The final combined PIP and work capability (WCA) assessment service contract has been awarded to Serco, the DWP announced this week, meaning that Atos have failed to win a single region and will cease to carry out assessments from September 2024 onwards.

The Functional Assessment Services contracts are replacing both PIP contracts and contracts to carry out WCAs for employment and support allowance (ESA) and universal credit (UC). The intention is that the same company will carry out both types of assessment in any given area, until such a time as the WCA is axed completely.

At the moment, WCAs are administered by Maximus and PIP assessments by Atos (known as IAS) and Capita, with Atos having the larger share of the PIP contracts.

However, that is all set to change from 2024, with the new contracts running until 2029.

Back in May, we reported that four of the five contracts had now been awarded, with just the South West of England left undecided.  This was because Atos were allegedly mounting a legal challenge to the decision to award the region to Serco.

But the DWP have now confirmed that Serco have been successful, leaving Atos entirely out in the cold.

From September 2024, if you have WCA or PIP assessment, it will be carried out by the following company:

North England and Scotland: Maximus UK Services Limited (currently Atos)

Midlands and Wales: Capita Business Services (currently Capita)

South West England: Serco (currently Atos)

South East England, London and East Anglia: Ingeus UK Limited (currently ATOS)

Northern Ireland: Capita Business Services (currently Capita)



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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 years ago
    Good riddance to Atos - but how many of their assessors will simply end up working for the new contractors? So the change of name sadly may not mean a change in quality of service for the claimant.
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      · 1 years ago
      @DianaW Exactly this, they'll all just be tupe'd over, the provider changes but staff will stay the same 
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    · 1 years ago
    Hi my wcwra (work related activity) was due last month but not heard anything my pip at the low rate runs until next july so I am confused can any please shed light on this? ty.
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    · 1 years ago
    They we're in it for the money and lives meant nothing.. Health professionals who lowered themselves..Yes so much blood on so many hands.
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    · 1 years ago
    Just when will the government, no matter which party they are, come to realise that companies of the same stamp as Atos & Serco; couldn’t care less about the government and even less about we claimants. What they have satisfy are their biggest secretive mercenary shareholders. Nothing and I mean NOTHING!! Else matters. I wonder who they might be??

