The savagery of Labour’s cuts to benefits was laid bare today, with the revelation that 250,000 people, including 50,000 children, will be plunged into relative poverty as a result of benefits cuts.  370,000 current PIP claimants are expected to lose their PIP daily living component when their award is reviewed after November 2026.

Figures from the Office For Budget Responsibility (OBR) and the DWP’s own impact and equality assessments emphasise how these cuts are aimed almost solely at disabled people.

According to the DWP:

  • Just 0.1 million families with no disability in the household will lose out, 4% of all those affected.
  • 1 million families with some disability in the household will lose out, 96% of all those affected.

This represents one in five of all families with a disabled person in the household. The average loss will be £1,720 per year compared to inflation. 

370,00 current PIP recipients are expected to lose entitlement to the daily living component on review after November 2026, plus 430,000 future recipients.  The average loss is £4,500 per year.

2.25 million current recipients of UC Health (LCWRA) will be hit by the freeze to this element, with an average loss of £500 a year– although they benefit from the increase in the standard allowance.

In reality, the effects of the cuts could be even greater.

58% of new PIP claimants and 52% of PIP award reviews do not score any 4 point daily living descriptors.  So, on the face of it, this would reduce the number of people getting PIP daily living by 1.5 million by 2029-30, virtually one third. 

But the OBR guesses, and they admit it is only guesswork, that the actual number who lose the daily living component will be reduced to 800,000 because people will fight harder to be awarded a 4 point descriptor, including by challenging decisions.

Whatever the final figure, these cuts represent an unprecedented attack on disabled people that many Labour MPs must be desperate to avoid taking responsibility for. 

But, probably within a month or two, they will have to start trooping through the division lobbies to show their wholehearted support for a policy of impoverishing disabled families in order to balance the books.

You can download the DWP Impact assessment and the equality analysis from the bottom of this page


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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 8 hours ago
    I get 4+4+3+2+2 with a light touch in 7 years ( was 10) Wondering how I will fare!

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    · 11 hours ago
    I'm only on the LCWRA group and although I've been entitled for it for many years, never signed up to PIP simply because I felt like I get enough from being on the LCWRA group, but now I'm hearing that if you're not on PIP then your LCWRA can be removed. Is anyone else is this situation? Does it mean that I should sign on PIP? I believe I still qualify due to mobility and not able talking to people as I have severe agoraphobia, I just never felt the need in the past as I never wanted to claim and get more than what I needed despite being entitled to it.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 5 hours ago
      @Chlo I'm in the same situation as you. I'm only  on LCWRA and haven't bothered to claim PIP to date, as I hate worrying about the damn assessments.

      From what I understand, they won't remove our LCWRA if we're not on PIP, but they would soon require us to be reassessed via the new single assessment which will be based on the PIP assessment.

      I'm asking myself whether I've to claim PIP. But the trouble is that claiming PIP is going to become extremely tough, as they would require claimants to score 4 points in one descriptor to  get PIP daily living component. Imagine if among current PIP holders, only 7% have scored the damn 4 points!

      This is all about cutting benefits to people and nothing else.

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    · 11 hours ago
    An article from 2021. Probably worth sending to MPs who will vote for the cuts. I doubt they'd care, though:

    "Those who worked for outsourced Work Programme providers, who were under financial pressure to find job “outcomes” for claimants, described how managers pressured them to “push” disabled people into work.

    One former Work Programme adviser told the research team: “[I had] a lovely guy who I really felt for who had mental health issues and the day after I had to reluctantly mandate him to something – he attempted suicide."

    “I also had another lady who we pushed into work and it made her that ill she had a fit in her new job and was admitted to hospital.”

    Another Work Programme adviser said that some colleagues seemed to thrive on their ability to inflict harm and “enjoyed the stick”.

  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 13 hours ago
    Has anyone watched DDUK videos they're saying it could be about £9 billion cuts not around £5billion. God help us if som
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 8 hours ago
      @Neil Cook Yes it will be as many other qualifying benefits specially for people going into pension will be lost as will carer allowances and housing benefits
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 11 hours ago
      @Neil Cook Your right didnt the tories want 12 billion though and reform want a similar amount. I expect Reeves to revisit this in october as we are going to be affected by Trumps trade tariffs.
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    · 14 hours ago
    Social justice should be for everyone, but if this is not possible, then those who work should be sure that if something happens to them, then at least from the age of 50 they will be able to receive PIP in the usual way, and not die on the street hungry.
    After 50 years, people begin to experience various strong changes in the body and this is not me saying, but nature. Whether you want it or not, but changes will still occur, as a rule, for the worse. For people with disabilities, this is usually a critical period from 50 to 60 years.

