friend of mine had medical with atos nurse last week, and was amazed at her treatment. hardly any discussion about her illness but she focused on her social life, ie you like a drink with the girls histrionics etc, enjoy supporting local rugby football clubs, enjoy answer phone for family ie mum? even commented on how good her NH specs were!! whilst tapping her on the shoulder, all very patronising and no discussion on how she was coping, but was asked WHY SHE WAS NOT WORKING!!!! it lasted thirty minutes in which she probably summed up her whole life in that time. it did not seem like a medical but a report on habits and social life. she sweating on outcome as it really was not a medical as such.
Thanks for that information. Standard interrogation technique used by the British Secret Services that was developed in the second world war. I would suggest the premise is, is you have a social life you are capable of working. If I were asked, I would state because I can rarely get out of the house, due to my many and varied health problems, I don't have a social life.