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    · 1 years ago
    Cannot claim Pip due to age so claimed AA instead just recently following a severe stroke 2 years ago. Lo and behold AA awarded at full day and night rate with 5 weeks back payment for next 2 years before reassessment. Doubt whether I will survive that long and miffed that I did not claim earlier. Put off as I could not complete form as brain would not process this and no one to help. Press on regardless however.
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      · 11 months ago
      @Doug Sewell Age uk can arrange local help or refer to other services for support with dwp forms, just in case you need any further support.  Your GP service may also have someone who can refer you to the right place, for that or any other services you might need.
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    · 1 years ago
    After cancelling my Lifetime Award dating back to 1991, the DWP have now lumbered themselves with mountains of bureaucracy and repeated reviews which they simply cannot handle.
    My review paperwork was returned to them in early January, and. they still have not got round to looking at it TEN MONTHS LATER. 
    My PIP award now expires in 2 weeks. 
    So my pain medication has had to be increased to cope with the extra pain, because the stress & anxiety suppresses the endorphins which normally help control the pain of my nerve damage.
    It is all a huge mess and a disgrace of bad management and under-resourcing.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Andy Andy, I'm not sure whether the following information will help: My daughters extended award ends in December. I called the DWP a couple of weeks ago, (for an update - as we had not even received an acknowledgement for the Review Paperwork - posted back in February '23), I was told that her case was 'in the queue' and that they were sending out automatic further extensions 5 weeks before award end dates - on that information, I suggest that you contact them, as, on the above information you should have received an extension letter at least 3 weeks ago? 
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    · 1 years ago
    These gang of SPIVS can give PPE contracts to their own worth millions, yet clamp down on the disabled to save a pittance, 13 years to Tory austerity, get the SPIVS out.
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    · 1 years ago
    Take look at Serco on Trustpilot and other review sites. They treat their staff badly and provide a terrible service. I doubt they will be an improvement on Atos. They will still be doing all they can to deny payments to people who need them. Because that's this vile scum government's policy. The Tories systematically steal from the Welfare State and demonise claimants. Labour must be pressured into completely overhauling this foul system and bring back a Welfare State that looks after all who need it. We need pressure from claimants and the trade unions. Mick Lunch RMT style. 
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    · 1 years ago
    The same  prosecution and harassment of the disabled under a different name . 
    Waste of public money  too .
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    · 1 years ago
    Next year will be the end of Tories,and let's just fight for our Rights together.End this assault on disabled,it is horrendous,the treatment despicable.We Ar Human Beings,all different,all same,all made of flesh and bones,despite being told we are not.Anyhow,heads up.
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    · 1 years ago
    I have a friend that works for Atos. ALL Atos staff looking after the South West contract will be kept on and will now work for Serco
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    · 1 years ago
    I am so scared, i haven't a clue what people are talking about i am  so lost. My award for pip is up in 2025.  My esa i don't know.I had a friend who used to  fill in forms for me but the forms will be different now, but i  do have copies of my old forms.Would they help? Who can i get to help me fill them in when the time comes? If i get put off any of these benefits i honestly don't think i will be able to cope. Gail.
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      · 1 years ago
      @grw If you go to citizens advice they can help you fill in your forms. Take all your old forms to help you remember what you put, even if they are the old ones they should still contain info you may need.
      They can help with any ESA queries too inc if you have to change to Universal Credit 
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      · 1 years ago
      @grw You really don't have to be scared, you are already on the right site. Please please join Benefits and Work if you haven't already done so. I've been a member for 17 years and I don't know what I'd do without them. Their help will make so make all the difference to how your assessments will turn out, believe me. Do get the help of Citizens Advice too. I wish you well Gail. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 years ago
      @grw Your local  are should have a citizens advicde centre  should be able tto hellp flill out forms . Omly thing book a slot to see them well in advance. Good luck 
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      · 1 years ago
      @TwistedWitch Agree Mark, I am an appointee for my Daughter. We asked CAB to represent us on a case against Housing Benefit. I provided the man with all my evidence (clear cut case) which he didn't send to the Judge in time, so it was thrown out of court. Had I represented myself I would have won my case. This is the only time I relied on a third party. Luckily I have learned a valuable lesson. Happily I still have the energy to fight PIP for her rights. She has been disabled for 19 years up to this year she has been handled as a new applicant every time. We are awaing a decision on her review this time. There has been no mention of an assessment as yet, but is has to be face to face if it happens.
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      · 1 years ago
      @grw Citizens advice they helped me fill in the forms for PIP! They where great and supporting to me, just ring them up and say exactly what you have said here and they will give you an appointment on the phone.. I'm in the same boat mine runs till 2025 and 8m scared for the future I don't know what I would have done without  citizens advice 2 years ago, they go through all of the form with you and are understanding and patient. X please ring them so you're not so scared anymore, it's horrible
      and I feel for you. Best wishes Rob. 
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    · 1 years ago
    It is time all that money is stopped from being wasted on Atos or Serco or any potential organisation that has to be geared up to persecute very sick people through the WCA. It would be far better directed at the struggling  NHS to help the sick. A GP assessment, or possible specialist consultant assessment that the patient has been referred to, should be all that is necessary... and that is already paid for by the government through the NHS system... why double up on the spending...
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      · 1 years ago
      @Prisca Furlong I have SAID THIS SINCE I FIRST PERSONALLY BECOMING AWAREOF THE SYSTEM in around the late 90s. Morally it is wrong on many levels, and oft makes liars and criminals out of the applicant, and their GP, or anyone who is supportive of the person. And as you said, why a two tiered system that costs money that could be used to help people, not persecute them? And how can someone know a person's health better than a GP, who is meant to be conversant in holistic health, and who has oft known a patient and their family for a long time, whereas as many of the new assessors are not former GPs, but mental heath nurses, and physiotherapists; so not only constrained by their lack of education and type of work experience, but by the short time limit on a one-off assessment. More importantly, you then have the criminalisation of the sick as scroungers, liars and thieves, and leeches on society, an attitude that stems from the Govt, political crooks, rich elite, and some of the the tax-paying working 'class' who have an axe to grind due to their general unhappiness in working for a living and having to pay taxes, rather than being grateful for an opportunity to work, an opportunity that many disabled would graciously cherish. And sadly, many of the assessors imbue these evil vibes, and proceed to castigate themselves and these other evil bigots by persecuting the sick, who are oft ill as they are victims of the same woes and abusers in society. A glance around the world only tells me what a tragic end will fall upon humanity soon, we never learn how to treat our fellow men respectfully; but nowhere have I seen such soul sickness and corruption as in the malicious treatment of the disabled in this country, to which my life experiences are limited. And the many duplicitous assessors are above the law, so cannot be challenged in a court of law, remarkable, but if an applicant errs even slightly, they are persecuted and criminalised...quite naturally...FOR IT EASES THE CONCIENCE OF THOSE WHO APPLY A SYSTEM OF ABUSE.  
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    · 1 years ago
    Will theses changes affect people who work part time and get pip as well I don’t get ESA or universal Credit but work part time and get pip I don’t understand what is going on please can someone answer this question for me please
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      · 1 years ago
      @ANt I've probably missed something somewhere but will someone in receipt of PIP but not an out of work benefits have to even undergo WCA?  Isn't this update telling us who will conduct the tests not that the tests themselves will be merging?  I didn't think there was any indication that people on PIP and not on out of work benefits would be subjected to WCA as well as or instead of their PIP assessment?   The above answer has got me concerned, as someone who's retired early because of poor health and is in receipt of PIP but not out of work benefits that I'll have to undergo the WCA - surely there is some confusion in this answer to Paul's question?  PIP is paid in order to meet the additional costs of disability whilst ESA and UC are based working age people not having enough income through unemployment, under-employment or sickness.  Please someone reassure me that they are not putting people in possibly completely different situations to go through the same test (although I understand there are areas in the two tests that are similar).
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      · 1 years ago
      @Paul if you get PIP you could get fitnotes from your doctor and go for the WCA assessment  even if you work over 16 hours, and if you pass then you get the work allowance so depending on other income or a partner that works you may be entitled to UC
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      · 1 years ago
      @Paul The company will change, so some of their policies might. 


