It is being widely reported that the on-again, off-again Green Paper on changes to welfare benefits will finally be published tomorrow, Tuesday 18 March..

Publication of the consultation document has been expected for weeks, but fears of a revolt forced Downing Street to delay the move in order to try to placate Labour MPs.

Meanwhile, the press has been awash with claims about what secretary of state for work and pensions Liz Kendall will announce, but there has been no official confirmation of any specific changes.

Benefits and Work will cover the provisions of the Green Paper, and what they may mean for our readers, once it has been released and we have had time to study its contents.


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 hours ago
    Well, as I write - I am in a state of physical collapse and have been for the past 3 months. If a work coach wants to pop round with a wheel barrow to carry me away, I might be able to do something productive like talk to the local ducks and toss the odd peanut.

    Take heart folks - we know our limits at this time and don't let anybody attempt to push us beyond what we are capable of bearing.

    On the financial side, reach out to friends & family now and see if they can offer any support going forward if/when the money is taken away. Every little helps and there are a lot of people out here who will assist.
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    · 2 hours ago
    What is gonna be happening with those who have autism etc and they are still part of the way through an existing pip reward?. I am so shaken up.
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    · 3 hours ago
    I don't understand why the government are not focusing on getting the DWP and the companies they employ to do assessments to just do their job properly first time. 
    Who are all these 1000's people that can suddenly magically get PIP? I don't believe it. 

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    · 4 hours ago

    Let that be our slogan.
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    · 4 hours ago
    There are 800,000 job vacancies.
    There are 4,800,000 unemployed claimants. There will be 10,000,000+ unemployed claimaints within 5 years because of AI.

    Therefore, the net impact of these cuts to disabled welfare is to add more stress to disabled people. There is no economic benefit behind these cuts because the entire economic system will very soon need reforming.
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    · 4 hours ago

    Therefore, the net impact of these cuts to disabled peoples welfare = added stress for disabled people. There is zero economic point in these reforms as the entire economic system will very soon need reforming.
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    · 6 hours ago
    As lots of people have mentioned, it is only in Britain that there is an abnormal obsession with and relentless hatred towards disabled recipients of "welfare" from politicians and the media. This phenomenon doesn't exist in other welfare states. Everybody should mention this point at every opportunity. Highlight how abnormal it is to collectively constantly obsess over disabled welfare recipients. There are several other, far, far more important issues to obsess over.
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    · 12 hours ago
    Sent email to MP over concerns to intended leaked  cuts  to disability benefits 
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    · 12 hours ago
    I don’t understand HOW Will getting disabled people back to work (although 60% of us already do!) reduce pip? They will still have the disability, and still have same needs for care and cost and still entitled to PIP? and ones who can’t cannot be cured miraculously after being told by doctors they are too unwell to work or employer can’t employ because they are too unwell making mistakes having lots of time of without notice due to flare ups and recurring illnesses due to low immunity etc will also STILL be entitled to PIP so how is this saving money ?? Unless making up more lies to not award very unwell and disabled people and causing even more stress and degrading assessments during the review and application process which in turn makes people even more unwell ! It’s ludicrous 
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    · 12 hours ago
    The Devil will be in the detail,obviously a lot of scare stories going around,we've been here before and it's turned out to be a bit of a Paper Tiger, but this time it does seem its not going to be good News, especially for those on PIP with MH conditions. 
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    · 15 hours ago
    I have never seen a benefits reduction, it looks like UC (sickness portion) is likely to change. 
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    · 15 hours ago
    Seen the debate from today in gov don't know what to think very hard to understand all the info but I'm sure I heard that no  changes are comimg in this year unless I miss heard somewhere?  Sure it was heard more research is needed and more research with neuro diverse panel ect is needed  I pray what I heard is right but the green paper is apparently due tomorrow so anxiety is through the roof and must be for lots of people .
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      · 2 hours ago
      @Lill Green papers in gov are just consultation to judge public reaction to ideas which in this case , public reaction could be massive
      It takes years for a green paper to become a white paper and then a few more years to become law, this gov won’t have time to implement it as I think they will be a one term goverment
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    · 15 hours ago
    I have relatives in Italy and even there where to access incapacity benefits is difficult only Britain seems to have this obsession with bashing disabled people. I find it disgusting and it's great knowing other people are cottoning on, people should complain to Ofcom, to IPSO to their MP as to why does the British establishment have an issue with disabled people.
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    · 15 hours ago
    Has anyone brought up the point that many people will be beholden to their healthy partners if PIP is removed or made means tested. As it stands PIP is the only benefit paid to a qualifying person that is given solely to that person. Many people will be stuck in abusive living situations (financial being one of them) if this was to change. :( So short sighted. I haven't seen this POV given before. 
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      · 12 hours ago
      @Debbie I am in the exact position that had to give up work due to chronic conditions after 16 years keeping going reducing hours taking less stressful role etc till I made myself much worse now dependant on my husband alone who works 6 days a week and looks after me plus only entitled to pip as my husband works it’s a struggle and alot pressure on him too 
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      · 14 hours ago
      @Debbie Indeed. This was exactly why my birth family stopped talking to me. I wanted to leave an abusive situation and they wanted me to stay in it (so I would have care) When I tried to leave they disowned me so they wouldn't have to support me in the future and to top it off social services pulled my outside care so that I had no.option but to stay in the situation. Yet I would have been far more likely to be able to find work if I'd been allowed to leave and move away 
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    · 16 hours ago
    Please be careful of our right wing gutter press and don't allow them to change the narrative and loose your cool so you cannot fight back calmly and in a precise manner

