We will have to wait for the publication of the Green Paper later today for full details of changes to personal Independence payment (PIP) and Universal Credit (UC).

But here are some of the main points of the speech.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

  • No vouchers
  • No means-test
  • No freeze.

But, from November 2026, claimants will need to score at least 4 points from a single descriptor to qualify for the daily living component of PIP, as well as scoring a total of at least 8 points..

So, if you select 4 descriptors scoring two points each, that will be 8 points, but it will not qualify for an award. 

But if you select one descriptor scoring 4 points and two descriptors scoring 2 points, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.

There will also be review of the PIP assessment system led by disability minister Stephen Timms.

PIP existing claimants

The DWP says it "will work with Department of Health and Social Care to ensure that existing people who claim PIP who may no longer be entitled to the benefit following an award review under new eligibility rules have their health and eligible care needs met. The government is consulting on how best to achieve this."

This suggests that existing claimants will be subject to the new rules when their award is reviewed, if the review takes place from November 2026 onwards..

 Work Capability Assessment (WCA)

The WCA is to be scrapped in 2028 and a new single assessment system introduced. Under the new system, any extra financial support for health conditions (including PIP, ESA or UC health) will be assessed via a new single assessment which will be based on the PIP assessment – considering on the impact of disability on daily living, not on capacity to work.

There will be an increase in  Face-to-Face Assessments for PIP and the WCA.

Reintroduce reassessments for incapacity benefits, with exceptions for those who will never work and those under special rules for end-of-life care. Reassessments have largely been switched off since 2021.

A "Right To Try Guarantee" will be introduced which will guarantee that attempting work will never lead to a benefits reassessment.

Universal Credit (UC)

From April 2026, Labour will hold the value of the universal credit health top-up fixed in cash terms for existing claimants, and reduce it for new claimants, with an additional premium for people with severe lifelong condition

The Standard Allowance will be raised above inflation by 2029/30, adding £775 annually in cash terms for a single person aged over 25.

Access to the health element of Universal Credit will be delayed until a claimant is aged 22.

Existing claimants.  The DWP say “Those currently in receipt of UC health will benefit from the increased standard allowance and will not be affected by plans to reduce UC health in future.”


People with the most severe disabilities or with health conditions that will never improve will never be reassessed.


The DWP say they will bring forward primary legislation this session to enable delivery of the PIP additional eligibility requirement and UC rebalancing reforms from 26/27.

The Right to Work Guarantee will be delivered through separate primary legislation which will be introduced “in due course”. 


The DWP say the changes are expected to save over £5 billion in 2029 to 2030.


The Pathways to Work:  Reforming Benefits and Support to Get Britain Working Green Paper.

 Liz Kendall speech

 You can try the proposed new PIP test here.

You can also:

keep up with what’s changing and when

find out what you can do if you are unhappy about Labour’s plans

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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 days ago
    Does this mean those with severe disabilities wont be re-assessed for UC but will be re-assessed for PIP (using the light touch review) ?

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @coolday Is this from the new green paper regarding light touch reviews? 
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      · 9 days ago
      @tony horse It appears that your pip assessment results will be used to determine if you get lcwra for ESA. The problem is, they are going to make pip harder to get, so I'm guessing if you don't qualify for pipunder the new criteria, then you won't get lcwra for UC.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @tony horse Improving communication with people receiving an ongoing award in PIP who are likely to remain on disability benefits for life
      168. In the current system, people receive an ongoing award in PIP if the impact of their health condition or disability is not likely to change in the long-term, or if they have the highest level of award and the impact of their condition is only likely to get worse. Ongoing awards can be given at any award level in PIP.

      169. Most people with ongoing awards are not formally reassessed. Instead, they have a ‘light touch’ review every 10 years which aims to maintain a minimal level of contact with people to ensure their details are kept up to date and adjust awards if necessary.

      170. By providing PIP awards for an ongoing period, we remove the need for people whose conditions are unlikely to improve to undergo more regular award reviews. Yet we still hear that people with lifelong and progressive conditions are concerned they are being put through unnecessary repeated assessments.

