I cannot thank you enough for providing the guides! I followed them to the letter and my Grandaughter has been awarded higher rate mobility and higher rate care - she has Friedreichs Ataxia which has presented itself in the past 6 months. She has also been diagnosed with a bad heart. The guides were very clear in clarifyng what a normal 8 year old should be able to do and I kept coming back to that in every section.
My Sister-in-Law has bi-polar disorder and has had over 25 years of mental health issues. My brother filled in her DLA form last year and she was awarded lower rate care as she cannot cook a meal for herself. I filled in the forms with the guidance from yourselves beside me and she has now been awarded lower rate mobility and the highest rate in care - what a difference!
So use the guides put plenty of additional sheets in and do not be afraid to write exactly a day-to-day timetable. Good Luck.