    If the government wants to change something, then most likely it should be done like this:
    1. Daily living component - without Mobility part.
    At least one of the descriptors you select must score 4 points or more and you will qualify for an award.
    2. From 20 to 50 years old.
    Daily living component and Standard Mobility (8 points).
    At least one of the descriptors you select must score 4 points or more and you will qualify for an award.
    3. From 50+ years old.
    Daily living component and Standard Mobility (8 points).
    If you select 4 descriptors scoring 2 points each, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.
    4. Daily living component and Enhanced mobility (12 points).
    If you select 4 descriptors scoring 2 points each, that will be 8 points and you will qualify for an award.
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    · 15 hours ago
    People claiming PIP in this age bracket are most at risk from DWP cuts

    Source: Chronicle Live

    Shared via the Google App

    Don't know what you guys think if this. 
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 hours ago
      @james I think we are all at risk. 
      No one will be untouched in one way or another.
      I won't get the 4 points either.
      My sister calculated my loss. I'll be living on  air. It's abysmal all round. So damn cuel.
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 6 hours ago
      @keepingitreal I believe that if your pip goes into state pension age, it should continue too. Like I believed that indefinite dla should not have been touched after Pip was introduced. This entire 4points thing is sadistic ,they know ,regardless of impact assessments, unless they are supremely stupid, some might say so, that it is going to eradicate a vast majority of those claiming pip and plunge them into poverty they'd probably never recover from. In other words ,it will work out quite well for the government. 
      I've a pip review coming up pretty soon. I'm 59 this yr and losing the will to live, esp as I've also UC migration coming up too. 

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      · 7 hours ago
      @keepingitreal There will be a whole range of OAPs who will lose their small pension pots and end up homeless as a result with no help. The system stinks because had no NI payments been made while on ESA I would have been eligible for pension credit, housing benefit, however having worked for a good few years the system will go completely against me and others who will find themselves in a similar situation. The fact I had a employer's pension for a couple of years will mean that it will take me over the 16K limit (a sum that should have long been changed) to mean I will not get any help and will be worse off then my counterparts who had no pension contributions. How can this be even right ? 
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      · 8 hours ago
      @The Dogmother I am afraid I can't agree with this because I am now 65 and a year away from state pension but my PIP when renewed year after next, when I will be 67, will be at risk due to the points being changed. I suffer from heart disease, 3 heart attacks, have diabetes and also am unable to walk properly due to an injury and due to the fact that I get tired easily and out of breath. I looked at the new test and did not get 4 points but did get 3 points highest for being helped in and out of bath. I will not get the pension credit for help with rent as it is a qualifying benefit dependent on the care element and I have already sought advice from ageUK who have confirmed I would lose out.  This means whatever savings I have will go on rent and council tax
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      · 10 hours ago
      @The Dogmother @The Dogmother, I think Shafter, Gainer, Blooper, Theives and Endall (that well known firm of human blights lawyers) could not possibly have done enough research to establish the dangers of their welfare proposals, and, particularly, how devastating the 4 point rule could be for older claimants, especially those over state pension age, where the interaction with other benefits is so complex. 

      The impact assessment has not been published so it is unreasonable for anything to be voted or acted on until it is published. THEN we can have the debate, the consultation, the refinements, when we KNOW what we'd be facing and what would be on offer regarding mitigation and exceptions.

      I believe if you carry your pip into state pension age it should be a lifetime award without review, unless you request a review (with no risk) for higher daily living needs.

      Starmer's cabinet hasn't the capacity for a first aid kit, let alone the intellectual range required to devise and implement a critical social remedy.
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    · 16 hours ago
    There is a petition on against the proposed new 4 point PIP rule, started by a claiment who is going to be very badly affected by it, as so many of us will. 

    I was concerned that so few of us had signed it. PLEASE SIGN AND SHARE!! 
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      · 14 hours ago
      @Marc They should definitely delay it until a proper impact study is done but no mention that they intend to do that. 
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    · 1 days ago
    I am sick with fear. I am disabled in my 60s and have no family to look after me. I don't know what I will do. And we are so hated, aren't we. What Labour is doing is popular. I have no hope. 
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    · 1 days ago
    From the last leg tv show-
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  • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
    · 1 days ago

    'The government says it must cut benefits for the disabled They are completely wrong'

    'I think that the benefit cuts that the Government is promoting are highly abusive. And what is more, they are completely un-neccesary...'
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 20 hours ago
      @X12Bt4 Absolutely love this man! Thank you so much for making these videos, esteemed Professor Richard Murphy. Yours is the best argument, delivered eloquently, from a place of moral fibre and sound reason, by somebody with top credentials. We are all grateful for your gracious support!
    • Thank you for your comment. Comments are moderated before being published.
      · 1 days ago
      @X12Bt4 Thank you. X12Bt4.

