We will have to wait for the publication of the Green Paper later today for full details of changes to personal Independence payment (PIP) and Universal Credit (UC).

But here are some of the main points of the speech.

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

  • No vouchers
  • No means-test
  • No freeze.

But, from November 2026, claimants will need to score at least 4 points from a single descriptor to qualify for the daily living component of PIP, as well as scoring a total of at least 8 points..

So, if you select 4 descriptors scoring two points each, that will be 8 points, but it will not qualify for an award. 

But if you select one descriptor scoring 4 points and two descriptors scoring 2 points, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.

There will also be review of the PIP assessment system led by disability minister Stephen Timms.

PIP existing claimants

The DWP says it "will work with Department of Health and Social Care to ensure that existing people who claim PIP who may no longer be entitled to the benefit following an award review under new eligibility rules have their health and eligible care needs met. The government is consulting on how best to achieve this."

This suggests that existing claimants will be subject to the new rules when their award is reviewed.

 Work Capability Assessment (WCA)

The WCA is to be scrapped in 2028 and a new single assessment system introduced. Under the new system, any extra financial support for health conditions (including PIP, ESA or UC health) will be assessed via a new single assessment which will be based on the PIP assessment – considering on the impact of disability on daily living, not on capacity to work.

There will be an increase in  Face-to-Face Assessments for PIP and the WCA.

Reintroduce reassessments for incapacity benefits, with exceptions for those who will never work and those under special rules for end-of-life care. Reassessments have largely been switched off since 2021.

A "Right To Try Guarantee" will be introduced which will guarantee that attempting work will never lead to a benefits reassessment.

Universal Credit (UC)

From April 2026, Labour will hold the value of the universal credit health top-up fixed in cash terms for existing claimants, and reduce it for new claimants, with an additional premium for people with severe lifelong condition

The Standard Allowance will be raised above inflation by 2029/30, adding £775 annually in cash terms for a single person aged over 25.

Access to the health element of Universal Credit will be delayed until a claimant is aged 22.

Existing claimants.  The DWP say “Those currently in receipt of UC health will benefit from the increased standard allowance and will not be affected by plans to reduce UC health in future.”


People with the most severe disabilities or with health conditions that will never improve will never be reassessed.


The DWP say they will bring forward primary legislation this session to enable delivery of the PIP additional eligibility requirement and UC rebalancing reforms from 26/27.

The Right to Work Guarantee will be delivered through separate primary legislation which will be introduced “in due course”. 


The DWP say the changes are expected to save over £5 billion in 2029 to 2030.


The Pathways to Work:  Reforming Benefits and Support to Get Britain Working Green Paper.

 Liz Kendall speech




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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 hours ago
    this will be planned as when you fill out your claim for pip the points awarded are from the people that mark your application and they will be brain washed into not giving the 4 points needed. Shocking 
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    · 2 hours ago
    My ongoing enhanced pip payments are due to end this year as its been ten years. I'm supposed to have what's known as a light touch? Now Liz Kendall has announced scrapping the reassessment for those not going to improve does that mean i won't have to do one? 
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    · 2 hours ago
    Myself and a friend have PIP reviews likely in the next few months. This could obviously take some time before any decision is made. Could someone clarify we will be assessed on the current rules/descriptors and not the new 4 points criteria? 
    I know November 2026 has been stated as iwhen the new proposals come into effect but there's a lot of confusing information around with dates.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 4 hours ago
    It's clear that they have used a mathematical method to ensure that low rate PIP care element will be a thing of the past. They have a ideological view of what a disabled person is and it's clear it's very limited. 
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    · 4 hours ago
    Hello I am  72 in august and receive higher rate  motobility and care  are they keeping the light touch reviews for pensioners 
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    · 5 hours ago
    For many people claiming PIP will become difficult to say the least as getting four points is difficult 
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    · 6 hours ago
    I am on income based ESA and finally managed to get into the support group. I get PIP daily living basic. I should get more, but they lie too much on assesments. So if i lose my PIP, and then get migrated to UC and lose the SDP , do i then go down to something like £80 a week total?

    If so i may as well get into as much debt as i can, give everything to my children and either live on the streets or just leave this very poor existence i have.

    Coping with chronic pain every day since i was born pretty much (now 55), along with extreme fatigue and many many other problems, i was terminated from work in 2015 due to ill health then had to go to tribunals to even get any money , spent 3 months eating with a total spend of £2 a week as it was all i had.

