Labour is leaving millions of claimants in a state of anxiety as it reveals that it is looking at the responses to the Conservative’s green paper on PIP which suggested, amongst other things, the possibility of paying the benefit as vouchers rather than cash.

The Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

The consultation period for the Green Paper ended on 22 July and we know that many of our readers took part and are desperate to know the outcome.

Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Thomas of Winchester tabled a question for the DWP in the House of Lords:

“To ask His Majesty's Government whether they have any plans to change the personal independence payment assessment.”

Yesterday, the answer came from Baroness Sherlock, the DWP minister in the House of Lords:

“We will be engaging with the responses people have made to the previous government's consultation on Personal Independence Payment, which closed on Monday 22 July.

“We want to thank the many people who invested their time in responding.

“We will be considering our own approach to social security in due course.”

The response by Baroness Sherlock makes it seem unlikely that there will be any official statement on PIP changes before the parliamentary summer recess, which lasts from 30 July until 2 September.

However, the House of Commons goes into recess again for the party conference season from 13 September until 6 October.

So, there is a real possibility that PIP claimants will be left without any news for several months.

Written questions by MPs to the secretary of state about the PIP consultation and about WCA changes have yet to receive answers.  We suspect that any responses will simply be stalling ones, but we’ll keep readers posted if we learn anything more.



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    Martin gregg · 1 months ago
    This is a public bomb which is just going to effect literally everybody on pip and leading to effect other benefits it's a nasty ripple effect government are like a cancer which needs a Reb board from the ground up get an all new government all new MPs all new staff that know all about the government but not corrupted by it thanks peace ✌
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    rose · 1 months ago
    the government look after themselves the vouchers won’t work.
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    Dc · 1 months ago
    My mental health and fear in leaving my home on day to day basis would not agree with vouchers as I can't leave my home so tell me how would I spend the vouchers Is a fast cos people will result in selling the vouchers in exchange for cash 
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      lynn · 1 months ago
      @Dc I'm the same I cant leave the house so I don't understand how we are suppose to use these my anxiety is through the roof im only just managing now.
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    Essex Mat · 1 months ago
    PIP ought stay as is or increase for those unable to work, for me it means I can pay bills and buy medication unavailable for my conditions on the NHS. This scares me, without PIP I would not be able to live reasonably given I do not enjoy a salary from working
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    Anne · 1 months ago
    I don't know the point putting in vouchers because some people need it for different things and pip is stand for Personal Independence Payment so if they take that away from them what independence they have? 

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    Not known · 1 months ago
    How can they leave people so long what about people in the support group who cannot work and who wants vouchers your playing with peoples life it's very cruel people cannot get out some of them also due to health couldn't hold down a job let alone have to worry I ask them to make up there mind put the record straight on the intentions they seem to be making all the other answers why do people have to wait for this 
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    Fed up of politicians · 1 months ago
    Labour are playing games and I won't be participating. They are not going to destroy my peace of mind and make me iller.

    I've done a lot of research on recess periods, legislation stages and time averages, time averages after royal accent and trials.

    When you add this all together the earliest this could become law is late 2025, BUT that's the average of these factors for your average NON controversial bill.

    In this case with amendments and delays, backlashes you can add another year at least to this.

    Then when we look at legacy to UC and DLA to PIP and the insane existing backlogs and dwp struggles/staff shortages you're likely not even looking at this parliament at all.

    I do know when the time comes though IF this happens a few people who will come off UC or/and PIP and struggle and a couple who sadly are planning the unthinkable in advance.

    I've emailed a lot of mp including Kendall with my thoughts and opinions on the risks and the distress here on the scope forum and in the offline world and how she can think again if she thinks This won't all end in lawsuits and discrimination trials.

