says, that all of this is just a proposal and may never become law.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 15 hours ago
    It was well worth taking the test But while what I think I should score is 19 points with two descriptors of 4 points for daily living DWP think different They have given me only one descriptor of 4 points and 14 points Which while I would still get PIP Does show This is a guide but the assessor could think differently I had my PIP review result letter at the end of Feb this year So was a good comparison Between my own predicted points and reality
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    · 15 hours ago
    The entire purpose of pip is to help with extra costs.

    A person with cerebral palsy who qualifies as of right now needing aids too cook, eat, wash themselves, dressing and using a toilet no longer will because none of these are a 4.

    Actually disgraceful. 
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    · 16 hours ago
    After 15 years of navigating my rheumatoid arthritis through the benefits system it seems to me that conditions like RA which fluctuate in intensity on a daily basis could be wilfully misinterpreted by DWP.   I believe we are supposed to be assessed based on our functionality on a “bad day”.  In practise we are at the whim of the DWP assessor.   I can just imagine with the current desire to restrict eligibility people with such conditions will be easy prey 
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    · 18 hours ago
    Thanks for putting the time into this. Tasks like this take time 
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    · 18 hours ago
    Ok, can someone please help me by answering my question?

    I am in the support group for NS-ESA, under mobility, but I do also meet the criteria to be in the support group for regulation 35, Risk.

    I do not score 4 points for any one of the daily living activities on this new PIP test.

    If they scrap the WCA, and replace it with this new PIP test, does this mean, that, I would no longer be eligible to be in the LCWRA support group for NS-ESA?

    (And is that because I have to score 4 points on one of the new PIP test individual daily living decriptors, as well as be eligible under mobility?)

    Please tell me thats not true.  

    (I have a very serious and rare disease rarely leave the house, been through 17 years of hell trying to get the symptoms fully recognised. I have letters from world experts stating I will never work again.)


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      · 6 hours ago
      @WorkshyLayabout I could possibly work part-time but will employers take us on, unless of course we could go on work related training through the job centre.
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      · 10 hours ago
      @cats6 Ive had to survive on just job seekers in the past not very pleasant but manageable if you dont have any necessary additional costs.
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      · 11 hours ago
      @cats6 I'm on what I think is called either an indefinite or recurring fit note so I hope that helps my go surgery said my situation isn't likely to improve any time soon 
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      · 13 hours ago
      @WorkshyLayabout Same problem with chopped posts and still waiting on another news thread for comment approval.

      Anyhow yes , many will be left with standard element of UC 
      I cannot find anything in the green paper that covers that scenario 
      Zero provisions
      for those still disabled still unfit to hold down any job/ work 
      Maybe they will have to keep appealing..  (that basically says it all, no intention to give real support to those caught up in that mix)
      or keep submitting fit notes to gratify a behind the screen of a computer works coach .
      Poor buggers there's going to be 
      Horrendous consequences .
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 13 hours ago
      @Keith That is true. If you don't score at least 4 on one descriptor on the living section you won't get any health related benefit 

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