Please note: this PIP test is for the proposed new PIP scoring system -it is not the test that is currently used to decide eligibility for PIP. You can take the current PIP test here.
What is the proposed change
Under the proposed new test the mobility component remains the same. However, for the daily living component, whilst you must still score:
- 8 points for standard rate
- 12 points for enhanced rate
at least one of the descriptors you select must score 4 points or more.
So, if you select 4 descriptors scoring two points each, that will be 8 points but it will not qualify for an award.
But if you select one descriptor scoring 4 points and two descriptors scoring 2 points, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.
Please note this a new form we have created - let us know if you spot any errors or have any problems with using it.
Start the Proposed PIP test