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    Vicky · 1 months ago
    It just won't work and they will end up being responsible for many deaths 
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    Lc · 1 months ago
    I feel like feeding the fishes I have over 20 conditions and 3 hernias yet I am still on standard rate. To disappear is easy I feel worthless unable to do simple things, everything is a battle no wonder so many sick people are in such a state vouchers Don't pay for a phone call or for fuel debts a crisis so on and on let's be sensible. Dla was great as soon as it changed to PIP it failed us I had the high rate I had a car for 10 months and then lost it to unqualified people who were paid to fail us.
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      Alex · 1 months ago
      @Laine Yes I had to fight for both ESA and PIP.  Got denied for both, then won at tribunal. 
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      Laine · 1 months ago
      @Lc Please please go to tribunal if you can. Don't give up. So many people are rejected first time then win. 
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    Emily hall · 1 months ago
    This got  be the worst thing ever   in history  how they do this to people disability hidden disability  etc  it crazy diabolical  most thing in existence b in an uproar
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Emily hall It's only came about because hundreds of thousands of people all put in new PIP claim forms.  And it's still rising.  Saying that people cant help being disabled through no fault of their own.  So to stop it spiraling ( pip cost)  we all have to pay for it by either not getting cash, having a voucher scheme etc, which will be worth pittance.

      For any government its a win win situation.  Claimants will be destitute, and forcibly placed into below the poverty line, and become more ill, than they already are.  Sadly to say, resulting in many suicides.  And the goverment wil just play it all down, and make up lies and implement smokescreens as per usual.  And cook the books.  

      I fully understand Labours need to try to sort out the country, after 14 years of Tory austerity.  But there are other ways, which they can save or get monies from.   And claimants are the fist, and easiest option to make savings.

      Labour also need to make sure that they don't fall on a double edged sword.  Come the ending of their tenure, but for now the only thing in their minds is doing what they themselves see fit.

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    Linda · 1 months ago
    All this delay is adding  to my anxiety and
    exacerbating my condition,

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      Pmh · 1 months ago
      @Linda Been waiting since Feb for renewal absolute farce my partner had brain injury with ptsd and this is all making him ill more and more each day having seizures through this
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    Firebunny · 1 months ago
    It's literally making me ill. The worry of it. First the worry when we have PIP  reviews, hoping and praying it will be fair. But this really takes the bun in terms of stress.
    I've been literally ill with worry. It triggers anxiety over financial insecurity. This in turn tips the balance on my fibro and attendant conditions. It literally magnifies the pain.
    I just had a dreadful bladder infection because I was just worrying so very much about what Starmer is going to announce.
    Really, it's too cruel. The whole investigation should have been scrapped.
    If they can scrap the Rwanda nonsense they can scrap this.
    Simple solution is increase taxation on higher levels of income.
    A catalogue of aids, my foot. Most people have their aids, they use pip for care, for incontinence needs, for taxis to hospital and health appointments, to keep warm, for special dietary needs, even for painkillers and meds. 
    I bought my prescriptions for years. With my PIP . Now I'm past that age. But I was looking forward to at last being warm in winter. I got an increase so that's what it was for. 

    What good is flipping catalogue?
    It's like disability and illness doesn't hurt, and all you need is aids .
    I'm in agonising pain 24/7. 
    Please get with the program Labour! 
    This is so old fashioned, cruel and Victorian. And it makes us all look like leeches.
    Personally I worked till I literally dropped, paying my way and working hard for a charity and in education.
    For God's sake I've been in PIP for only a few years and now it's all up for the most stupid reinvention ever . 

