With the counting all but finished, we now know the fates of all nine former secretaries of state for work and pensions since 2010.

Three were no longer serving as MPs, with Chloe Smith standing down before this election, whilst Amber Rudd and David Gauke left the commons in 2019 .

Of the six left, Therese Coffey, Damian Green and Stephen Crabb all lost their seats today.

The most recent secretary of state for work and pensions, Mel Stride, held onto his seat by just 61 votes.

Esther McVey beat her Labour challenger by a more convincing 1,136 votes.

And Iain Duncan Smith was saved from defeat by Labour party infighting which saw the long-standing candidate Faiza Shaheen dropped by Labour because of her views on Palestine.  The result was an even split between the official Labour candidate and Shaheen, who both gained over 12,000 votes against IDS’s 17,000.

The results in full were:

Mel Stride.  2022 to 2024. Central Devon.  Won by just 61 votes against Labour challenger

Chloe Smith. 2022 to 2022.  Stood down 2024

Thérèse Coffey. 2019 to 2022.  Suffolk Coastal.  Lost by 1070 to Labour.

Amber Rudd. 2018 to 2019.  No longer an MP, stood down 2019.

Esther McVey. 2018 to 2018. Tatton.  Won by 1,136 against Labour challenger.

David Gauke. 2017 to 2018. No longer an MP, voted out after standing as an independent in 2019.

Damian Green. 2016 to 2017.  Ashford.  Lost by 1,779 to Labour challenger.

Stephen Crabb. 2016 to 2016.  Mid and South Pembrokeshire.  Lost by 2,238 to Labour challenger.

Iain Duncan Smith. 2010 to 2016.  Chingford and Woodford Green.  Won by 4,757 votes against the Labour challenger.


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    Anthony · 2 months ago
    i strongly disagree to voucher system vouchers will not pay your rent or council tax most disability people do work long and short hours which is made up of their wage and pip not vouchers .

    have they seen the price of wheel chairs cars, and so on and a cheek to consider a book to order from is just stupid i voted labour because i thought they would be helping disability otherwise i should of voted the blues STRONGLY OBJECT TO VOUCHER IDEA.
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    Bill · 2 months ago
    There is a political theory going around that Labour's election strategists *deliberately* caused the split of the Labour vote against Duncan Smith by disowning  the 2019 Labour candidate for spurious reasons and putting up a new candidate, because they wanted right wingers like IDS, Braverman, Badenoch, Jenrick etc to remain as Tory MPs, because of the disruption and havoc they will cause inside the Tory party, trying to take it further Right, becoming more unelectable - and so guarantee Labour stays in power
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    William Fraser · 2 months ago
    The goverment should not make the propsed change to vouchers, as someone who lives with multiple chronic pain conditions that make even the most basic of tasks so very difficult most of the time, As well as have chronic heart decease which affects my life on a daily basis we are already treated as second class citizens and made to feel that we are lazy sroungers these proposals would surely make life for so many disabled people feel even more like that and push us more into poverty. Thank you in advance.
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      Dawn lazell · 2 months ago
      @William Fraser I agree with your comment.  I have several chronic conditions and blocked illiac arteries with occulsive disease, and now a adrenal mass.  My disability and mobility are effected daily.  I also have no transport and not everyone can use the bus service due to financial or mobility.  How is this meant to help those can't?

