I have not received any incapacity benefit since Jan 2011. I telephoned them 6 times in Feb and asked them about my benefit. I was asked in for a "chat", I then received a letter on the Friday before my "chat" on the monday stating it would be an interview under caution. I went to the interview without anyone as I was not given any time to find someone. I have not received any letters from the DWP regarding them suspending benefit the only letter i have received is the one stating an interview. I asked the man about the benefit, he told me it was up to a Decision Maker this was all at the end of February. The interviewer stated off record that I should not bother to apply for any emergency monies as I had quite enough to live on with my pensions which incidentally they do know about. Would anyone know why they have not sent me any letters? should I be ringing them? it all seems rather threatening.