Strong evidence has emerged that the DWP is going to start migrating income-related employment and support allowance (irESA) claimants to universal credit (UC) this year, without any hoped for postponement.  The latest proof is in the government’s response to a report into UC by the Pubic Accounts Committee (PAC).

In the last few days we have highlighted growing evidence that suggests that any delay in the forced migration of irESA claimants to UC is unlikely to happen.

One clue was the DWP Touchbase newsletter, which said that the “correct level of support is in place to safely move customers over to UC”.  

We also highlighted that the DWP updated its “Move to Universal Credit if you get a Migration Notice letter” page on 30 August to include confirmation that “claimants who are moving to Universal Credit from Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) without a break do not need to provide fit notes if they meet the listed criteria.”

The latest evidence is in the response by the government to the PAC’s report into the DWP’s progress in implementing UC.

The original PAC report was written in April of this year, under the former Conservative government.  But the response, in the September Treasury Minutes, is addressed to “the new committee”, making it clear it was the current Labour government that wrote it.

The PAC argued that “With the move of Employment and Support Allowance claimants to Universal Credit now deferred to 2028, it will be vital for the Department to capture and act upon the learning from its current programme about how to migrate vulnerable claimants effectively.”

However, since that was written, the Conservatives decided to move the migration of ESA claimants forward.  So, in their response, the Labour government say:

“The department acknowledges the need to be ready for migration of the Employment and Support Allowance cohort in 2024-25 as opposed to 2028. This is in-light of the recent policy change to bring the migration of the Employment and Support Allowance cohort forward and deliver this element as part of the current Universal Credit Programme.”

This appears to make it clear that the Labour administration intends to stick to the new, accelerated timetable for migrating ESA claimants to UC.

The government also rejects the criticism by the committee that they should not be reducing the funding for the Citizens advice ‘Help to Claim” service at a time when more claimants will need advice.

The government argues that:

“The department is currently working with Citizens Advice to consider the impact on Help to Claim of bringing forward the migration of remaining Employment and Support Allowance claimants to Universal Credit and what steps are needed to ensure the right support is in place for these customers.”

ESA claimants who also receive child tax credit are already being migrated to UC.  It seems increasingly likely, but still not certain, that other ESA claimants will be following them in the coming months. 

The fact that the government is aware of how anxious claimants are about when the migration process will begin, but still chooses not to make an announcement, says a great deal about its attitude to people whose lives it has such an effect upon

You can download the September Treasury Minutes, which contain the government response to the PAC report, from this page.

Many thanks to Rightsnet, the website for welfare rights workers, for highlighting this document.


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    clearwater · 11 days ago
    What exactly does it mean to move from irESA to UC without a break?

    The UC migration invite letter  gives 3 months to complete, should you complete/return within the time stipulated is that without a break? sorry i am confused as earlier this year i moved home (same area) the council  stopped my HB claim after almost 2 months saying i had a break in my HB claim so must now claim UC & HB, however it was totally unclear to me after many phone calls and several letters as no where was it stated what the dates were. It finally was resolved i asked for a reconsideration and two months later it was approved with back payments.

    So Lucky i did not submit my UC claim, i was on the brink,  the council tried hard persuading/pushing me to claim UC & HB.   I am all soted out now but want, to be perfectly clear as to what exactly is considered a break. the stress thinking of a move/migration to UC is taking its toll.

