Claim PIP for Anxiety

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PLEASE NOTE, When you are assessing yourself, the law says that you only count as being able to do something if you can do it safely; to an acceptable standard; repeatedly and in a reasonable time period. Guidance also says that 'pain, fatigue, breathlessness, nausea and motivation' should all be taken into account.
Daily living

1. Preparing food

For example, anxiety or panic can lead to pins and needles in your handles.  This might mean you need to use aids to prepare food or that you take much longer to prepare a meal than other people would. 

You may be distracted by intrusive thoughts and so need someone to prompt you to complete all the stages of cooking a meal.

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2. Taking nutrition

For example, you may need someone to supervise you when eating, as you are at risk of choking due to a panic attack.

You may have a poor appetite as a result of anxiety and need someone to prompt you to start eating or to finish your meal. 

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3. Managing therapy or monitoring a health condition

For example, you may have medication related to your anxiety that you do not remember to take unless you are prompted by someone else or by an alarm on your phone.

Therapies, such as counselling or CBT, may be undertaken at home by phone or video call.  You may need someone to prompt you to participate in these or to support you during the session.

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4. Washing and bathing

For example, you may lack motivation to wash/bathe because you sleep poorly or because you feel tense/on edge.  You may need prompting to wash or bathe because otherwise you would not think to do it.

If you are distracted by intrusive thoughts or a constant feeling of worry, it may take you more than twice as long to wash yourself as it would take another person who does not have anxiety.

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5. Managing toilet needs or incontinence

For example, your anxiety may lead you to not fully empty your bladder or think that you need the toilet much more regularly than you do.  You may need prompting from another person to manage your toilet needs to an acceptable standard. 

You may engage in compulsive behaviours around using the toilet, such as repeatedly checking you have cleaned yourself or repeated handwashing.  You may need another person to prompt or supervise you to make sure you complete the activity within a reasonable time. 

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6. Dressing and undressing

For example, you may feel anxious about your appearance and need someone to help you choose appropriate clothing for the situation or weather.   

If you have anxiety associated with your appearance, you may prefer to stay in the same clothes in which you feel comfortable.  You may need someone to prompt you to change your clothing. 

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7. Communicating

For example, you may experience selective mutism when extremely anxious.  You may need someone else to help you to interpret your non-verbal cues and communicate them as speech.

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8. Reading and understanding signs, symbols and words

For example, you may be able to read and understand information but take more than twice as long to do so as someone who does not have anxiety because you have difficulties with your concentration. 

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9. Engaging with other people face to face

For example, anxiety about social situations may lead to you avoiding them unless you are prompted by another person to engage. 

You may be able to engage socially with others but only in a very specific context, such as when undertaking a hobby you are interested in. 

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10. Making budgeting decisions

For example, you may worry excessively about making mistakes when making a purchase in a shop and so need someone to help you with simple budgeting decisions. 

Someone else may have to set up bill payments for you or organise your household budget because you find that trying to do this yourself triggers your anxiety. 

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Mobility activities

11. Planning and following journeys

For example, you may not be able to plan a journey within a reasonable time because of worrying about possible triggers, obstacles or dangers that could arise on the route. 

Due to forgetfulness, you may take wrong turnings when walking/driving or miss your stop when on public transport unless you have someone to prompt you about this.



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12. Moving around

We don’t think that anxiety alone affects your physical ability to stand and move.  But if you have other conditions that affect this, then take these into account when choosing the correct descriptor.

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