      The forms, system, and guidance change as the DWP wishes, which is as whoever is Minister of State (and Chancellor) wishes. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Paul You will be fine. When your pip is up for review it might just be a different company doing the assessment but everything will still be the same for you. You don't need to worry:)
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    · 1 years ago
    I do not know how they can justify the vast amounts of money these companies gleam, the money paid out for MRs,Tribunals and the rest on top. If the system was fair people would get a fair ad proper assessment and not have to go through the entire horrifying process of appealing. I guess they want us to give up before we take it that far, but where would that leave us? Much as it takes from our soul to navigate against something that's set up for us to lose. We cannot allow them to grind us into the ground. 

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      · 1 years ago
      @axwy62 It used to be called the job centre… here is a fact: If you go in there looking for a job they are quick to respond but as soon as they know you are not claiming any benefits they will call over their security goons to forcibly evict you from the job centre. 
      As you say it is solely to get people off benefits….
      Should be called: The get you off benefits centre
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother Very True and succinctly put.
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother In any other workplace, someone who got 70% of their decisions overturned at appeal would have been sacked years ago, the fact that they haven't just proves that the Government (and it was labour when the WCA was introduced) aren't interested in fair assessments, just getting as many people off benefits as they can.
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    · 1 years ago
    That'll be 350 million quid well spent then. 
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    · 1 years ago
    I understand that they practically run Britain. An enormous corporation, weren't they the ones involved in the prison services too?
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    · 1 years ago
    People need to remember what they were awarded when and to what date they were awarded as I know for a fact DWP are asseccing people sooner than they should use their words against them when and if you need to appeal unfair decisions away s get advice from citizens advice 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Stephen My PIP renewal is due Feb 2024 and I've had no paperwork through yet . Should I be worried?
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      · 1 years ago
      @Debbiedryland they assess you sooner so the decision will be in place for the end of your award
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      · 1 years ago
      @flo1 My Son's renewal was due July 2024. We received the renewal pack which had to be returned by 8th September 2023. 10 months early. They can shave quite a lot of time off award lengths with this method.
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      · 1 years ago
      @flo1 I'm due for PIP assessment in Oct '24.
      But the DWP decided to reassess me in July of this year. Well, I had to send the form in August. 

      The rules only apply to us, not to the DWP. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Stephen How do you know ‘for a fact’?  Please reply with evidence.  
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    · 1 years ago
    Serco won't be no different than all the other muppets as in regards to assessing claimants.

    Just another company who is solely bent on bonuses, @ the cost of British lives.
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      · 1 years ago
      @kevin davies meet the new boss,same as the old boss
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      · 1 years ago
      @LJM It's just 'ATOS' Under a new name and the same profit/ bonus making setup. With so called Healthcare professionals. 
      Who were probably employed by 'ATOS' and rehired by 'Serco'. Who will treat people just the same as before. No matter how much they try to reinvent themselves.
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      · 1 years ago
      @LJM Terrifying they will hold more personal information with their track record 
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      · 1 years ago
      @MrFibro new providor same old biased system no change there then
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      · 1 years ago
      @MrFibro Yes, that's completely  correct, Serco will be no better than any of the others.....