The final combined PIP and work capability (WCA) assessment service contract has been awarded to Serco, the DWP announced this week, meaning that Atos have failed to win a single region and will cease to carry out assessments from September 2024 onwards.

The Functional Assessment Services contracts are replacing both PIP contracts and contracts to carry out WCAs for employment and support allowance (ESA) and universal credit (UC). The intention is that the same company will carry out both types of assessment in any given area, until such a time as the WCA is axed completely.

At the moment, WCAs are administered by Maximus and PIP assessments by Atos (known as IAS) and Capita, with Atos having the larger share of the PIP contracts.

However, that is all set to change from 2024, with the new contracts running until 2029.

Back in May, we reported that four of the five contracts had now been awarded, with just the South West of England left undecided.  This was because Atos were allegedly mounting a legal challenge to the decision to award the region to Serco.

But the DWP have now confirmed that Serco have been successful, leaving Atos entirely out in the cold.

From September 2024, if you have WCA or PIP assessment, it will be carried out by the following company:

North England and Scotland: Maximus UK Services Limited (currently Atos)

Midlands and Wales: Capita Business Services (currently Capita)

South West England: Serco (currently Atos)

South East England, London and East Anglia: Ingeus UK Limited (currently ATOS)

Northern Ireland: Capita Business Services (currently Capita)



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    · 5 months ago
    My past experience with Atos then IEL is that they are driven by DWP directives to disqualify or reduce a proportion of candidate claimants at the medical assessment by a subcontracted medical professional review and final P.I.P. assessment mobility and care level for enhanced or standard validation. Where the objective is to dissuade applicants from making an appeal at a DWP court of appeal panel assessment which is open to every applicant if they consider they have been negatively prejudiced or adversely biased and disqualified or had their mobility and care P.I.P. descriptor statements reduced to a lower level descriptor statement that directly affects their P.I.P. financial award to zero or a lower level of entitlement. My advice to any claimant placed in this category of P.I.P. assessment is to always take your appeal to a DWP court of appeal, take all of the correct wording advice that carries the greatest weight of appeal for the correct mobility and care P.I.P. descriptor statement using a local government or independent Welfare Rights And Money Advice Service organization to script the health assessment review form and keep on hitting the DWP court of appeal clerical office with email copies of every piece of relevant medical written evidence possible. Because eventually they will get fed up with the mounting quantity and quality of written medical evidence in support of the relevantly scripted P.I.P. medical review form that contradicts the Atos or IEL medical assessment review and award the claimant a standard or enhanced mobility and care P.I.P. award based purely on the written evidence provided without the applicant having to appear in person at the DWP court of appeal in front of a DWP, medical and judicial panel of representatives. I am convinced this might be the only way to convince the DWP that you as a applicant are making a serious claim for P.I.P. benefit and you are sincere and truthful about how your medical condition affects your everyday realities of mobility and caring for yourself that able bodied and fit citizens are not negatively affected by. Serco`s treatment of applicants making a claim for P.I.P. benefit will be no different to the treatment of applicants meted out by Atos and then IEL who used T.U.P.E.D. transferred over medical, administrative and management personnel from the former, independent management or new medical personnel who are not necessarily specialist in the complex medical condition affecting the claimants everyday right to mobility and care in the community.    
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    · 5 months ago
    The medical director of Serco is the previous medical director of Atos so nothing will change and people will get cut off their benefits 
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    · 1 years ago
    I telephoned re a PIP review telephone assessment and asked if I could have the assessment recorded as their letter states. The lady says no it can't be done on that assessment and it will have to be rearranged and I would get another appointment. I am confused, why do they offer it in their letter and then when you request it say it can't be done and will have to be rearranged. I rand up as soon as recieving their letter re Tel assessment which is 2 weeks away. I am now very worried? Anyone had same ? 
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      · 7 months ago
      Hi Angelina!
      What did Atos/IAS do in the end? Did they definitely cancel your appointment? How long after it was the re-arranged appointment conducted?
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      · 8 months ago
      @Angelina I had a telephone consultation with atos who reported that they could see no muscle wastage in my legs, I was on the phone, when I reported this to the DWP and said I was taking it further as I had a report from my doctors saying otherwise and sent a copy to them, I got a immediate reply apologising from the DWP and benefits returned and back dated 
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    · 1 years ago
    Hello there and wonder if anyone is as befuddled as I am regarding moving from DLA to PIP.
    I’ve been on DLA higher mobility since 2012 when I had lung cancer and had the left lung removed. I have subsequently been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, osteomalacia and extensive osteoporosis in both hips. I have never been contacted by DWP . to claim PIP. My DLA was indefinite and at the time PIP was just getting going. So as I say I’m really worried because I will be 65 years old in January coming. I’m absolutely terrified. I have contacted DWP each year to ask when I might be called and have been told to wait due to their backlog of brand new assessment for PIP. Please , please let me know what you think. Sorry for the length of this post. I’m sure I can’t be the only one facing this issue, and I’m sure there are folks out there in much worse situation than me.
    Many thanks 
    cat lover from Gloucestershire 
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    · 1 years ago
    When will the transfer of DLA to PIP be completed on edge every day waiting for a letter to drop through the door
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    · 1 years ago
    It was Atos that gave me a medical I had rheumatoid arthritis for over 20years and had enhanced rate for both fields for 20 years there nurse seen me for 35 mins said everything should be ok received my letter and cut two points off my motobility lost my car lost my car tax and I my arthritis had been getting worse these people supposed to be in nursing is a joke but I could not do anything mr peter duff

