Labour is leaving millions of claimants in a state of anxiety as it reveals that it is looking at the responses to the Conservative’s green paper on PIP which suggested, amongst other things, the possibility of paying the benefit as vouchers rather than cash.

The Conservatives published a Green Paper on the future of PIP in April 2024.  Amongst the proposals were suggestions that instead of regular cash payments, PIP could be replaced with:

  • A catalogue/shop scheme
  • A voucher scheme
  • A receipt based system
  • One-off grants

The consultation period for the Green Paper ended on 22 July and we know that many of our readers took part and are desperate to know the outcome.

Liberal Democrat peer Baroness Thomas of Winchester tabled a question for the DWP in the House of Lords:

“To ask His Majesty's Government whether they have any plans to change the personal independence payment assessment.”

Yesterday, the answer came from Baroness Sherlock, the DWP minister in the House of Lords:

“We will be engaging with the responses people have made to the previous government's consultation on Personal Independence Payment, which closed on Monday 22 July.

“We want to thank the many people who invested their time in responding.

“We will be considering our own approach to social security in due course.”

The response by Baroness Sherlock makes it seem unlikely that there will be any official statement on PIP changes before the parliamentary summer recess, which lasts from 30 July until 2 September.

However, the House of Commons goes into recess again for the party conference season from 13 September until 6 October.

So, there is a real possibility that PIP claimants will be left without any news for several months.

Written questions by MPs to the secretary of state about the PIP consultation and about WCA changes have yet to receive answers.  We suspect that any responses will simply be stalling ones, but we’ll keep readers posted if we learn anything more.



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    colin · 1 months ago
    the country is iirc close to trillion in debt.

    so RR  shafting pensioners  because of a 20billion black hole is a load of manure.

    And she knows it.
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    Bud · 1 months ago

    Not such bad news for those on Pension Credit.
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    Scrounger · 1 months ago
    Bad news guys, Reeves has said she will be cutting welfare in the Autumn Statement on October 30th.
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    Anon · 1 months ago
    My main issue is maintaining moods/health issues and juggling everything in between. Any prescriptive scheme will not only fail the most vulnerable but leave society poorer for the inhumanity of it. I too will be watching closely.
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    Anon · 1 months ago
    If this does happen people wont be able to cope i have autism and learning difficuilties and a life threatrning liver desease. Also cronic fatique i spend a lot if time in bed. This is making me so anxious and worried. If i could work i would i dont want to be like this

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      TheDogmother · 1 months ago
      @Anon @Anon same, anxious, scared and feeling all over the place. 
      Can't get my head around anything. My fatigue, brain fog are v much at the fore. Takes me ages to even comment on here. I'm physically and mentally exhausted. 
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      SCD · 1 months ago
      @marie Truthfully, I have been had suicidal thoughts at this get back to work and vouchers. I worked for 30+ years and niw that I need the welfare state I am terrified. 
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      Anon · 1 months ago
      @marie Things is ,they dont,because they're not affected, they haven't got a clue what people's lives are like who have mh conditions and how this kind of thing can derail someone who was recovering or starting to recover,it's never about people,it's Always about cutting costs
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      Daniel K · 1 months ago
      @marie You should show itn news because I am also getting very terrified with this voucher catalogue because it is not on it is not our fault if we have a disability but they just don't want to listen but if they had a disability daughter or son they would get money 
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      TheDogmother · 1 months ago
      @OrangeTom *For now. That should have been. Sorry heads not working properly  
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      marie · 1 months ago
      @OrangeTom my brother who as mental health problem cut his wrist and took alot of pills over this DAM VOUCHOUR thing please think about people who are very sick this is making many people young and old so very stressed 
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    Neal · 1 months ago
    However, we must remain constantly alert today and tomorrow to this government, as it is waiting for any opportunity to pounce on it if we do not show strong enough opposition and attention to its projects that harm the poor people. The government will come back and re-come back to the voucher stories, we must be ready for it.
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    Angel · 1 months ago
    No one will be able to buy from shops, cafes, taxis, things people need to feel good and get through the day with. Businesses will go out of business 
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      Edwards · 1 months ago
      @mrfibro It was 12 billion last time wasn't it? they then scrapped dla and started moving people from incapacity benefit to esa because o was one of them,agoraphobic and put in Wragby,told to travel 7 miles to job centre (2 busses)or I'd get sanctioned,I rang the woman on the letter and she was so unsympathetic it was unbelievable  I hadn't gone out in 4 years and I was still expected to attend,luckily for me,my mandatory reconsideration came back in my favour and I was moved to support group, she continued to harass me until my letter came through and I had to send her a copy, utterly clueless because they've never had it,it doesn't exist,unfortunately my own sister is of the same mindset,we don't speak
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Angel They need to save 12 billion +, but give junior Dr's 20% pay rise.  Even though i'm all for our doctors.  Once they get 20% everyone will come out of the woodwork, and also demand higher wage increases.  Hence labour will keep continuing to shave more billions of the welfare.  Equating to more misery and poverty in a so-called multi rich nation.
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    (No) hope · 1 months ago
    Was it Mel stride who recently spoke about “ not getting value out of the disabled benefits paid out”, as if there should be some kind of return on the handful of coins they throw our way…. If we’re talking about not getting value, anyone think that an mp is good value for is it 90 odd grand? And don’t get me started on the salary and hours of a gp… and the latest threat of further lightening their own workload. Greed is good sure is alive and well.
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    Dazza · 1 months ago
    I find the idea of a 'catalogue/shop' very demeaning, and what will have is that items that you purchase through this scheme will be very expensive,  and you will be a prisoner to this catalogue/shop. Also what will happen is that any items that you possibly may purchase, will undoubtedly be twice or 3 times the price of other options eg, ebay or Amazon. Over inflated prices for equipment etc that can be purchased elsewhere for half or even a third of the price.
    Anything that is recommended by the government is always more expensive by far, than from other outlets/sources.
    Vouchers will only create a 'stigma' for people on PiP. Like a badge f dishonour or shame. I purchase numerous items to help with my disability, from various sources. Why should I be told what, where and how much I shall pay ( or be fleeced), by PM's that claim for everything under the sun on their expenses...including houses!
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      mrfibro · 1 months ago
      @Dazza will this catalog cater for my window cleaner.  Or gardener, or decorator ?
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    Elsa · 1 months ago
    There are a multitude of unforseen costs due to disability that couldn't be covered by some standard set of vouchers for a select collection of retailers. For instance I've had to buy 3 lots of hideously expensive Kerraped shoes in a year because the NHS took 3 months a time rather than 6 weeks to cut my toenails & they literally grew through the shoes! I can't reach them as I have full body lymphedema. I can just imagine some beaurocrat frowning & saying 'You're only allowed one pair a year of these'. I'd probably be accused of selling them! Why are the disabled being treated this way? Thanks to the insidious contempt fostered by the last government the attitudes encountered by many disabled people are truly shocking. I get death threats for parking in a disabled bay outside my own house! This would never have happened 20 years ago. If the measure of a society is how it treats its most vulnerable then God help us all in the UK.
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    Bea · 1 months ago
    My dad dropped from full time to part time work to care for me. That halved his salary. A large portion of my PIP goes to him for driving, cleaning, shopping, managing my bills, my many medical appointments etc. 