      171. We are considering making changes to improve communication around receiving ongoing awards in PIP. These include improving the information we provide when we write to people about ongoing PIP award decisions, what support is offered to people receiving ongoing awards between ‘light touch’ reviews and reviewing the length of time between ‘light touch’ reviews.
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    · 9 days ago
    Apparently contributory ESA and JSA will be merged into time-limited "Unemployment Insurance"? Isn't that effectively the end of National Insurance as we know it? which was an insurance policy that everyone paid in to and that protected you in the event that you could not work, whether that's for 6 months or for the rest of your life. This would be even more perverse than time limiting the state pension, since at least many younger pensioners can work!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @Veri For new people claiming?? What does that mean for New Style ESA/ESA CB (legacy).
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @Veri This is what I have been wondering about as well. I currently receive Old Style CB ESA with IR top up and I will be migrating over to UC next month. My Old Style ESA portion will be transferred over to New Style ESA. If the new Health Insurance benefit comes into force, will there be a time limit for existing claimants, or will they be exempt? Or will the CB part be scrapped and I just receive all relevant portions of UC instead? 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 days ago
    Pathways to work, page 17, para 54 "(for new people claiming)" What does this mean for existing claimants of New Style ESA (Contribution based ESA Support Group)?
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      · 9 days ago
      @Stephen I don't know Stephen, maybe it's a new system for new claimants and a phasing out over time for existing claimants as they retire/recover? Also people with LCWRA who also get PIP were no longer having WCA as of the end of 2024. I wonder if this still stands. Reassessments for WCA are apparently restarting.
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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 days ago
    Hmmm, I wonder if there were some last minute u-turns, because this isn’t AS BAD as feared from the leaks. I’m in no way dismissing anyone who’s going to be worse of from this and genuinely feel terrible both for you and friends of mine who may be affected.
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    · 9 days ago
    If they want to change it so you have to score at least 4 points for an award, then they need to be scoring descriptors accurately!

    I have the highest award for daily living and mobility, yet I was scored as 'needs prompting' for preparing food. I have a physical health issues which doesn't magically get better, enabling me to cook a meal because someone prompted me to.

    As it stands, according to my last pip review, I would not qualify, which is crazy because I was mostly bed bound at the time.

    I didn't bother contesting it, because I hit the overall points needed, but now I fear they will get it wrong again, and take the award away. It's not like PIP assessors have a good reputation for accuracy is it?

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @Leah "It's not like PIP assessors have a good reputation for accuracy is it?"

      Can we all just take them to court over this please.
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    · 10 days ago
    I just watched Liz Kendall's statement, and I surprised and impressed. This is totally different to what I was expecting. It was genuinely fair and compassionate, and supportive, and sensitive to peoples anxieties. In fact, far from being an attack on us, I think these reforms are an overall net positive. I am really surprised. Liz Kendall really has compassion, empathy, and good intent. For me, Labour are redeemed today on welfare. These reforms are not coming from a place of hatred, as is so palpable from the Torys. The only thing I don't like in these reforms is scrapping the WCA in 2028, because this risks locking disabled and vulnerable people out of support if they fail to pass a more stingent PIP test. We should fight to keep the WCA. But overall these reforms are commendable. Congratulations to Liz Kendall and a warm thank you on behalf of all disabled people. We appreciate you! We voted for you!
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      · 9 days ago
      @Ernie My comment has been rescinded fully. I did not initially realize the full implications of these reforms. They are essentially withdrawing everything from everybody who does not score 4 points on a single PIP descriptor of an even stricter PIP test. This is absurd. Absolutely absurd. I am 100% opposed to this.
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      · 9 days ago
      @Wow! and theres me congratulating you for fine sarcasm
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @Wow! you have sarcasm finely honed there wow!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @Wow! Someone has got more down votes on a post than Bert! Wow!!!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @Wow! My earlier comment was a mistaken initial reaction, sorry! I had not yet read all of the details or realized the full implications of these changes. Some of these reforms are very bad indeed. While clearly not nearly as destructive as Tory intentions, and delivered with more empathy by Liz Kendall than has ever been shown by Tories, nevertheless we must all collectively oppose these reforms because there are major and serious risks to vulnerable and disabled people from these proposals. 
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 10 days ago
    So, make the health component of UC dependent on getting PIP - while also making it much harder to get PIP than it already is. Thus ensuring most people won't get the health component of UC.

    I'd like to know if this applies to existing claimants or only to new claimants. If it's only new claimants I might just about survive. If they apply it to new claimants I'll lose all of the health component - I'm currently on ESA but presumably will be transferred to UC sooner rather than later - as I don't think I'd qualify for PIP now, let alone under harsher eligibility criteria. If that happens I won't have enough to even cover the bare essentials required to survive.

