Labour is leaving millions of claimants in a state of anxiety as it reveals that it is looking at the responses to the Conservative’s green paper on PIP which suggested, amongst other things, the possibility of paying the benefit as vouchers rather than cash.

The Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

The consultation period for the Green Paper ended on 22 July and we know that many of our readers took part and are desperate to know the outcome.

Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Thomas of Winchester tabled a question for the DWP in the House of Lords:

“To ask His Majesty's Government whether they have any plans to change the personal independence payment assessment.”

Yesterday, the answer came from Baroness Sherlock, the DWP minister in the House of Lords:

“We will be engaging with the responses people have made to the previous government's consultation on Personal Independence Payment, which closed on Monday 22 July.

“We want to thank the many people who invested their time in responding.

“We will be considering our own approach to social security in due course.”

The response by Baroness Sherlock makes it seem unlikely that there will be any official statement on PIP changes before the parliamentary summer recess, which lasts from 30 July until 2 September.

However, the House of Commons goes into recess again for the party conference season from 13 September until 6 October.

So, there is a real possibility that PIP claimants will be left without any news for several months.

Written questions by MPs to the secretary of state about the PIP consultation and about WCA changes have yet to receive answers.  We suspect that any responses will simply be stalling ones, but we’ll keep readers posted if we learn anything more.