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      · 1 days ago
      @X12Bt4 Seen this earlier and he is absolutely spot on
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    · 1 days ago
    I do NOT know if that is a good or bad thing Councillors resigning as we NEED their support if they are opposed to the welfare cuts. As it those who would be able to vote against the proposals they want to inflict on us.

    The abolishing of NHS England contemporaneously with the welfare reform this is in such a mess!

    I do NOT know about anyone else on this site but just how helpful are your GP's regarding this? In the last few years in the geographical area where I live there seems to be an almost unspoken reliance and need for approval of MSK clinicians (physiotherapists in other words) making all kinds of decisions as to who is even approved for scans. Then we have them making BAD decisions. 

    I KNOW this is NOT the same in all areas of the country. Then we have the same MSK clinicians assessing us for PIP. It is ALMOST as if this profession has taken over, who is eligible for what and when.

    Something NOT right about it to me. 

    GP states it is business decisions, business decisions overriding clinical decisions. 

    Before these announcements on the Green Paper I started to FEEL an INAPPROPRIATE underlying shift.

    On the positive for me this week I approached the hierarchy at Adult Health and Social Care for them to show their support re social workers and managers of the care firm who provide us with the care and support that we NEED. 

    It seems to have been taken seriously.

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    · 1 days ago
    Half baked ideas!

    The timing of the Labour government’s proposed disability reforms—pulled half-baked from the oven just in time for the Spring Budget—reveals a deeper duplicity. Much like Boris Johnson’s infamous “oven-ready” Brexit deal, this new recipe for welfare reform was rushed, ill-prepared, and is already leaving a poisonous aftertaste for the sick and disabled community.

    Labour came into power desperate to shake off the long shadow of “fiscal incompetence” attached to previous governments. Rachel Reeves’ central mantra has been to prove their economic credibility at all costs. But that “cost” is now being paid by those least able to afford it—those already pushed to the margins by illness, disability, and years of austerity.

    Under the banner of fiscal responsibility, the government has shoehorned sweeping cuts and ideological reforms into rhetoric that feels fundamentally disingenuous. They claim they are “incentivising work,” but they sidestep the uncomfortable truth: people on these benefits have already been assessed as not well enough to work, often through a harrowing process. The supposed “incentive” becomes a threat: lose your income, or prove your suffering more convincingly.

    Further suddenly announced cuts through freezing benefits because they don’t align with OBR forecasts doesn’t just expose the brutality of the policy—it also reveals the underlying logic. Rather than supporting people, this government is attempting to hammer the disabled population into a fiscal model for the spring statement that was never made with them in mind.

    And yet they tell us this was fully consulted on. The Green Paper, they say, reflects community engagement. But the scale of outcry, from across the disabled community and beyond, says otherwise. There has been no real dialogue—just a top-down agenda rushed into the budget to tick a political box.

    This is not reform. It is betrayal dressed up as balance. A recipe forced on the nation’s most vulnerable with no care for the consequences. A dish that looks glossy on the surface, but has a bitter, poisonous damaging core.

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      · 1 days ago
      @CaroA When in opposition we kept hearing how they had costed everything but we never got the details and then once in power there was a blackhole wherever they looked. It begets the question as to what were they really doing while in opposition to be so surprised ?
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    · 1 days ago
    This is unspeakable - and to try and slide this by the watchdogs to avoid the obvious human rights breaches is beyond sense. 

    Labour have absolutely lost the plot - if they want us to trust them ever again then they need to retract these proposals immediately - and announce that they’re going to consort with disability groups and human rights watchdogs to “fix the broken benefit system” 

    Because this is using explosives to sort the weeds in the garden - utterly insane, devoid of any humanity and compassion and any MP who supports this should resign in shame.  
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    · 1 days ago
    # The Great Political Illusion?

    Like a master stage magician, the government has directed us to an elaborate spectacle of benefit reforms. With grand flourishes and dramatic pronouncements, they've unveiled a show of tough measures aimed at "getting Britain working" and cracking down on "benefit dependency."

     We're meant to watch in awe as the magician appears to saw the benefits system in half. But as with any magic trick, what matters is not where they tell you to look, but where they don't. While our eyes are fixed on the dazzling display of benefit reforms scheduled for years in the future, the real action happens elsewhere—in the swift and certain implementation of tax increases through the next Finance Bill.