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      · 8 months ago
      @Barneyp I completely relate entirely to this. I subsequently had to leave nursing and lapse my pin / registration.
      There were always conversations to clarify the strength of evidence before deciding which descriptor best fitted which when a robust reports was written it would often be rejected as one nurses view may differ from another who read the same evidence. 
      Frustration, despair, and negativity ultimately took its toll. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Barneyp Have you raised this to you Local minister . Corruption must be challenged to better society :) Thank you for publically stating insights none- the least.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Peter Duff Thats awful and the reason I left ATOS. I was told my nursing experience would help me assess people but my assessments were constantly rejected by supervisors. Its not the people doing the initial assessments that are the problem, its the level above rejecting the experience of those doing the assessments. Glad they are going, please persist and try again.
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    · 1 years ago
    I had to return a ESA renewal form by July 16th which I did have still not heard anything about medical assessment. Waiting is awful. Does anyone have any idea how long its going to be? 
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      · 5 months ago
      @Eliza For what I've heard is because there is a back log of claims or review some people have been waiting 55 weeks but your guess is better than mine hope that has helped a bit
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      · 1 years ago
      @Eliza Eliza ,may I ask how long you've been on ESA, I hear they re doing some renewals randomly, that those who weren't assessed during the pandemic but where due to be are now being assessed.
      I've also heard that it's mostly contribution based esa and not income related being done at the moment. I heard this from an ex dwp worker,who left because of the shocking treatment his claiments were subjected to,but he still keeps his hand in and collects any news on benefits he can to help others. As for how long you'll wait. Could be a while. The last times I'd renewals they didn't even tell me I'd been kept in SG. And I was too afraid to call them. Good luck. 
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    · 1 years ago
    Same policies. Different corporate branding.

    The staff are probably transferred over too. I await the outcome….
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    · 1 years ago
    I just had a surprise assessment call from Capita. They gave me no warning I was unprepared so no recording etc and it only lasted five minutes now I am worried.
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      · 1 years ago
      @Sammie Sammie Most excellent. Delighted for you x
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother Great news I just got my letter enhanced rate for both plus arrears as I was only standard on one before and no need to go through this awfulness again for 5 years. So a bit of good news there. x Take care and thanks B&W for great advice.
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother Hi again I got a text off them yesterday which said my assessment was now complete and will get a letter in the next two weeks. I dread the postman I really do. Will let you know when it arrives.
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother Hi I sent my assessment paper back last year and they said they had not made a decision so were extending it until they did until next year then out of the blue I got this call today? X
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      · 1 years ago
      @Sammie Sammie How close where you to  being due a reassessment?.
      I've heard of this happening before. 
      Sounds like it might be just a few things they needed to get a bit more info on.esp if it was such a short call. But scary all the same. X
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    · 1 years ago
    As long as the systems rely on profits before people, it doesn't matter who does what. It costs them a lot more money to oppress us, but their funders etc get richer.
    Remember when IDS resigned and we all cheered? This is the same thing.  Things don't look great at the moment,  we need to be unified. Keep being brave, and let it go for as much as you can do, easily said, but you're alive now. Good luck everyone  x
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      · 1 years ago
      @Julia Thank you. It's better to prop eachother up and help if even in a little way I feel. We have to unite to fight. X
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      · 1 years ago
      @The Dog Mother Very well said. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Ali @Ali we certainly do need each other to lean on.
      We can gleam little bits of information from each other and as they say 'knowledge is power.'
      Luck to us all indeed, we don't need nor deserve to be treated so badly.x
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    · 1 years ago
    My last assessment was to request the enhanced PIP as i'm on the lower level PIP. It was over the phone. It was the worst one I had had. The accessor spoke with a strong Scottish accent which resulted in my asking her to repeat a lot of her questions. Needless to say I didn't get the enhanced mobility
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    · 1 years ago
    maximus was atos staff who were tupe'd over ( i was one of them i hesitate to say ) so for the north of england (my area) this means no change 
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    · 1 years ago
    I live in SW England and my recent wca was with IAS not Serco