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      T · 11 days ago
      @clearwater By the break I'm certain it means before the deadline they give you to sign up to UC.  If you leave signing up to UC until after the date they give them that will be classed as a break.
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    Aw · 11 days ago
    I can't complete the application process because I can't have the initial interview (either in person or by phone) & I don't want an appointee, don't have anyone who could do it even if I did. Years ago when the details of the pressures of UC became known, I knew then that this would be my final mountain, the one I'd die trying to climb. Whe they said it delayed till 2028, that coincided both with my next PIP review and my dog's life expectancy & having struggled to want to go out after losing my first dog, I made peace with the fact that 2028 was shaping up to be as far I wanted to go. I lost my dog in June, 5 years before her time, and now UC is coming for me. Life has to be wo⁷rth living, my health already makes it too hard, having to have monthly contact with the DWP, being under threat of sanction, losing LCWRA & PIP as th Tories (& presumably also Labour now) planned, becoming homeless because.I won't be able to afford the rent anymore. What's the point anymore. We do our best to struggle forward and they just want to take it all away from us. I'm done now. I've tried so hard to keep going, I can't do it anymore. Once that letter drops, that's me done.
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      LS · 8 days ago
      @Edwards Not sure what’s going on but update is that my telephone appointment was cancelled & my husband was able to complete my online claim which he wasn’t able to do before the cancellation of which we had nothing to do with..that’s all I can say atm .. waiting for more info.. is worrying that if my husband hadn’t been their to advocate for my needs on the telephone that i was treated as if I could function normally? Not sure if this was just a mistake or it is to do with training or is to do with slow computer systems? Would just say it’s important to have someone helping you if you’re vulnerable or cognitively challenged.
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      Edwards · 8 days ago
      @LS I don't think they know what they're doing,you get transitional protection don't you? You should have no work commitments placed on you at all,can someone please clarify this? You should have been transferred to the equivalent of the support group on uc ie, no work commitments, we need this sorting out,many people will nodoubt having the same problem as staff obviously haven't understood their training or they havnt had any yet
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      LS · 8 days ago
      @Michael I am being asked to migrate from esa to uc, I am in the support group, very sick & need full time care, I was asked to provide a sick note via a telephone appointment that husband as my carer took the lead on speaking & advocated for me so they then decided I didn’t need a fit note from the doctor but I’ve been asked to attend a job centre interview with a work coach! Then my husband explained I’m predominantly housebound & often need to be in bed I can’t attend job centre so they decided to give me a telephone appointment today with a job coach?! I have no idea what it’s about & no information how to prepare & no consultation with me wether the process is suitable for my disabilities ie I usually have to prepare in advance for all doctor appointments & my husband takes all my telephone appointments as I struggle to think clearly and express myself accurately unless given much time to dissemble my very muddled thoughts! What on earth is going on asking someone who is sick in support group to go for an appointment at job centre??!! Where do I go for advice I do not know what my rights are here or what on earth is happening??!!
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      Jay · 8 days ago
      @Michael I migrate from esa legacy benefits to UC in Dec 2023 after a house move to a new area.
      I had been claiming Esa for 6 years (lcwra group and had to prove my identity time and time again, uploading online wasn't sufficient, I was given appointments to attend the jobcentre which I had to cancel due to being housebound at the time, so they sent someone out to my house to do the appointment to verify my identity in person before payments of UC could be made, all appointments after that were by phone took about a month to sort out. Payments were made after.
      Definitely not a smooth transition.
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      T · 10 days ago
      @Michael Thank you for your information. I've read your post this morning and like the dogmother I'm feeling much calmer about it now. 
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    Tina · 11 days ago
    I'm on Esa, HB . Sent a esa 50 review back on Jan still waiting for it to come back. I am worried sick about migration to UC. I haven't got photo ID apart from disabled bus pass. It seems so complicated.  I have autism,  copd,joint hypermobility,  dyslexia. fatigue. Honestly I'm scared stiff by it all..
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      dmwors · 8 days ago
      @Aw This is exactly my experience from helping a gentleman move to UC. Terrible experience x
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      Aw · 8 days ago
      @Michael And how do you get to show them that? You have to go to the jobcentre or have someone go for you and we don't all have someone that can do that. Many people are reporting that even with the migration, they are still being asked to do this. The problem seems to be that we all have to make a new claim even if we're migrating and the staff at the jobcentre treats everyone the same. ESA don't send your details through till after the claim is accepted and a lot of people are being given the wrong information about sick notes and ID because the work coaches have no way of verifying that you're coming from ESA.
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      Jonno · 9 days ago
      @andrea True. A P60 will suffice too.
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      C · 10 days ago
      @Neal Just a quick add here Minimum Income does not apply if you are LCW or LCWRA with UC.  There is also a work allowance of about £404 a month before they reduce you.
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      Michael · 10 days ago
      @Tina 'The dogmother' is correct. A debit card will suffice, they don't require photographic identification.
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    andrea · 11 days ago
    Does anyone know, if there is a change to PIP, how long it will take to go through the system and be implemented?  Just want to know how long it is likely to be.
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      rookie · 10 days ago
      @Neal Well Neal, that's crystal 🙄
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      Neal · 10 days ago
      @andrea Dear, don't worry!, but only those who are vigilant, and you and everyone have the right to worry. Any government in this world when it wants to legislate unpopular laws, and I will give you an example: When the government tells the people who own PIP, perhaps we will work on replacing cash payment with vouchers, and hides another matter that is less harmful than vouchers, but it remains painful for the people, the people will quickly accept the second solution, which is actually the government’s goal to implement without high waves. This is difficult to implement most of the time, and it is not decided now, perhaps in the not so distant future.
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      Neal · 10 days ago
      @Jon Thank you for your warning, my dear, but I made the correction, as soon as, directly. You can find it above.
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      Neal · 10 days ago
      @C Look, my dear, everything is possible today. The right wing of the Labour Party and the Conservative Party are working to serve a economic system, and this system has entered a difficult economic tunnel. So what should be done? Either turn to the wealthy classes and make them pay taxes to compensate the treasury, or turn to the majority of the population, the low- and middle-income earners. This will require different political skills to convince people when the elections come. The wise man understands from a hint
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      C · 10 days ago
      @Neal Do you think they will do similar to Torys and release a white paper same day as budget.  People just need to know now.
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    andrea · 11 days ago
    For those who are worried about moving over to Universal Credit, I decided to act like I already had the transfer letter and filled the forms in online to do it.  I have to say, filling the forms in was pretty easy and not as bad as I thought they would be.  Of course, I am used to computers though, not sure how this will affect people who aren't.  And I haven't been assessed since 2019 so they will probably want to reasses me at some time but just to reassure people the actual process of filling forms in was easier than I thought.  (Might help to get forms of ID read for when you do so.  I'm getting mine ready now so it is not such a panic. ANything to minimise the stress.)
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      C · 10 days ago
      @andrea Same for me but I am used to computers as well.   The biggest pain was the wait for money but I just took the loan and took it on the nose it was a year to pay back.  In and out the Job Centre within 5 mins with ID.  
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    Neal · 11 days ago
    I'm talking about villain vouchers
    The application of PIP vouchers by the right wing of the Labour Party would not only be an unpopular decision as was the case of reducing winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners, but it would certainly be a decision against human rights , because it is an immoral, uncivilized and even barbaric decision that attacks the the most vulnerable part of British society. There are people who live in their luxurious palaces, on their yachts or on their private islands. These people should not be touched because they are, so called, the backbone of the economy. Economy that the taste, smell and colour of which we do not know today because we do not eat sometimes when we are hungry because budget, and we do not buy perfume because it is much more expensive than we have got in our pockets, and we do not go to events because we are weak in (wallet), body and health.
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    Elizabeth Vidler · 12 days ago
    I am afraid the comments made thinking q/e thinking were a good idea are wrong, they just flood the economy with false money which you cannot do indefinetly.  Trussenomics cannot be endlessly blamed for the rise in interest rates or other financial failure interest rates were never going to stay that low and anybody who  thought they were needs a lesson in basic maths.  Brexit is not to blame for all lifes woes it is those who failed to implement it that are at fault.  And yes I agree Stephen Timms, forget the Sir, has in my book  been pretty useless as far as the disabled go and I expect nothing from him or any other member of the Labour party, all MPs as far as I am concerned are interested in one thing and that is themselves.
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    T · 12 days ago
    I'm dreading this, I feel like the worry of it has consumed my whole life and people around me are sick and tired of me going on about it constantly.  
      I need a date of when, not knowing when is making things worse .
       My health has definitely deteriorated because of this. 
      Wish I never believed in labour and gave them my vote in trust 😞
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      The Dogmother · 9 days ago
      @C @c oh absolutely. It's ridiculous we have to think this way tbh. 
      The unknown is always far worse I think too.
      I don't see any other way to get peace,at least not while still in the land of the living, but is it living? 
      I think it's a mere existence and barely that. Disgusting that our own government  can distress us so much. It's a never ending cycle of fear. 
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      C · 10 days ago
      @The Dogmother Isn't is sad so may of us wish for retirement.  I am only 53 and wishing all that time of my life away to be free from this.  I just want to know now what they are doing what the future is so we know what we are up against.  It is the not knowing that is causing me constant anxiety it is on my mind all the time.
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      Tina · 11 days ago
      @T I am as well, I'm dreading the budget.  I thought they were caring but they are worse than the torys. Why bring the migration forward.  Why can't they leave it alone. Its bad enough pip , not knowing what's going to happen.  My mental health has got worse. 
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      The Dogmother · 11 days ago
      @T @T I don't sleep either, 20mins here and there,and this has even interrupted those moments.
      Thanks for anyone who helps put our minds at ease,or answers a burning question. Any information is so helpful.
      Oh it definitely never ends, it's either wca then pip and the dreaded forms,then the wait, MR, tribunal etc It's all a bit like swimming against the tide.
      Never wished for retirement age so much.I've 9 years to go,so still bit of a trot.
      Far too many changes to get our heads around happening too often.
      But fight on we must.Even if I feel like going to live in a cave and feed on berries.Jokes aside there has to be some good news for us. We are way overdue it. 
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      T · 12 days ago
      @The Dogmother It's just like a never ending nightmare, hurdle after hurdle.. once you get your head round something and plan for it something keeps coming to drag you back into the unknown.. 
        I take enough tablets to knock a horse out for a week and I can not begin to remember the last time I had a good night sleep. 
        Thankfully we have this site, there's been people including yourself who have been a big help to me with advice etc helps to know we aren't really suffering alone because we are all being impacted by all this. 