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    Lesley · 1 months ago
    I am worried because if this voucher system for P.I.P. becomes policy then how long will it be before they change the current D.L.A. I am 76 and was born before 1948.  If they get away with changing P.I.P. to a voucher system then for sure they will start on D.L.A. and A.A. next. I think that they already tried with A.A. some years ago.  It was all going to be fobbed off to local government but it never happened. Let's hope these proposals for P.I.P. don't happen.
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    Barbara · 1 months ago
    I have a rollator and a rise and recline  chair and bed..being  paid for from my payments from pip.If pip stops do I pay for them  I am 72  and only have pension  of they take  Pip money from me .So  I am very  worried  about  this
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      Jane · 1 months ago
      @Barbara Try not to worry. Even if they decide to go down that route it will take years. Originally they wanted everyone to got to UC by 2014, now they are talking 2026, that's how efficient they are!
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    Jeff · 1 months ago
    Every one is so worried about themselves anyone thought. About the people who supply their cars how many people will lose their jobs 
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      lesley · 1 months ago
      Yes, Jeff I did think about this. How are they going to manage?
      We will all have to march, on our sticks, in our wheelchairs, with our rollators, any way we can get out there!
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    Tina EDWARDS · 1 months ago
    I don't want to see a change in pip.most of us need money to help with our needs.everyone is different so you can't just give vouchers etc to sick of conservatives destroying our country and taking away our rights,not caring about disabled people.let Labour do the right thing and leave pip as it is.just depression and anxiety should change.
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      kellie · 1 months ago
      @Tina EDWARDS Explain why you think anxiety and depression should change ? I suffer with major depression and generalized anxiety disorder which means  I can't leave my house alone and very rarely supervised. Being at home 24/7 means more electricity more gas and I also have to pay for someone to do errands and petrol costs for someone to do my shopping. My depression can get me down for days on end where I can't even muster the energy physically and emotionally to turn on a kettle or oven let alone cook this adds costs to food as ready meals and snacks are always more expensive or takeaway if I'm really depressed. Then there's the cost of transport to and from medical appointments and to collect prescriptions and petrol to my weekly therapy sessions just because you can't see my disability doesn't mean it's not as debilitating as yours I find it disgusting that people these days still have this frame of mind and it's mostly the government who puts these doubts and shameful thoughts into the public's heads 
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      TheDogmother · 1 months ago
      @Paul I understand the fact you can't leave your home, I can only manage once or twice a month and never alone. My mobility issues mean I have to use a rollator and I fall frequently.  I had a nasty fall last week indoors, I've knocked teeth out, broken my wrist,  knuckles, blackened my face and hands numerous times. Had cuts and injured my bad knees. This makes me very reluctant to want to go out ,on top of the MH challenges of meeting ppl and having them in close proximity to me in shops. I can't even walk my beloved dogs , well, now single dog. My lovely adult nephew does it between shift work. A very odd occasion I take my lovely boy out for a short slow walk and it's my greatest delight. We go early morning when it's quiet.Thats my only joy right there. 
      Life's difficult enough for us and it's seems the worry of losing the very thing we depend on to keep us going to a voucher system only adds to our woes. I just hope sense prevails.It isn't like we are living the lives of international rock stars.  It's a matter of well being.  Best wishes. X
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      TheDogmother · 1 months ago
      @Paul Had depression anxiety and panic attacks since I was 7. Losing my grandmother triggered them. I know now that's what it was.With other factors subsequently, Living in a state of anxiety is no joke. Nobody sees all the facets of it ,esp when your alone, it's not the down and bluesy venomous  rhetoric we've had to listen to, from a privileged moron who wouldn't understand MH suffering if it hit him squarely in the face. 
      It's the sudden dry mouth,the choking, the overwhelming churning panic that wells up suddenly and sets you into a fight or flight mode.The collapse and utter helplessness, dark thoughts and driving fear along with hopelessness and wanting not to be here anymore, to stop the scary thoughts that invade your mind.
      The fact that your physical health conditions are suffering with the added MH on top because it all has a knock on effect. 
      Yeah let's shun and belittle those who can't cope with fear of what's may come or what has been. 
      Simply because people think their fears are unfounded and not real.
      Walk a day on our shoes... I dare you. 
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      D · 1 months ago
      @Paul yea exactly i have severe anxiety and cannot leave my home without someone with me and not to mention the intense physical symptoms , sick of people thinking anxiety is just a minor problem it is severly disabling when you cant even be independant and have to wait months for any sort of help from the nhs 
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      Dan Walker · 1 months ago
      @Tina EDWARDS It was the conservatives who designed and bought in PIP!!!! People don’t realise these things! Labour will ruin our country!! They’ve already lied to us on many things!! 
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    Proudy · 1 months ago
    2 years ago I had my own insulation business and was doing well. Even through covid we thrived however I became sick, multiple organ failure that kept me in hospital 2 months.  I've now no longer can work and relay on PIP and UC to survive. I hate living payment to payment but all I can do at this time.
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    Annie · 1 months ago
    I'm on pips with severe osteoarthritis of both knees feet  spine and hip  I've recently had my left knee replacement 9 weeks ago and still in recovery. I left hospital with 2 toilet frames and crutches  I can't do any adaptation s to my home as it's private rented so vouchers will be no good for me. I put my pips towards gas electric. Taxi fares to hospital and any extra food etc.   I don't think the vouchers would help to cover any of the above. It's a joke really  I understand that there may be people who are taking the p--s and don't want to work it's them they should target not genuine people who have alot of ailments and can't work.  That's just my opinion .
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    Hannah Richardson · 1 months ago
    To me the government must help the disabled people in wheelchairs and mobility scooters or crutches. There are young people who suffer with complex needs who needs additional help. What the government should really do is listen and help, not to give a negative attitude and think that the disabled people are burdens. Give the disabled people the benefits of money that they deserve. 
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      Annoymous · 1 months ago
      @Hannah Richardson My son has learning difficulties adhd and sensory prossesing disorder and cant go out by himself he is at college but i have to walk him there then get his lunch and then walk home with him vouchers are not going to help him if pip changes 
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    Brian Marriott · 1 months ago
    We all’s pip money not vouchers voucher will not pay for kobiltyvscotor or cars 
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    Bud · 1 months ago
    Whatever happens it won’t be done immediately, & they can’t come for us all at once.  
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      Seb · 1 months ago
      @Bud Exactly, people need to come down. Such a overall will most unlikely happen. 
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      lesley · 1 months ago
      You are right Bud, thought about this and discussed it with a friend.  There are millions of us, it will take them years to get through all the claimants.
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    Kernowmaid · 1 months ago
    All this is going to do is push more and more ppl to more of a breaking point than what we're already at, will the government be accountable for the major spike in suicides? No as they don't care what damage it'll cause ppl like myself. How is vouchers etc supposed to help with keeping warm when we suffer with bad circulation? How is it meant to help us get to hospital appointments? How is it going to help with extra water that we need? There's so many questions but no one will give a proper answer it's just another ploy for the government to say "oh it seems to have helped because there's x amount of ppl less claiming benefits " yes and why? It's because x amount of ppl would have killed themselves 
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    IreneMatthews. · 1 months ago
    Hi there,

