Fill in my partners pip review january 2024 she got an extension till nov 2025,last week got a txt saying she has a telephone assesment next tuesday 11/02/2025. is this normal pratice during the review process are her chances of not getting her pip reduced because shes being assesed. she was on higher rate mobility and lower rate care.
All claimants being reviewed for PIP have an assessment - it's either paper-based, telephone, video or face to face. The majority of people have telephone assessments. The fact that your partner has been chosen to have a telephone assessment has no bearing on the final outcome of the assessment. I would advise, if possible, that you look at the guide to PIP claims and reviews and go through the questions that she may be asked at a telephone assessment. Review information is from page 129 onwards., including advice on making sure the assessment is recorded.
I hope it goes well for your partner.
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