Important! It is no longer possible for claimants aged between 16 (18 in Scotland) and state pension age to make a new claim for DLA. People in this age should make a claim for Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

Members only can download all our disability living Allowance guides and other resources from here.

If you’re already claiming disability living allowance (DLA), but you’re having problems, then find out how we can help with:

If you’re not sure if are eligible, then look through our list below of 12 things that won’t affect your disability living allowance (DLA) claim. It may help to clear up a few misconceptions

12 things that won’t affect your claim

Disability living allowance (DLA) is a complicated benefit and many people, including some doctors, care workers and DWP staff, pass on information and opinions that aren’t correct. So we’d like to start by telling you 12 things that, no matter what you’ve been told before, don’t affect your right to claim DLA.

  1. You’re getting any other benefits (except attendance allowance, personal independence payment and some war pension or industrial injuries supplements) - DLA will be paid on top.
  2. You’re working.
  3. Your partner works.
  4. You’re a student.
  5. You have savings.
  6. You haven't paid any national insurance contributions.
  7. You don’t consider yourself to be disabled - DLA is for people with long term health problems which affect their everyday activities.
  8. You’ve been told by a doctor, nurse, care worker - or anyone other than a welfare rights worker - that you won’t get DLA. Eligibility for DLA is a legal question, not a matter of medical - or any other - opinion.
  9. You live alone and no-one is providing care for you.
  10. You already have someone, a partner for example, providing care for you.
  11. You’ve been turned down before. Many people who use our guides claim successfully after having been refused repeatedly in the past.
  12. You do not want to spend money on personal care: you can spend your DLA on anything you wish. There are a few things, other than your current state of health, which are important, however:

2 things that will affect your claim

1. Are you under 65?

Yes? You will not be able to make an initial claim for DLA, unless you are under 16 (under 18 in Scotland). You will have to claim PIP instead.

No? Unfortunately, if you are 65 or over, you cannot begin a claim for DLA. However, you may be able to claim a similar benefit called Attendance Allowance.

2. Have your health problems lasted at least three months and are they likely to last at least another six months?

Yes? Then you can claim immediately.

No? If they haven’t already lasted three months, you can still make a claim, but payment can only begin from the date when they have lasted three months. You can claim disability living allowance (DLA) on either mental and physical health grounds or a combination of the two.

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