    Its extremely confusing and really not worth coping with for much longer.
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      · 4 hours ago
      @Jagang I know how u feel i am in chronic pain everyday plus other ailments, its no fun .
      What this government are proposing is barbaric ,inhumane & totally unacceptable, they should hang their heads in shame.
      Hopefully the courts stop it if it goes through. 
      You cant move the goalposts & say its to help us back into work ,when its to recoup the money they have blown .
      We are knackered broken in pain mentally & physically, some with life threatening conditions & are unable to cope with day to day living & cannot function  , never mind working .
      We are in this together,lets stay strong .
      Put your names down on scope petition or other disable Charities & make your voices heard .
      Weve got to fight for our existence & rights .
      This is Unlawful !!!!!
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 hours ago
    Pensioners who retired on DLA will still get everything and the Gov are saying that pensioners that lose PIP can claim Attendance Allowance is this so they save on paying Mobility another scam by the Gov.  
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    · 6 hours ago
    For new claims the rate of the UC health element will be reduced by £47pw (from £97pw in 2024/2025 to £50pw in 2026/2027).

    Am I right in thinking this only applies to those making new claims from April 2026 and not anyone who was to make a claim now ? ( taken from the governments green paper) 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 4 hours ago
      @Gary I hope so, I haven't got my migration notice yet. I don't want to be caught out by the new rules and classed as a new claim
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 6 hours ago
    I noticed Kendall said one would need 4 points in the daily living component of PIP, i read an article online earlier, and there was no mention of using AIDS  at all?

    As we are all aware hundreds of thousand's of claimants have to rely on the use of an aid and even multiple aids.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 hours ago
      @MrFibro The PIP assessment is being reviewed so needing an aid may not count. Will have to wait for that.
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    · 7 hours ago
    If you are in UC/lcwra could you lise your rent assistance aswell coz if so I've had it I'll be finished 
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      · 4 hours ago
      @Neil Cook Please don't worry, the housing element is part of UC. If you lose LCWRA, you will still receive assistance with your rent.
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    · 7 hours ago
    These so-called reforms, not only are they taking away cash from some of the poorest and most vulnerable of the society, but also they're inflicting them daily stress, distress, hopelessness, helplessness, sleeplessness, and even suicidal thoughts. 
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      · 3 hours ago
      @Scorpion Exactly and Keir Starmer makes it worse by keep repeating they are deteremined there is a "moral case" for making the cuts.  They have really shown themselves up now when the condemnation for all this is everywhere.
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      · 4 hours ago
      @Scorpion That lot are either sociopaths or psychopaths - they don't care.
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    · 7 hours ago
    When Liz Kendall was appointed as Shadow Secretary for the DWP and she said that she had always dreamed to become secretary of state for the DWP one day, and that Labour won the last general elections, it was clear to me that this evil changes were on their way. And I warned about this on this forum several times.

    "Supporting disabled and sick people get good, decent, and well paid jobs" was all a smokescreen brouhaha.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 8 hours ago
    Does anyone know what will happen to those that are on income related ESA & are still waiting to be transferred over to Universal Credit & also on DLA & waiting to transfer over to PIP? I have depression & anxiety & im worried that I'll lose all my benefits, thus leaving me with nothing to pay my bills etc..... I live alone & have no one else to ask. It's very confusing & im scared.
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    · 8 hours ago
    A young person whom I helped, with advice from this site, to claim PIP last autumn re the impact of the bundle of disabling effects of their severe bi-polar is concerned how these reforms will impact her. Will she continue to receive PIP (Living and Mobility) as awarded until her next re-assessment as set out at the outset, or will existing claimants be subject to re-assessment brought forward? I've not been able to find clarification in the media. 
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      · 5 hours ago
      @bornagain I was wondering this as well. I receive daily living standard rate but was given a 10 year award on 2022. I only scored 2 across a number of descriptors. I doubt I will be left alone until 2032, as I would have been and expect to be written to soon stating I no longer qualify under the new rules.
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      · 5 hours ago
      @bornagain I thought she said that all new claims once the new system starts would be under that new PIP rules while anyone already on PIP would only start these rules when their re assessment was due to be done I took that to mean that it would not be brought forward But I could be wrong
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      · 6 hours ago
      @bornagain Changes coming nov 2026. Their pip will not change until assessment that is due, it will not be brought forward. Torsten Bell on Newscast pod
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    · 9 hours ago
    anyone know how long it will be before (any of) the proposed changes start coming into effect?  Weeks, months?
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 3 hours ago
      @Kara Does that mean the UC reform will happen in 26/27 or before that year(s)
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      · 5 hours ago
      @John November 26
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      · 5 hours ago
      @John DWP say they will bring forward primary legislation this session to enable delivery of the PIP additional eligibility requirement and UC rebalancing reforms from 26/27. It's so stressful trying to work out when the hammer will fall. Here's the best place for info. 
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      · 6 hours ago
      @John Earliest is November 2026 for pip new rules on 4 point rule 
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      · 6 hours ago
      @John Didn't Kendall say in 2026.
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    · 9 hours ago
    Will be wonderful if and when you get the four points plus,are awarded pip and only get it for a year.  Back to square one. 
    Absolutely terrifying. 
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      · 6 hours ago
      @The Dogmother No mention of knocking the 10 year PIP ( light touch reviews) awards on the head.

