How do I subscribe right now?

If you don't have an account, you can subscribe and create your account here.

You can pay by PayPal or Worldpay using any debit or credit card and get instant access to all our members guides and resources.  See below for our 7 day, no quibble, refunds policy.


End the misery of not knowing

Have you had enough of struggling to get what you're entitled to from an impossibly complex, confusing and unfair benefits system? Of not knowing what lies behind all those questions, forms and medical assessments? Subscribe to Benefits and Work and you'll instantly put an end to the misery of not knowing: not knowing what you need to write in the hundreds of boxes in that claim pack; not knowing what's going to happen at your assessment; not knowing how best to prepare for an appeal.

But Benefits and Work is about more than just, step-by-step guides to claims and appeals.


Join our community

Benefits and Work is a community.  One where you will never be subjected to hateful comments or criticism because you are a claimant or carer.

Many of our members have been with us for over a decade.  Some for the whole twenty years since we began.

They know that they will get up-to-date, accurate information about what is happening to their benefits, written by people who have no connection with the DWP and whose only source of funding is members subscriptions and training payments.

No government grants with strings attached, no funders to please and no requirement to avoid politics.

And by posting comments, participating in the forum, completing surveys and dropping us emails our members keep us informed about changes, problems and the realities of benefits claims and appeals.

It’s only because our members tell us, that we can describe what really happens at a PIP telephone or face-to-face assessments, for example.  And warn you of the many pitfalls and how to avoid them.

It’s the participation of hundreds and even thousands of claimants in our work that makes our guides and training unique.

And it’s the reason why hundreds of professional organisations, including advice agencies, housing associations and physical and mental health charities subscribe to Benefits and Work and use our training.

So, if you are feeling isolated, confused and under fire as a benefits claimant, join the Benefits and Work community and be amongst friends.


What do I get when I subscribe?

Subscribe right now, and you'll instantly get a full year's unlimited access to all our renowned guides to:

  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Employment and Support Allowance/ Universal Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance


  • You can share worries and get support from other claimants in our members only forum
  • You are eligible for 20% discount on our on-demand PIP training
  • You can read DWP materials we've obtained using the Freedom of Information Act


The best money I have ever spent.

Read more feedback


What are the limits on what I can use?

You can visit and download everything you need as often as you need for a full year.

All we ask is that you only use the resources for yourself or the person you're providing care for. If you want to use the guides in the course of your work then please join as a professional.


What does it cost?

A subscription to Benefits and Work costs just £19.95 for a full year.


Do you give refunds?

Every subscription comes with a full money-back guarantee.  Give our guides a try for 7 days. If they don't make a dramatic difference to how well you get on with whatever you're doing - completing a claim pack, getting ready for a medical or preparing an appeal - email us and tell us why you're not happy and we'll issue you with a full and courteous refund.