    And predictably enough, the Tories are already complaining that these changes aren't harsh enough, so we now know that it doesn't matter if Labour or the Tories are in power - we'll be under attack from our own gvernment either way.

    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      I should have said "if they apply it to existing claimants I'll lose all of the health component".

      Come to think of it, will those of us who are still on ESA be considered new claimants of UC when we're transferred to that? Or do we count as existing claimants because we're already on a health-related benefit, i.e. ESA? If we'll be counted as new claimants then presumably we'd better pray that we're migrated to UC under the existing rules, before the horrific changes announced today are brought in.
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    · 10 days ago
    One key section in the now-published green paper is the possibility of bringing in transitional protection for current claimants who lose pip at their first post-November 2026 assessment.  Presumably the new pip eligibility criteria will apply to claims or reassessments that start the process after November 2026, rather than those already in the system.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @slb We know by now, any transitional protection, is only temporary smoke sceen.
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    · 10 days ago
    Is the above for definite or is it up for consultation? Need a vote in the commons etc? Could it be changed in theords?
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      · 8 days ago
      @Arthritic Annie I think they need some kind of safety net for those about to lose out on PIP and those getting LCWRA and not PIP.
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      · 9 days ago
      @Hannah15 My MP's reform's Richard Tice. How much on the side of benefits claimants do you think he is? It was his other half who called us parasites.
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      · 9 days ago
      @Arthritic Annie Much of it needs a vote, and Kendall acknowledged that.    Much of what was said were proposals and up for consultation, although, according to the green paper, not the change to PIP eligibility - but that will still be implemented through primary legislation, with a vote in the commons.  However, there is an important paragraph about the changes to PIP eligibility:

      "We are mindful of the impact this change could have on people and so want to consider how we can best support those affected. This includes options for transitional protection for those who are no longer eligible for PIP and the entitlements linked to their award. In addition, we also want to consider how to support those with lower needs in a large number of PIP activities, as part of these changes. We are consulting on whether those who lose entitlement need any support and what this support could look like." 

      The elements mentioned in that paragraph are part of the consultation.  But I read it as suggesting that there might be financial protection for those suddenly losing PIP.  And does the question of supporting those "with lower needs in a large number of PIP activities" mean that there might be a new tier of payment within PIP?  It opens that possibility, for sure.  It could be the autumn before we actually find out.  
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @Arthritic Annie It's a Green Paper so it's not definite yet. We have to oppose it with everything we have and get our MPs on side. It's outrageous. Target the vulnerable and leave the filthy rich!! 
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    · 10 days ago
    I get UC & the LCWAWRA award. The only part I need to understand is, 'when, as an existing claimant, will I be reassessed?' I am signed off work due to moderate to severe CPTSD. I have read everything released by Liz Kendall today, I was clear on most of the points but not that one. 
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      · 9 days ago
      @Cee They could reassess everyone between now and 2028.  I am not sure if they will have the capacity to do so.  They most certainly will do as many as they can.  With a view to remove as many people as possible from current groups.

      I am very worried.
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      · 9 days ago
      @BH Hi BH, thanks for your message, yes I've already read that but it doesn't give a timescale of when the reassessments will happen. I've just decided that I have to just forget about it all and It'll simply be counter-productive to any recovery from my ptsd to also worry about a looming reassessment too. I'll just put all I can muster into the reassessment process as and when it's needed.
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      · 9 days ago
      @Cee In part 159 of the Green Paper there's a whole section under the heading: 'Switching back on WCA Reassessments'.
      I highly recommended reading that section, it'll answer your question.

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    · 10 days ago
    Does no reassessment include those on indefinite fit notes?
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    · 10 days ago
    So what is the point of the coming consultation if they have decided that 4 points in one category must be required to qualify for PIP with other 4 points elese where?

    Can the outcome of the consultation reject that? 

    I am stressed out now
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @sevenbeed I don't think it can.  But there are questions in the green paper about how to support those who lose PIP after having it before - including the possibility of transitional protection.  The consultation will also look at how to support those who get a high number of overall points but spread over a larger range of criteria (basically, the old system).  That, perhaps, opens up the idea a new tier of PIP.  The paragraph is in italics, below.  The thing I'd like to have made clear is whether the November 2026 date means claims and reassessments STARTED after that date or whether those already in the system will also fall under the new rules.  For anyone starting a reassessment or claim earlier in 2026, that will be an important detail. 