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    Owl · 12 days ago
    It looks like this winter there will be deaths of old people by freezing and deaths to sick people by starvation as the DWP continues it's course of going slow slow slow with its migration plans brought forward. To me it shows there has been a level of cooperation between the outgoing Tories and the incoming blue labour party. Rather then come up with a proper solution for investment to make the economy grow and take responsibility for why the economy has actually slowed down through austerity and economic contraction they the politicians appear to be sitting inside a small boat with a leak in it and rather then pail out the water they are choosing to cut the boat itself in order to try and stay afloat!
    I would have thought the government would have followed Gordon Brown's original plans of investments to make the economy to grow and thereby make government revenue grow. When Obama came to power he invested in quantitative easing and the economy actually grew in America at the rate of 5 to 6 percent. Here in England they choose not to invest and subsequently along with their delusionary views of belt tightening and austerity, Brexit and all the other political mishaps like Trussonomics, the economy contracted so now they are going to attack the vulnerable rather then plan (that would be something if a socialist party took to planning things) and take responsibility. They are only going to make things worst by contracting the economy further and cutting of yet more of the boat they are in rather then take a good hard look at all the facts like the neoliberal policies of the last 44 years of Thacherism has failed in creating a more equal society and failed in redistribution of wealth and yet in the absence of any clear vision they keep hanging on to the same ideas. 
    I had hoped the labour party would end up the protecting the poor and vulnerable and be more visionary in its views towards economics rather then be caught up with the pursuit of power to lose their moral social compass to hurl us further down the road towards Dickensian times.   
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      K · 11 days ago
      @K When growth is low and inflation is high then wealth has contracted 
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      mrfibro · 11 days ago
      @Owl With the influx of the sick, & the elderly people of Britain, going into hospital because of labours unnecessary draconian measures of austerity.  Will cost the government dearly as in regards to the overwhelming pressure and finances placed on the NHS.

