Whatever stage of your claim you have reached, our instantly downloadable 137-page PIP guide - written by a team of experienced welfare rights workers and a barrister - will give you the best possible chance of getting the correct decision.


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Download sample pages from the February 2022 version of our Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claims guide in .pdf format

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We explain what you will be asked during you initial PIP1 telephone claim and how to make sure you’re prepared for it.

We set out the law which stands behind the questions in the ‘How your disability affects you’ claim form. And we demonstrate, with examples, how to give highly detailed, accurate and legally relevant evidence, box-by-box through the whole form.

Much of the additional information we suggest is not what the form prompts you for, but it’s vital you include it.

For example, it isn’t made clear that if you have problems with an activity for just a part of the day, that may be sufficient for you to score points, even if you can manage it for the rest of the day.

You also need to know that the decision maker may reduce your points score by suggesting aids or appliances you could use instead of getting help. Being aware in advance what aids or appliances might be suggested allows you to give accurate evidence about whether they genuinely would make a difference.

Understanding what ‘reliably’ means in relation to PIP activities is also hugely important. Giving evidence about issues such as: whether you can do things safely; whether you are in pain when you do them; whether you can do an activity in a reasonable time and what the effect is on you afterwards could make the difference between getting an award or not.

For each PIP activity, we give a list of questions that you can write answers to in order to ensure that the answers you give are as detailed and accurate as possible. We also show you sample answers so that you can see the type of information you might want to provide.

There’s much more in our PIP guide. For example:

  • the importance of supporting evidence and how to collect it;
  • the questions your GP will have to answer if they are sent a factual report form;
  • what happens at a PIP assessment.

Give yourself the best possible chance of getting the right PIP decision first time by becoming a Benefits and Work member and getting instant access to all our downloadable resources.

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