I think you should email Olivia Hargadon at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating that you are distressed because her staff are not following their own internal instructions regarding your Telephone Only UC claim. These are the internal instructions- Maintaining the claim Claimants should be supported to move their claim online if appropriate because of the advantages this provides. The reason for the claim being made by phone will be recorded by the agent who takes the initial call from the claimant and will be shown in the claimant history to assist with tailoring claimant support appropriately. Any notifications or notes must still be placed in the journal as normal but in addition the agent will have to consider what other methods of contact to use. This also applies to claimant to-dos. All notifications added to the claimant’s journal should be posted to the claimant. This is so that they can take any required action and are made aware of when they have appeal rights against a decision. The monthly award statement must be posted to the claimant. To prompt this action a ‘Print and post statement’ to-do will be generated when the statement is produced. This will be located in the ‘payments due’ section of the agent dashboard.
I would ignore the UC 50 for now.
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