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    Gary Jameson · 2 months ago
    So what as the scaremongering about then?. There was nothing about pip voucher scheme in the king’s speech. I would expect to see changes of this nature either in the autumn budget around October/November or a a one one off announcement if and when is decided. So I  suggest we wait until a final decision is made I have spoken to the DWP-PIP again to today and they say they no nothing about any changes and as they would be the first know as they would implement it I suggest we stop speculating. Regards Gary. P.s if you don’t print this then I will unsubscribe from you!
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    joanne natasha church · 2 months ago
    I have ibs, anxiety and depression, essential tremor, and asthma if they stop my pip and universal credit it will be a real problem I won't be able to pay house housekeeping or have a social life, or do anything. Dancing and seeing my friends keeps my anxiety and depression under control. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for a number of years. My family are being so naive about this happening I feel like I am bagging my head against a brick wall. the labour government don't have a clue about people with disablities 
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    Sean O'Kane · 2 months ago
    According to disability charity Scope, households where someone has a disability pay about £975 a month more to have the same living standards as non-disabled 
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    A Howes · 2 months ago
    I’m a retired theatre orthopaedic nurse. 
    I worked for the NHS. 
    In doing so   I first injured my back then major surgery to fix it with a spinal fusion I got occupational asthma by breathing in solvent Chemicals at work. I am constantly on medication. Also in constant pain. 
    My back after 40 ish years is in bits can hardly walk I use a wheelchair and a motorised scooter. Cant sit for long, I can’t get out of bed. Now recently diagnosed with severe sleep apnea using a cpap machine at night. I am at least on pip and this helps with  incontinient pads  and my diet as pre diabetic. The list goes on. 
    Is this Hitler by the back door? Get rid of anyone who are different to main stream society. 
    I hope Sir Kier will be a man of honour. Maybe he should try living on our money, for a year. Not just a few nights maybe in a tent. 
    They have a life of luxury, let’s hope Sir Kier changes his name to Sir Robin Hood. Now that’s a thought. 
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    Helen Fitzgerald · 2 months ago
    I don’t think my cleaner, my gardener, my stair lift fixer, my car insurance , my massage therapist, my hairdresser, my nails and feet therapist and everyone else that helps me to get by day by day would take vouchers, such a stupid proposal so try again!!!! 
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    Andrea Brooking · 2 months ago
    I think I would push myself over a cliff if this goes ahead ! Why are we being punished for having life long health conditions as second class or no class citizens yet people who have never paid any NI or tax cone to Britain and get all the benefits and health care . In can't cope without this financial hed so may others being victimised used .as weapons 
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    Gary Jameson · 2 months ago
    I’m Labour member and have repeatedly asked for detail on all benefits and when approaching this subject I get no reply. Only thing I can say is that three of the last five conservative chancellor’s want to scrap the entire benefits system and in effect if you don’t work you wouldn’t get any benefits. The current benefit system is costing £156 billion a year add the state pension and this rises to256 billion and the state pension will increase faster as another big wave of people eligible will be arriving in the next 12 months including myself so I to would like to know how they are going to fix this but keeping silent is not the answer. But whatever the outcome it will be painful for all of us. Gary
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    Sandra Bowes-Rennox · 2 months ago
    What a shame the voters didn't have the sense to sack the rest of them..I dispear I really do.
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    Ruth Boyd · 2 months ago
    Please do not make the propsed change to vouchers, as someone who lives with multiple chronic pain conditions that make even the most basic of tasks so very difficult most of the time, we are already treated as second class citizens and made to feel that we are lazy sroungers these proposals would surely make life for so many disabled people feel even more like that and push us more into poverty. Thank you in advance.

    Ruth Boyd
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    Jas · 2 months ago
    Iain Duncan Smith has a lot to answer for people died on his watch. What goes around comes around time will tell.
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    Gritz · 3 months ago
    It's weird that people think Mel Stride is good for them  smh
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      Anon · 3 months ago
      @Gritz Well I don't think Liz Kendall is going to be any better 
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    Alpha · 3 months ago
    I wonder who will be the new Secretary of State for works and pensions? Lizz Kendall was shadowing and she’s been called into no10 … she supported tories benefit cruelty such as benefit cap and bedroom tax! This doesn’t look hopeful for us, is this more of same to come? 
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      mrfibro · 3 months ago
      @Alpha Yes but with a different flavour, not sweetened but bitter no doubt.
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      A · 3 months ago
      @Alpha Liz Kendall is more wicked that the Tories. And guess what - she said a few months ago that she always dreamed of becoming the secretary of the DWP, and this alone speaks volumes.
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    SCO · 3 months ago
    Just wondering what everyone thinks of this: According to this and a few other articles labour opposed the bank spying powers.

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    phil · 3 months ago
    Sickening that Smith won. tch tch tch. Surely Starmer must regret his utter stupidity there. It re enforces his total moral failure re; the Gaza genocide. Wes Streeting just hung on as a result of the same moral failure. 
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    David · 3 months ago
    Good riddance to bad rubbish. 

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