      Has labour really thought this through ?  or they have! and don't care how many millions will suffer through this winters colder months.  And countless thousands who as a result of starmer & reeves & Co will die from pneumonia.

      Whilst the rich, power & elite & royals just sick back with their heating systems on full bat.  
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      K · 11 days ago
      @Jon The economy grew by 0.4% not exactly something to trumphet
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      Jon · 12 days ago
      @Owl The economy has grown in the last two quarters led by the service sector
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    M shirker · 12 days ago
    And where is mr timms in all of this? I’m feeling very let down 
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      John R · 8 days ago
      Timm's is a welfare reform ideologue, its very revealing that he is now been put back in post by Starmer, he was present at the Malingering and Illness Deception Conference in 2001)can google it)  which laid the basis for many of New Labour's welfare reforms and turbo-charged Coalition/Tory benefit reforms., where many many have taken their own lives.

      "The aim of the 2001 'Malingering and illness deception meeting' (funded by the DWP) was to "work out how to frame chronically ill and disabled people as morally void scroungers and malingerers with no insight into their own health conditions" 1/2"
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      Jon · 11 days ago
      @HRH Stephen timms is probably intimidated by Liz kendall
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      mrfibro · 11 days ago
      @M shirker Timms is bottling it the wet lettuce.  What a waste of precious oxygen.
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      HRH · 12 days ago
      @M shirker he’s my MP and my experience of him is that he’s great at playing the game of politics, he has been an MP for over 27-yrs.  i had a medical negligence case which gave rise to complaints about the london based NHS services, PHSO, DWP and Newham Council i.e, he will always write letters to various government departments but doesn't expect a reply from them and is very, very slow at following up responses.  I have one outstanding from 2019.  So i would lower your expectations of him and i hope i am proved wrong🤞
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      Old Historian · 12 days ago
      @M shirker He has changed since being Knighted it's easy to buy people off by giving them titles