Benefits and Work has added a new resource to our personal independence (PIP) pages, looking at the number of awards for all the 500+ different conditions that the DWP recognises for PIP. We’ve also updated the success rate table for all PIP conditions.
The DWP divides PIP awards into one of 20 different categories.
The top four categories:
- Psychiatric disorders: 1,406,044 awards
- Musculoskeletal disease (general): 691,426 awards
- Neurological disease: 470,380 awards
- Musculoskeletal disease (regional): 434,670 awards
make up 82% of all PIP awards.
These categories are then divided into sub-categories.
Psychiatric disorders, for example, is divided into 20 sub-categories, with 396,000 claims based on “Mixed anxiety and depressive disorders” making up over a quarter of all awards in this category.
The sub-categories are then divided up into 500+ conditions, which we’ve put into a searchable database.
We’ve also updated the searchable database of success rates for PIP claims for all 500+ conditions.
You can view the PIP award numbers by condition here and view the PIP success rates by condition here.