    I have never heard of Serco until now.
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    · 1 years ago
    Serco has its finger in every part of daily life,with contracts previously with the DWP for pensions.
    Specialty,  Prisons, Defence and asylum seekers 
    Perfect to assess those in need then?
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    · 1 years ago
    Watch this space, they still treat us as lying, lazy, discriminatted against people. Im 71 and after an extention to 2026 of my PIP review, i dread still having to go through a review!
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      · 1 years ago
      @frances I had my PIP review extended a year but they sent me the review 18 months early instead of the usual six months early. Plus I didn't receive the form until two weeks after the date on the letter so had to ring the DWP to get a two week extension. A tip, it's much easier to ring them at 9am, as soon as they open, so you can get your call answered more promptly. I don't wish to worry you but if you know all this can happen, you can be prepared for it. Good luck. :-)
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      · 1 years ago
      @frances I dread any interaction with the dwp. The reviews are deadly. The very letters or forms send me into panic mode when I see them in my post box. Making us feel even sicker ,they've a cheek disbelieving us to begin with. My pip review is 2026 though I expect to get the form months before the end date. I'm dreading it,and the change from iresa to UC. Dread isn't even a strong enough word. Its absolutely diabolical. 
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    · 1 years ago
    My experience with Atos and the DWP has been dire. How and why are the staff at the DWP even employed? I found them o be idle , incompetent  and rude with no understanding o a stroke or the protocol. Chris Bryant MP is trying  to improve this.The DWP need to be held to account for its failings and in many cases sacked
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    · 1 years ago
    Isn't Maximus the American company sued in the USA for fraud? And as for Serco, well they are a bunch of bullies.

    Much as we might applaud the removal of ATOS, sadly it's same sh*t, different smell with these other companies
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    · 1 years ago
    I had a reassessment in February it was sent back recorded delivery March 31st, on August 31st I called pip, only to be told, they didn't have my papers. I had to get this citizean advice to resend my forms, it took 5wks f
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    · 1 years ago
    Will wait to see if Ingeus (London & SE) - an Australian company, apparently  - turn out to be any better/more empathetic than ATOS next time around, but won't hold my breath!
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      · 1 years ago
      @D Blake This lot, are  responsible for all the successful work programmes.
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    · 1 years ago
    I was assessed for PIP back in 2015, I appealed the decision and was upgraded to enhanced both on mobility and daily living. The review in 2017 gave me an ongoing award earliest review in 2027! I was one of the last to be assessed by a doctor at the Department of Social Security for Incapacity benefit for a different condition. This automatically migrated to ESA where I'm in the Support Group, and following my Stroke and PIP, I also receive a severe disability payment in my ESA. What will change for me? I've been terrified about the migration to UC as I hear I'll lose the severe disability element. 
    I can recall reading in the Govt guidance for the assessors that it required a doctor to assess those who've had a CVA (stroke) has this changed? 
    Like everyone else in the support group, I'm terrified of being moved to the group that can be sanctioned. Prior to my stroke I was happy to work: now I am not able to multi task and tire very quickly. I will be at retirement age in August 2027. 
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      · 1 years ago
      @Caroline Very interesting. I am sorry to read about your stroke. I had a cerebellar stroke  and disabled for life . Now 61. No doctor assessed me ever .I have had 3 assessments. I receive £61.45 pw. I produced a High Court Neurosurgeon  report  . Ignored .I complained to Ice gateway. 2.6 years later after numerous complaints the saga goes on. No change in money  or benefits. I have whistle blown direct to Mel Stride MP as he is responsible . everyone should as the DWP needs t be held to account.
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