      "We are mindful of the impact this change could have on people and so want to consider how we can best support those affected. This includes options for transitional protection for those who are no longer eligible for PIP and the entitlements linked to their award. In addition, we also want to consider how to support those with lower needs in a large number of PIP activities, as part of these changes. We are consulting on whether those who lose entitlement need any support and what this support could look like."
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    · 10 days ago
    Do they mean that  If you score 16 points across the daily living component you will not get any daily component unless at least one of the descriptors is 4 or do they mean that at the very minimum to get the standard you have to score a descriptor of 4?
    Because surely if you score 16 points across the descriptors they cannot ignore that you are in need of enhanced rate ?
    As many descriptiors you may score a few points in each and not get a total of 4 in one ??

    Surely that would be so cruel as so many of us have many points but across multiple descriptors ?

    Does anyone have any clarity ? 
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      · 9 days ago
      @J. Totally agree
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      · 9 days ago
      @charles That's what it says. If you do not get a score of 4 in at least one descriptor, you won't get PIP daily living. Terrible news for many
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 9 days ago
      @charles That's what it means, and that's why it is being done. Most people on PIP dont score 4 points in a single category so they will lose not just PIP but also the LCWRA component of UC.

      This is a savage attack on millions of severely disabled people.
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      · 9 days ago
      @charles You have to get 4 points in one descriptor and then at least another 4 in any other so you get 4 in cooking a meal but then you need at least another 4 made up by maybe 2 in one area and 2 in another this will only give you standard rate then you will have to get another 4 to 8 in another area but this is only daily living area the mobility is staying the same i have just wrote my MP about it requesting that she does not vote for this as will deprive a lot of us not just from pip but also carer element you can only get with pip I won't be able to wash go toilet etc without it so what would be the point going on and they say it will start with new claimants in November next year I am under review now been 5 months since I sent the paperwork back so are they gonna try do it on this review to get me off pip
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      · 9 days ago
      @charles As l understand it you have to score 4 in ONE daily living descriptor. Then a) for the standard rate daily living another 4 across the descriptors and b)for the enhanced rate another 8 points.
      She emphasised that it would not be the same for mobility component.
      I looked in detail on the Government website at the green paper itself.
      Apologies if I have misinterpreted any thing but don’t believe l have 
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    · 10 days ago
    Does the no reassessment include those with indefinite fit notes?
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      · 9 days ago
      @Neil Cook I guess it would mean people whose conditions are unlikey to improve. it would be a medical dicision I think. for instance, visually impaired or totally blind people where a condition is expected to be unchanging and pip award is correct for that level of sight loss, or highest rate of pip with a degenerative condition, both where reassessment would be pointless. just my thoughts.
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    · 10 days ago
    Not as bad as I feared. The anxiety level has fallen. I would imagine the government backed down against the backbenchers. In reality some of the things I read in the press would be impossible to do and would be open to court challenges. The new rules won't come in until Nov 26. I think they have looked at PIP and the only option would be to replace PIP and they don't have a clue to what to replace it with.  We still have to wait for the green paper for the details.
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      · 9 days ago
      @Onyx123 Not as bad? It's devastating for people not getting 4 points on 1 descriptor for pip,which most don't,then they lose their 
       lcwra on uc?? If you really can't work you're litrally screwed,they have to understand even if you didn't get pip you still may be totally incapable of doing work so what you supposed to live on? Fresh air???
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      · 9 days ago
      @Onyx123 That's very different to me, what things did you read before in the press recently that they didn't implement and backed down on? Only thing I can see that was a realistic possibility mentioned recently was PIP being frozen which wasn't and to be honest that was only minor compared to the rest anyway. This is definitely worse than the leaks we have had over the last week prior.
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    · 10 days ago
    I got 11 points on my pip assessment but cant remember if i got at least 4 points on one descriptor but more than likely I didnt.
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    · 10 days ago
    They're going to tie LCWRA element to getting PIP, so that means if we lose PIP we'll lose everything. This is going to cost lives.
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      · 9 days ago
      @Aw Some, already losing the Severe Dissability Premium, as this will erode with the ESA to UC move. 

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