    This performance calls to mind the Wizard of Oz, who created an intimidating projection of power and authority—all smoke, thunder, and commanding voice—while behind the curtain, a very different reality existed. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!" the Wizard commanded, just as the government might prefer we focus on the imposing specter of benefit reform rather than the immediate tax changes being prepared.

    The Wizard's illusion eventually fell apart when Toto pulled back the curtain. Similarly, the legal system may eventually reveal that many of these benefit reforms cannot be fully implemented as proposed. But by then, the tax increases will already be in place, approved by a public who believed they were part of a bargain where "everyone does their part."

    Like Dorothy and her companions who discovered the Wizard's true nature, we may eventually realize that the fearsome reforms were largely projection and spectacle. But unlike in the story, the taxes paid while distracted by the show won't be returned once the curtain falls.
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    · 2 days ago
    Apparently More councillors have resigned today because of labours leadership think there will be more that do .
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    · 2 days ago
    Surely there will be legal action taken against Labour's plans?

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      · 1 days ago
      @Dave Dee Given all the various statements on this now from charities, unions and everyone in between who deals with PIP, I’m hoping they may perhaps get a Judicial Review going. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Dave Dee Given Keir Starmers human rights lawyer background (talk about irony) he'll more than likely find any way round it he can.
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      · 2 days ago
      @Neil Cook Yep, literally.
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      · 2 days ago
      @Dave Dee Let’s hope so. Let’s hope they’ve left themselves wide open to it. But let’s also remember to do our bit as well, namely persistent contact with our own mps…and you can even contact the lords via a link on this site.  Word any contact yourself though, rather than a cut and paste, as I’m sure I’ve read they ignore this kind of communication. And let’s support any protest or charity campaign going on, if possible. Good luck all.
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      · 2 days ago
      @Dave Dee I really hope so. 
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      · 13 hours ago
      @DJ Brilliant and well said, DJ!
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      · 13 hours ago
      @Anon What up, down voter? Hit a nerve, did I?

      Here's another one for the truth twisters......the reason why they don't believe claimants is because they themselves lie so much. Projection, bro.
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      · 15 hours ago
      @M I shall not be adhering to any conditionality ,they can't be permitted to keep changing the goalposts, you're too unwell,disabled one day, and need not engage. The next you have to. !! Nope. There's no magic wand for our health conditions and engaging with the Job centre def ain't one of them. 
      We need to stand up to this s**t.
      In any way we can. Do they think because we are ill we are stupid too. Something has to give the entire changes proposed are far too harsh. Brill idea to make applying for pip much harder to take it away from us , so we are destitute, then expect us to look for work. Yeah sure I'll go in my pjs ,I'll crawl along the floor like I have to do on my worse days. I honestly want to swear,but won't lower myself.  God help us. 
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      · 1 days ago
      @Anon Thing is it is the background that these work coaches are being employed from. That is ALARMING me.

      As with the Assessors on face to face

      I think, that behind the scenes of all of this with the confidence of Starmer and co., that there have been consultations going on in areas that we are still NOT fully aware of and perhaps never will be. 

      We are aware of the disabled charities that they consulted with. It was NOT sufficient that is for sure as they professed they had consulted as this is the argument on one of the 4 legal challenges against them. That was thrown at Labour in Parliament this week.

      The economics make NO sense whatsoever.

      They do NOT need to even be doing this. This 5 billion black hole repetitive nonsense that we are being blamed to have created because we are disabled, sick chronically unwell.

      The DWP involvement regarding the statistics,  THE OBR finally tearing that into pieces on 26 March 2025. 

      I think there is still a lot more to come to light in more ways  than one as to HOW it has evolved that we were to take the rap for and be used as scapegoats with this Government. I think eventually it will evolve that we have been betrayed by more than one entity.

      Which gave the Government the 'Balls' as Starmer said to do it.

      However, what I DO THINK is Starmer and co., never once thought that we would challenge him with the determination that we have.  

      Long term sick, disabled people the attitude towards us has in society almost become as if we are a burden on the NHS, a burden on primary and secondary services a burden on the economy. 

      It is scary it is more than harmful it is inhumane and indeed it is ALL in contravention of Equality Act 2010. The green paper proposals were UNLAWFUL I posted last week how Labour were basically able to go ahead with this because of the strategical deployment of legal tactics.



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      · 2 days ago
      @M Sanctioning a claimant is a decision a work coach makes independently.

      If many of them who claim they do care about claimants (including PCS Union making such claims), then they wouldn't be making these abusive decisions.

      As far as I'm concerned, it is entirely dependent on the work coach to STOP sanctioning ill and disabled people.

      If they truly give a crap and want to help us (which we know isn't true for many), the power is in their hands to STOP SANCTIONING US.

      Grow some balls and make a change from within the jobcentre.
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