    “If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”
    ― Malcolm X
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    · 16 hours ago
    BTW this weird, relentless obsession that the government and media has with "cracking down" on the disability and sickness benefit system, massively exaggerating the fraud rate and forcing those with serious conditions into work is very much just a UK phenomenon. Other countries don't do this thing, even the USA!

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      · 6 hours ago
      @Dave Dee A bully picks on the weakest target. Which is why disabled people are obsessively targeted all year long, every year, in Britain. They are bullies. And since they cannot bully weak countries anymore, so they bully their own weakest demographic. They do this only because they hate themselves. Self-hating people look for weak targets to bully. Shine the mirror to them.
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      · 15 hours ago
      @Gawayn I urge people to complain to Ofcom and IPSO about this, Britain is the only country in Western Europe which has this issue with disabled people and it's creepy. People in high places within Disability lobbies and the like should contact the UN.
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    · 17 hours ago
    This is concerning ill people do not choose to be ill they would swap it in a hart beat This is cruel and rong they need to tred carefully as this could push people to get worse and they need to reconsider for the helth or people we are human beings not just a number 
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    · 17 hours ago
    I work part time and get pip does anybody know how this will affect people like me who work part time and get pip and will pip be means tested 
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      · 13 hours ago
      @John I get the lower daily living, which allows me to work part time. I live with daily pain from 2 spinal ops and gave had cancer twice. I don't score 4 points on any questions so it looks like I will loose my PIP. I am so worried as I can't work anymore hours as I end up in agony. 

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      · 14 hours ago
      @John PIP isn't going to be means tested.
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    · 17 hours ago
    It might be worth e-mailing our MPs (especially if your MP happens to be Labour) to make it clear why these cuts would be so disastrous and to say that you won't vote for them next time round if they support this. They may not give a toss about us, but they do care about keeping ther seats.
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      · 11 hours ago
      @tintack I’ve been drafting one for the past week and it’s as strongly worded as I can make it - as my MP is Liz Kendall herself 🤮! just waiting to see the actual facts of the matter tomorrow to make it on point. If I had the capacity I would go to her office to show her exactly what impact these changes will have. Like many others I am devastated and full of panic at a time when stability and security is needed the most. Hospital tomorrow for myself and PIP Assesment on Wednesday for my mother - yet still needing to find time and energy to fight for our right to survive! Hang in there community and make your voice count! 🫶
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    · 17 hours ago
    Very anxious over this.  When is the announcement from Kendal so I can avoid it? 

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