      Or if your in the start/middle of a 10 year award, will they end this, and make you go through their hoops again trying to get 4 points.
  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 9 hours ago
    So will everyone have to be reassessed or will that happen at the review stage of everyone’s claim. Also if you are on a 10yr light touch will that continue to the end or will you have to be reassessed 
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    · 9 hours ago
    Cabinet members and their estimated worth.
    Kier Starmer £7.7 Million
    Angela Rayner £4.7 million
    Rachel Reeves £7 million
    Yvette Cooper £3 million
    Ed Millinand £8 million
    David Lammy £6 million
    Pat McFadden £8 million
    Shabana Mahmood £2 million
    Wes Streeting £3 million
    Jonathan Reynolds £14 million
    Liz Kendall (joint) £40 million
    John Healey £16 million
    Heidi Alexander £6 million
    Peter Kyle £7 million
    Hillary Benn £4 million
    Ian Murray £6 million
    Bridget Phillipson £3 million
    Lord Hermer Unknown
    Lisa Nandy £4 Million
    Sir Alan Campbell £14 million
    Darren Jones £3.5 million
    Lucy Powell £3.5 million
    Jo Stevens £10 million
    Steve Reed £4 million
    Baroness Smith £5 million
    Ellie Reeves £4 million.

    Those tempted to reach for Reform UK can be reassured that Nigel Farage has an estimated £5 million. So he'll be on your side too.

    As for the Tories. Well, we all know what they thought about disabled people.

    But, no-one was misled. Labour did promise "Change" - though no-one who voted for them quite understood the sort of Change they were voting for.

    The answer. Organise. Fight back. Challenge this rotten system.

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      · 3 hours ago
      @Wat Tyler Also bear in mind The Pensions Increase (Pension Scheme for Keir Starmer QC) Regulations 2013. A pension scheme that allows ONE man and ONLY ONE man to avoid paying the 55% tax on higher pension. No one else is exempt. 

      Wat, we need another revolt.
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      · 5 hours ago
      @Wat Tyler Did you see the smirk on Angela Rayner's face when Liz was giving her speech? it was unbelievably smug. I thought she was a staunch socialist and I'm sure she would have been very vocal if it had been the Tories making them.
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      · 6 hours ago
      @Wat Tyler My jaws just dropped to the deck lol.......Liz Kendall (joint) £40 million.

      FFS just a joke.
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      · 6 hours ago
      @Wat Tyler Diane Abbott?
      I like her, compassionate
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      · 7 hours ago
      @Wat Tyler Yea you can't survive on minimum wage tried it ended up having to take weekend job as well just to make it up.  Let them try it. They all live in a different world. Cost of living going up all the time bills etc. amount of people relying on food banks and not just u no employed. Amount that they get it's unreal. And they can claim expenses for everyday things. Just having a laugh.  PIP is already hard to get so making it harder will push people further into poverty. Yes the system needs overhauling but not expense of people's lives.
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    · 10 hours ago
    Quite simply, where are all of these jobs coming from?my able bodied, uni educated 22yo daughter cannot find any positions, how on earth could I? Constant absences through neurological conditions, severe mobility issues needing specialist equipment…Employers do not choose us! 
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      · 5 hours ago
      @Bettyboo Getting people into jobs was all a smokescreen brouhaha. Their plan to cut benefits to claimants. They don't care whether people get jobs.

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