    I do Not Agree with the Voucher system I have many health problems and I have Bowel Incontinence so I soil myself I cannot get out of the house to go shopping I also have Constant anxiety aswell I also have copd cause from my used to be husband smoking so get very breathless

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    Paul · 1 months ago
    This is a stupid system how would people be able to pay bills out of vouchers like they do with cash some people may not need to change there disability equipment how are people going to travel by taxi to appointments by public transport or taxi they won't except vouchers we will be in debt or homeless if we can't pay our bills because we have no cash I'm so worried I have physical and other problems to and this is not helping 
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    Darren · 1 months ago
    Basically the disabled are going to pay for truss and co giving the ultra rich tax cuts ect while borrowing money costing the economy 20 billion pounds. Just like we did when the bankers crashed the economy because basically we are a burden on society even though most of us and/or our families have paid into the system all Thier lives untill becoming ill. We need a march to tell this new labour/Tory government to F off.
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    A O TOOLE · 1 months ago
    Vouchers won't pay your gas and electric bills rent water bills there taking the dignity away from people as soon as labour got they stopped the rhwanda scheme.why not this one people have put in petitions over this they say they serve the people not them selves well show it the public don't want the Vouchers full stop 
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    Caz D · 1 months ago
    I agree with all of these posts but I am trying to console myself by thinking about when these cases are brought to the Supreme Court and what usually happens. Also, I am most interested yo see how many businesses such as gardening services and cleaners ( to name but a few) would accept these vouchers instead of cash? 
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      Seb · 1 months ago
      @Caz D It will not happen. It is never ending doom and gloom from this website. 
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    Rik · 1 months ago
    Reeves is going to make a statement this Monday. It’s rumoured that she’s going to talk about ‘unaffordable benefits’.
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      Anon · 1 months ago
      @Rik With all due respect, I can't find any evidence of this? Most outlets are guessing she'll propose certain taxes (i.e. inheritance, capital gains) are to be raised before they go for anything else.
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      Stephen · 1 months ago
      @Rik They can always find money when it suits them. Nobody ever queries the multiple benefits they get in addition to very high salaries.
      The (already billionaires) Royal family are set to get a rise of £45 million yet they can't afford to give some of the poorest people in the country a few quid to make their difficult lives a little easier.

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      Jord · 1 months ago
      @Rik Where did you read this 
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      Paul · 1 months ago
      @Rik Can you give a link for this please.
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    Otto Bacharach · 1 months ago
    I don't think anything will come of it, it's a nonsense idea and offensive to disabled people.  
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    Angel · 1 months ago
    It’s a Tory policy 
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    Ana · 1 months ago
    This is appaling being treated as a second class citizen and laws state you must have a certain amount to live on as well we will be do below the poverty line some people I know since being transferred to uc have lot a couple hundred pound a month we lose this and Britain's homeless issue will be through the roof as well
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      Mh · 1 months ago
      @Alex Not just inflation but also by rent increases as your housing costs are also frozen. So every time your rent goes up your TP goes down. My TP is going to be completely gone after the second tax year. I'll be appox £50 per week worse off. It means that some things I have in place to keep me stable will have to go, my health is going to nosedive.
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      Alex · 1 months ago
      @Ana Yes, you lose the severe disability premium when you go to UC.  They give you a transitional payment, but it gets eaten up by inflation over the years.  Basically you don't get any increases in benefits until the transitional payment is gone. 
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    Brian Marriott · 1 months ago
    Dose that mean we Weill still get pip money till the Deccan is made