    I already feel like such a burden and failure. If they take away my PIP cash payments he will have to return to full time work, and my quality of life will plummet so far I don't want to stick around to experience it. 
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      S Edward · 1 months ago
      @Bea My husband gave up work after 39 years to care 4 me 2 weeks before sunak came out and said what he said about pip,the result, a nervous breakdown, my fourth one,thanks very much,mh services now involved once again and back on waiting list for stage 3 intervention, we'll done,they set my mh back massively, my agoraphobia is now full on once again,work? No chance, I'm struggling to walk down the road to the corner
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    Brian Marriott · 1 months ago
    I use my pip to pay for food taxi from hospital and to help mum when car needs to be fixed 
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    Scrounger · 1 months ago
    Worst case scenario we are *forced* into work, we might only be in work a year or two before AI takes our job! 
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      S Edward · 1 months ago
      @Scrounger I'm agoraphobic again thanks to this,no chance of working or even getting to job centre 
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    A · 1 months ago
    Liz Kendall and co. have said that they're going to produce a white paper, which is a proposed law, setting out their welfare reforms. They've added that this will be introduced as a bill into parliament in autumn, and if it's voted for, it would obviously become a law. 

    My intuition is that they're cooking up nasty radical reforms to bring up. Otherwise, they would have needed any legislative changes, had they only some tweaks to be made on the welfare system.

    “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst”.
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    Brian Marriott · 1 months ago
    My pip gives me good stuff as I have to go to hospital every week I can’t go on my own so i need to get taxi pip is better of staying money as taxi u can’t pay threw a voucher and also my friend as a mobility. Car and u can’t  pay for a mobility  car  threw a voucher he needs a car as he is disabled like me I can’t do nothing on my own   
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      Anon · 1 months ago
      @Brian Marriott I wouldn't say " good stuff" it's going to be taken wrongly out of context by the people who want us to lose everything,wording is everything,we must be careful how we put our views falward
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    Neal · 1 months ago
    Voucherising the society: I wonder if this government and the one before, started paying PIP vouchers instead of cash, and if they succeeded in implementing it, because no one showed strong opposition to this arbitrariness and immorality against the vulnerable people, and then they will implement the same thing on retirees and so on, why don’t the next governments implement it on 75% or more of society after 20 years( it is not a science fiction it is currently and unfortunately real), if the crises continue and the governments’ arguments continue as well to convince people of their inhumane and scandalous projects?
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    diceman24 · 1 months ago
    i honestly think that the goverment cant change pip into vouchers after green paper then charties and disablilty groups and us have our say if this goverment trys it will  our independence and their freedom.which the the human rights and courts will than get involved and whilst the cost of living crisis is still with us it dont make any sense for the goverment to even consider it but has a green paper labour will have to look at it but cant see them going any further with it. there will such a backlash against this policy which will take years to come.let the process do its thing and hopefully there will be a silver lining after all. i think they will twick pip a little thats all so if your geniune disabled and cant work than dont worry life is to short for all this ifs and buts take care everyone 
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    Rachel · 1 months ago
    I am disabled and have motorbility car....I get both high rates of pip due to rheumatoid arthritis, breast cancer with mastectomy and now I have a ICD pacemaker fitted due to the chemotherapy treatment damaging my heart....after rent and other bills are paid out what is left is for food etc I prefer cash payments as I can keep an eye on what spent plus do they give you change from your vouchers ?? Not many places do so what's the point of giving them vouchers when you have to give extra in cash if you ain't gonna have cash available because you have a pocket full of vouchers.
    Seems to me like a very bad idea...and I don't think motorbility accept vouchers unless they are changing those rules too..
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    DC · 1 months ago
    My daughter is totally blind and autistic. 
    I'm so proud of her as she manages to live independently. 
    She uses her PIP to employ a gardener ,window cleaner and to have someone help her clean.
    She HAS to pick these people herself due to her additional needs as not being in control causes her anxiety. 
    Her PIP gives her the independence we are all entitled too.