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      taking the pip · 1 months ago
      @Firebunny But they don't tax the highest earners they tax the middle earners who are already struggling with their mortgage and rent increase not to mention private dentists, prescriptions, food increases and vet bills none of which I can afford, it's the low to middle earners who  are struggling I know many on pip payments although not all, who live with their working partners,
      why should people work with health issues themselves have to pay more for them to live a better life than people who have to work
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    JJ · 1 months ago
    Pip vouchers a joke why are they changing a system that works for you. And making people's life harder than it is. 
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      Paul burdett · 1 months ago
      @JJ Pip is a good thing it for right person who is disabled I mean disabled not  if you under the mental health with anxiety you go for treatment and that not working then you go for vouchers I work in the mill in Rochdale and I work with people with all disabilities and they don't have a problem and this anxiety is new what next what else has the British tax payer have to pay for were dus it stop I work at 73 and I have had neck cancer have got time sit indoors play on my laptop waiting for my next payment 
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    Diceman24 · 1 months ago
    Yet again waiting for another 2 months this waiting is effecting everyone’s health conditions 
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    Pj · 1 months ago
    How cruel this government is , to leave disabled people with no answers. Playing a game, the anxiety is too much and noone cares 
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      Henry · 1 months ago
      @Ann I think they are hoping that millions will top themselves. Govts are all disgusting people.
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      Timbo · 1 months ago
      @Ann Oh, bless you. I'm anxious too but don't think it'll happen due to the backlash. Please stay positive, talk to your doctor urgently if you are feeling this low, please.
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      Caz · 1 months ago
      @Ann I can't live on £30 alone on esa I will kill myself also or get sectioned 
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      Ann · 1 months ago
      @Pj If this comes in I'll kill my self I can't live now I'm paying 350 a mouth for electric to keep worm I have mental health issues and very bad arthritis witch is worse when I'm cold I'm 66 and can not see anything worth living for
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    Ruth · 1 months ago
    I think that the inaction is all part of what they want to do us. Keeping us in a state of great anxiety and misery over the proposed disability benefit changes over the coming weeks/months raises the likelihood, in their minds at least, that we will drop out of the system. They don't care how, as long as we do. They will not bother to find out what happens to those that do and we all know what the likely consequences will be for those people. 

    Please, please carry on as you are, claim the benefits that you are entitled to and get on with your day to day life as normally as possible. I hope that you can limit the time spent worrying about it too. I believe that those are the best ways to defy them. Then we will just have to wait to see what's happening. 
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    TheDogmother · 1 months ago
    Anxiety is right. It's been months of it. Terrified is another word that could be used. Absolutely disgraceful.  
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    Jas · 1 months ago
    Let's face it how would a voucher work to improve the waiting lists for health issues. Oh, I don't have enough vouchers to see someone for physiotherapy and once the waiting lists are reduced in a few years hopefully I'll have enough if I haven't starved or had to cut medication because of not having enough vouchers. Fix the broken NHS first maybe if we stop queue jumping.
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      Chelsey · 1 months ago
      @Jane They will give vouchers for gas, electric, water,rent and food just not for anything else
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      Anon. · 1 months ago
      @Jas Couldn't agree more, they won't tackle the real issue with the NHS ie endless waiting lists, trainee nurses carrying out gp roles, lack of inexperienced health care professionals doing the job of specialists. Diagnosis' are being given very late and often makes the original issue more difficult to deal with. Vouchers will only benefit private therapists so less strain on NHS-we are humans with health issues, not just a statistic on the NHS. I work but had to reduce my hours due to my bowel issue, it was diagnosed too late and now I suffer everyday, if they bring in vouchers I'm not sure if I'll cope. 
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      Jane · 1 months ago
      @Jas Never heard anything like this....absolute shambles we all need to pay our bills including high energy bills, high mortgage and rent the hell you supposed to pay this with stupid vouchers....lunatics,,the government doesn't know what cost of living is and having a disability/disabilities.
      It's a kick in the stomach,we all need to get together and try put a stop to this
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    anees292 · 1 months ago
    We voted Labour with hope but seems like they are destroying our dreams.
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      Bella · 15 days ago
      @Bud I've been a labour voter all my life if they bring in this stupid voucher scheme I will never vote for them again.  There not the labour we new they the same as the tories.  I'm gutted 😢 
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      Clare · 1 months ago
      @boris1 That’s why I would never vote Labour!!!
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      Tasmicat · 1 months ago
      @anees292 Yes I voted Labour as they gave me hope and promises that our disability pip would not be scrapped...vouchers won't pay my bills or gardener window cleaner etc...and electric gas water too...if labour stop my pip I would not have a single £ to buy food clothes nappies or cleaning products to Bath.. my esa doesn't cover half of my direct debits so I rely 100% on my pip to just about cover my expenses...vouchers arr useless....what will happen to all the people who paid for mobility cars from their pip??? They would have their cars taken off them coz the mobility scheme still want their money for the car  so people would lose their scooter car etc.
      I will NEVER vote again...Labour has tricked us all and only eon coz we were promised help....
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      Michael · 1 months ago
      @boris1 This was a tory policy
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      Caz · 1 months ago
      @boris1 Liebour good one I won't can't live on £30 alone esa  , I will leave earth b4 world 3